Does anyone else hate atheists? This guy in particular is such a dickhead

Does anyone else hate atheists? This guy in particular is such a dickhead

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I'm an atheist and I hate guys like these.

Same. I don’t believe in god, but I hate the smug atheist YT channels.

Nope. Don't know who that guy is. Could you show me where this God guy is?

They are also hypocrites.
Any intelligent atheist cannot claim they can't be convinced, simply because they can't say that in the future there miraculously becomes scientific irrefutable evidence of a god. As unlikely as that sounds, as improbable as it is it could happen so any reasonable, intelligent human can be convinced.

On the contrary, if you cannot be converted you are guilty of the crimes you accuse of the believers. Close minded, unwilling to reason with logic and facts, believing solely in faith.

I think what really makes them annoying is they take the logic of true smart men and brandish it as their own without a slight of contribution and act like they came up with it themselves, when in truth they are double digit IQ brainlets with an intelligence complex, trying to hide the fact they are stupid with their shallow understanding of theology parroted without deeper understanding of the subject.

Then don't watch his Videos, nobody forces you to do so. It's not like he's doing missionary work, on your front yard, like some christian religions do.

who claims they can't be convinced? all this guy wants is evidence before he kneels in worship.

Militant atheists yeah, it's like they think being an atheist makes them special when there's millions of retards like them around

This thread is like going into Trap-treads and telling those abominations that they are worthless. You might get a temp. satisfaction from it, but in the end it's excatly what these mentally ill people want (attention), and you won't make them go away like this.

The militants are the retards, being atheist is just being normal.

Who gives a shit...spending your time being mad over other people being twats is a waste of energy..

Evangelicals are subversive idiots wvo are nearly singlehandely responsible for ruining both the Conservative Party, and America itself.

Stupid argument. I’ll watch and I’ll criticise.

I hear it a lot, actually. The atheist community is quite toxic nowdays. Most non-believers don't advertise unless asked anymore.

I mean, to put it simply atheism has gone the way of veganism

The extremists have taken over the movement, and most people vocal about it are trying to prove a point and assert their beliefs onto others.

sure, not all atheists/vegans are like that, but the ones who are chill and reasonable generally don't parade themselves around as such, especially since they don't want to be associated with the negativity.

>Does anyone else hate atheists?
Yes. I'm also mad at anyone who doesn't believe in santa.

Fuck you life must be sad and boring.

I don’t believe in god or care if you don’t. Obviously people in this thread hate a certain type of atheist, the militant ones, as has been made clear.

Not really.

Agreed. Extremists are cancerous.

Yup. I have to dance around the term whenever anyone asks me about religion because as soon as I say I'm an atheist, they just go
>...oh. Uh huh.
and I have to tell them that's just how I was raised and that I'm not gonna try and attack their dearly held beliefs.

That guy is actually god he just pretends to be atheist as a cover up.
Wake up.

he is alright..

religious people are wouldnt know what logical fallacy was if they read it in the bible

>religious people are would is stupid

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I know a lot of religious people that fit that bill

I also know a lot of religious people who've carefully thought threw their worldviews. I think they're wrong, but they're still able to make a case for why they believe what they do. To say they can't into logic just because they practice a religion is pretty fucking pretentious

Absolute truth right here. However, we're on Yea Forums and this is the fuel that Yea Forums requires.

If you had carefully considered your worldview, why would you believe in shit without proof? The time for belief is after evidence presents itself.

>religious people are wouldnt know what logical fallacy was if they read it in the bible

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>Any intelligent atheist cannot claim they can't be convinced, simply because they can't say that in the future there miraculously becomes scientific irrefutable evidence of a god. As unlikely as that sounds, as improbable as it is it could happen so any reasonable, intelligent human can be convinced.
But is IS reasonable to assert that the flawed arguments of TODAY'S theists is insufficient to convince any intelligent person to convert, such as the argument from first cause, or the watchmaker's fallacy.

I SUSPECT that continued discovery of universal truths will not evidence God because there is ample evidence that God is a concept created by humans, and humans from a time where understanding was severely limited at that. The Judeo Christian God was never mentioned before 2700 years ago, postdating most other religions of the time by about a millennium. Humanity did not have half its current understanding of the universe then. God has always showed up as an easy answer to things that are not understood, and those gaps close, time and again, forcing theists to reinvent their rhetoric to argue that their God never clashed with the science.

The people I'm thinking of seem to make a good case for why their belief system holds up, as long as you allow a couple of presuppositions (i.e., God exists and he wrote the bible). Why they choose to believe those things without proof, I don't know, it's why I'm no longer religious.

You also have to consider that there are different levels of religious belief. some just use religion as a moral framework, others use it to try to understand all aspects of the universe. imo the most reasonable people let science explain the universe as much as it can, and then fill in the gaps with their beliefs.

Lolol wow look at this retard

I'm an Atheist, and you can't tell me apart from normal humans.

>says he's not a normal human
checkmate, atheists

Atheism is just faggotry for know it alls who think science has it all figured out, atheists claim to be intellectuals but they are arguably much dumber than religious people, God is fucking real and you would have to be a petulant child not to acknowledge God's existence, you're allowed to disagree with, dislike, or even hate God but denying his/her/its existence is just childish and stupid

People can definitely tell me from normal humans, but for other reasons :^)

How do you know God exists? You could've spent that entire post telling us all how you're right and we're wrong, but you just called our intelligence into question without any substance to back it up.

Acting smug for no reason is not a sign of intelligence, it's a sign of being a faggot

I'm a postmodernist, which means I don't think it's even possible, let alone plausible, for science to "figure it all out", but I'm mainly an atheist, because while the existence of an all-powerful deity is technically possible at all times, I'm yet to see any convincing indicators at all, or a logical fallacy that points towards such an entity existing.
>inb4 when did the universe start?
If the universe needs a beginning then so needs god, this is just dropping the weigh of an un-answered question to the other side of the table.

Then tell me how you know God exists.

>shallow understanding of theology
As opposed to a deep understanding of historical fairy tales?

Nothing wrong with militant atheism.

It's a nessicary evil required to set a balance against religion getting shoved down your throat on the daily

So don't watch him, idiot ! I'm not even religious and I avoid all these commie "skepic" fags on youtube like fire. They just repeat anything they heard from their jewish "sciencists" that stole it form older sciencists. These shitheads doesn't deserve ANY attention. After day of reckoning libturds and commies will hang from trees.

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Well, i think you really might enjoy French or Russian revolution times..

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>Does anyone else hate atheists?
Thank you for pointing out, that religious people are hateful bigots.

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I agree with you about a lot of atheists. But just a point, this guy got a degree in theology so he did understand it.

I don't think this youtuber is an ass. He felt traumatized after he left an mlm cult and went on to get more preachy about religion later on in his youtube career because he can't make money on mlm videos forever

I have literally never seen a raging atheist starting a shitstorm.
There are always started by theists.

>dance around the term

Yeah, you get over that eventually. People are gonna make assumptions, no matter what your beliefs are. My closest friends all assumed I had no respect for them for years, entirely based on their own preconceived notions. Took us getting drunk together for them to actually confront me about it, and they realized they were wrong.