Porn is fucking awesome, I would literally rather watch porn and jerk off than have sex

porn is fucking awesome, I would literally rather watch porn and jerk off than have sex

Attached: ahegao.jpg (640x360, 31K)

You're crazy

Virgin detected

so you've never had sex, well done!

God for you. And while you're beating your joystick to internet pronz I'll be over here making what will most likely be one of your future watched videos. Cheers!

>im ugly and fat
>so i'll just pretend that i enjoy masturbating to porn more than sex so people will think it's a choice and not because i'm undesirable
okay user, ok

>spotted the virgin

Sex is nothing special, as much as you fedora fuckers put it on a pedestool, but it's a lot better than just rubbing one out.

>it's a lot better than just rubbing one out

no it's really not’s not smh
Literally warm tight pussy
Your fucking hand

I lost my virginity a decade ago you fucking retards

I think that whether you like sex or not is a) a temporary condition and b) depends a lot on your first sexual experiences. You can really get turned off of sex as a whole and it can all feel really meaningless and not worth it at all. I think that a lot of people just don't want to put in the fucking effort for sex, because it really isn't that great. Just my 0.02 though.

that's a guy

until you find out how awesome it can be, I was meh for ten years until I ran into some meth addled "from the window to the wall" little cockslut squalling gasping for breath clinging to me as I walked around with her on my dick doing it in every room, every position, every surface

Or.... your hand.

>>I would literally rather watch porn and jerk off than have sex

Spoken like a true virgin

Attached: 63C9497F-9511-4A1F-BE52-EAF89721234D.jpg (500x500, 35K)

You just have a porn addiction. It will negatively affect your behavior sooner or later and it will make life more difficult.

>be me
> be 23
> be with gf of 4years
> she is a sexual freak
> we fuck every day for the first 2 years
>We start having less sex but none of us complain
> we have sex once a week
> I masturbate like crazy every day we do not have sex
> I start losing interest in real sex because porn is easier and more interesting
> Gotta get therapy to recover from that.
>Stop watching so much porn
>Back at fucking my gf regularly
>less sexual stimuli during the week but more satisfying life
>Porn is fun but dangerous.

I hope she gets hit by a train

Why not watch porn during sex? Get best of both worlds.

Ignore the porn-addict fags. Do what you want and hope for the best. That's what everyone else does.

Thats my life right now. Have a gf i can almost always do anything with. Buuuuuuuuuut the downside of that is shes too sub or just lazy.
I will have to initiate, decide wat do this time and then make myself sure that i and her will cum.
Porn is more interesting, quicker and does the job with ogaboga brain.
Addicted af, tried to quit with 3 or 4 days as the nofap record. Haaaaaalp

Have you fucks ever put a Fleshlight in hot water with lube?? Not same as pussy but God damn I've cum so hard before.

I had a gf that was crazy about sex with me, we did every kind of thing and fetish

One day I told her that I wanted to watch hentai on my computer while she sucks me under the table, I have to say that it was amazing, because I get harder on hentai than real girls, but obviously masturbating isn't the same than a blowjob.

Conclussion: Combine porn/hentai with a blowjob and you'll be in heaven.

I believe this guy