Im a porn editor, ask me anything.
Im a porn editor, ask me anything
Do you enjoy it?
Do you get paid well in your opinion?
Do you ever beat off to what you edit?
Do you get fired if you're caught watching not porn at work?
What's the best plot you've ever seen and could you link a video to it.
look at the eyes of that man and ask again if he enjoys it
do u want to kill urself
What would need to be on your screen for your boss to do a double take as he's walking by?
What is there to edit? You just cut stuff out no?
At least he don’t get accidental cumshot on face.
Would you ever suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?
Wow the least creative subject to edit. Must suck to want to edit actual film/tv/cinema and be relegated to just porno flicks
Do you have to edit all the gay porn too, or is there another guy for that?
Ever get to fuck a porn star before?
Did you ever lick his asshole?
Have you lost all sexual desire? Does porn not get you hard anymore?
What software you using? How'd you get your current job?
What's the weirdest thing you've edited?
How do you get stuck with this job? Did you actually apply for this thinking it wouldn't be a shit show?
At least then he might feel alive
Do you edit porn?
Are you the reason most porn is a 20 minute blowjob and then 3 minutes of actual fucking?
Do you constantly have a boner ? Do you have to think twice before you stand up?
I get paid 40k a year
I enjoy it midly
No i never beat off to what i edit
Most of the plots are terribly bad.
But i've worked on some pretty cool stuff.
No i do gay porn too, it doesnt bother me
Here is me with my favorite pornstar
Nope, you get used to it pretty quickly.
A gay flick where this guy from the UK tried to do a fake german accent in order to play a nazi doctor using dragon dildos to fist fuck his victims.
Looks like he would like it tbh.
Adobe premiere pro
Applied online
It's terrible. I nearly had a burnout after 2 years
How competitive is the market?
Age? Penis size?
No, but my competitors are Pornhub and they are a bunch of massive douchebags
Not very competitive to be honest. Most of the directors are ex-convicts who got there cause they had friends in the industry.... My boss is an absolute retard who went from working at mcdonalds to managing porn editors.
I mean, most of the ''competition'' is in the big data and traffic management.
28 - Average size
Send her back to her mother
Is there a room to fap in your office?
What's her porn name?
GOOD CHOICE had some great faps to her
>inb4 read the filename
look at the filename faggot
could you get me a job there
OP how does one get into this field?
Also thanks for posting. Hard to get a real thread between all the trap and cock rate shit.
Did you have a job as an editor before this OP?
Yeah you can be a fluffer.
why she yr fave?
How did you get your start editing in general?
Do you find it harder to look at regular porn without being reminded of work?
And add the intro and credits if its going on DVD or some premium site
Not OP but she's a little qt3.14 and doesn't seem like a total moron or junky like many others.
is being a porn editor on your resume? or do you just try to act like you dont do this at all?
Age. Education. What do you want to be doing. What company.
reality tv editor here.
His reaction after they told him he can’t even put his arms around the girls.
Nice little ass.
Have you ever visited a set?
Very based OP. Good thread, Sounds like a fun job
What's the working environment like? What's next in the ladder of hierarchy? Is there a lot of opportunity for advancement? What's the salary cap?
Is that entire office dedicated to porn?
Ahhh, what a faggot...
If you enable 'Always on top', does the chick actually stay on top?
It seems that our pleb media player software doesn't do that.
Is sex just a turn off for you?
what video editing software do you use to edit video?