who will republicans blame when robots get their jobs? probably mexicans and jews
Who will republicans blame when robots get their jobs? probably mexicans and jews
Have you missed the /pol/ board? That's like missing the broadside of a barn ffs. We already blame kikes for everything under the sun, if not them then it's affluent royal families with net worth rivaling entire nations.
/pol/tards aren't responding so I came here
fuck how do you do that
Doesn't matter since it's a rehash topic. The law of Instant Gratification dictates that if something can be done easier with less effort needed, it will be done without fear of consequence. It won't only affect Republicans.
We wont complain about them taking jobs... We are the only people technically qualified to fix them. All the real working service people are white republicans. What we'll complain about is the politicians giving or wages away to the unskilled, unwashed masses to buy their votes to keep they're lazy corrupt asses in power to keep stealing our labor.
But, keep thinking that way, goy slave...
>We are the only people technically qualified to fix them
>automation and 3d printers are going to take everyones jobs
>better flood the country with an unsustainable number of "migrants" for some reason
or we could send automation to other countries to make them better
>we could send automation to other countries to make them better
Because just plunking down modern infrastructure the locals aren't ready for worked wonders in Africa. That's why they're still using the hospitals, schools, rail lines, etc. the Europeans built.
Goddam mexican robots, comin' here an takin' our jobs!
I know those fuckers using the laser eyes to cut through the damn fence
all the mclibs crying for $15/hour
enjoy your $15/mchour
your $15/hour pizza's here
touch to start
I actually love ordering my food from that
step right up
Just look at who owns the robots, and who sells them.
would I like paper or plastic?
place your odor here
if republicans cared about jobs,why did they elect somebody as their president with such a horrible business record?
>robots get their jobs
This has already happened
click here to tip me 21%
>a cow
Really? That's one of the least sexy animals.
At least you get plastic we don't even get plastic and we have to pay for the paper
Damn droids, taking our jerbs
the future is groceries car-side pickup and online chat with a store rep to find what you need, so you don't even have to go in a store. i imagine everyone will have a shopping account with walmart by 2025, stores will just be automated warehouses with workers sorting and stacking goods onto belts and conveyors. its a win win, except for jobs.