Ask spacetime traveler anything

Ask spacetime traveler anything.

Proof: Trump will be hosting daily press conferences in near future.

Attached: born_to_die.jpg (1000x1333, 664K)

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You are not. There is no time travel until they start the Quantum Tunnel Generator at MIT in the 22nd Century.

Who are You then?

Only someone that has insight into what will happen. But there is no time travel yet. Only temporal imaging.

Who is the next president after Trump

Hah. That’s easy. Biden, followed by Buttigeig. The republicans don't win again until 2036 and that’s after a massive restructuring.

What stock or coin should I be buying right now?

Edgy and gay

Gibe moni pl0x.

Integrated Micro-Electronics (IMI) is what you want.

>until 2036
lol retard, we all know the Republicans wont win after trump anymore because demographic replacement, this will lead to a civil war

Have you taken your daily dose of S0Y faggot?

What kind of music is popular in the future?

No, they do. But with a very good candidate. The mid-century is actually pretty positive for both parties. Politics are one an issue right now. The republicans will have better alliance with dems in the future. Trump is where it bottoms out.

Name and details of the next great spiritual leader?

Rock music for ever!

What is your insight then?

What happens with global warming from this point

im an Oracle and i say youre full of shit, we are headed towards a dark age

Whem Eu would Fall? Cant wait to Exchange few euros.

hold my bag lol

Will I ever get The Chargers back in San Diego?

Hi. I took a wrong turn in the multiverse, can you direct me to an existence with roughly similar laws of physics, no onions, and Dexter didn't become a fucking lumberjack? I'm late for a game of 4 dimensional scurbydurd.