I'm estranged from my wife. We sleep in separate bedrooms and everything. If it wasn't for our kids, we'd be divorced years ago.
Anyone in the same boat?
I'm estranged from my wife. We sleep in separate bedrooms and everything. If it wasn't for our kids, we'd be divorced years ago.
Anyone in the same boat?
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I bet your wife’s pussy smells good
I sneak in and fuck your wife at night. Sometimes I fuck your ass too.
It's all yours, friend
no i'm not a retard that fell for the "get married and have kids" meme lol
Easy there pajeet
If a person doesn't really love you, there's nothing you can do
What differences have divided you? Financial? Sexual?
I was 18 when we got together and had family pressure. Found out in the last few years that the female physique doesn't arouse me at all. Haven't acted on it yet but am sorely tempted to have some fun on grindr.
How are your children handling this?
Lots of issues we never addressed from the beginning of our relationship which made things terrible now. Moral of the story kids is address relationship issues early and don't get tied down
I spray curry diarrhea all over your clean sheets too. Pajeet strikes again.
They're 3 and 1, pretty well cause they don't know any better
Can't say we sleep in different beds, but we are becoming estranged since we just had our first child. Tbh op couldn't care less for her but for my child I'd gladly let her sink. I just hope she gives me a reason to sink her.
You either separate before the kids have memories or you keep it up until they're old enough to handle it.
Also is your and your wife's relationship bitter/hateful or is it just your faggotness? Why not settle for just being roomates to each other?
Wait till the kids are 18, then diverse her.
Same boat. Married almost 11 years. Kids 11 and 5. Sex slowed to once a month after marriage. Died after 2nd kid was born premature (but healthy). Got a vasectomy after kid #2 because she said getting her tubes tied would be "too invasive" even though it was HER medical condition that made having more kids dangerous.
At first, she said the problem was her libido. Then she wanted me to get help for anger issues. Never touched her in anger, but wouldn't YOU be angry if your wife cut you off?
Never cheated. Go to therapy twice a week. Take anti-depressants. Wife doesn't get any psych help. Refuses couples therapy. Says she doesn't love me and doesn't want to try after 5 years of hard work improving myself in therapy and career wise.
She sleeps in our kids' room. Haven't shared a bed in 3 years. I would happily take her back if only she showed me she cared. I'm tired of pretending everything is ok with family. Thinking of killing myself sometime later this year while the kids are away. Don't be me.
I thought when we got married and had our first child we would be partners forever. I guess she didn't see things that way. I don't want to date/marry again because it won't be the same the 2nd time around. Don't want to live to see my wife date again or hear my kids call a new guy "dad."
Just leave. Better for the kids that their father leaves than find out that he killed himself.
Read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi, it will help you a ton.
Similar. Four kids 13-11-7-5 all perfect and awesome little rats. Wife has slowly shown that she is a covert narcissist with no values, just the need for the upper hand.
Eldest two are starting to see she's a bitch and lose respect for her. This makes her mean and angry. She called the cops once during a big fight, plead guilty, female judge recorded no criminal offence.
Starting to feel like i can't live without sex, but cheating would bring drama and bullshit into kid's lives, and i couldn't face the hassle. It's all about the children now.
>The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi
looked at this a while ago, it confirms that anyone who thinks they have women worked out is a comfy idiot who doesn't know shit
Why don't you divorce before things become toxic and your kids end up hating you?
thanks man
heres some bro advice a good man dicks his girl down at least once a week and cheats on her once a month
this is a real post- very hard for many, hang in their bros
Please elaborate?
Postpartum depression?
Sounds like you will make some lucky woman a great husband and you're a good Dad for working hard for your marriage and Kids.