I'm going to kill myself

i'm going to kill myself.
how should I do it ?

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By living a full life until you die.
You're dying either way, might as well piss off the universe and not be a pussy about it.


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Go to a Baptist church, you will change for the good

By seeing a therapist and realizing that their is unironically a lot to live for my dude

Congratulations on embracing your mortality.
Your life just ended, Remove yourself from the shit situation and go out on an adventure.
Learn how to ride a motorbikd, How to shoot a gun. Live in a tent, Find anyway you can to survive. Fish, steal, Work. Become a real life badass. Then fight crime or go to a war zone. Who cares if you die.

Or you know, Choke yourself out with a car in a garage. It’ll all go black and then we’ll have a bit more oxygen to play with.

Unironically, this.

Fuck christian cults you’re all a bunch of no-good thoughts ans prayer fags.

Find yourself a really tall building, at least ten floors, with rooftop access. Get some super glue and a very long cable of piano wire, enough to reach about half way down the building. Go to the roof, secure the piano wire to something up top (AC/heating unit, heavily bolted ladder, anything will do as long as it's secure), tie the other end of the piano wire as a slip knot around your neck. Spread the super glue on your hands, stick your hands to either side of your head. Wait for the glue to dry. Take a running leap off the building. When the noose goes taught about half way down the building, it will slice through your neck and make it look like you ripped off your own head while plummeting to your death.

slowly with alcohol

Shotgun to the dick

I would suggest procrastination. It's kept me alive for 50 years now.


This is the best method


That's a nice one that your should consider!

Face down in a puddle

Christ loves you

Old pasta but good


>tie the other end of the piano wire as a slip knot
Easier said than done, also unnecessary.

old age works every time

source of gif?

Stab yourself to death to show everyone how much you hated your life.

yo you should become the punisher and go around beating people up until you get shot

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Honestly the best way to die is to die a legend.
In some countries you can get registries of local paedophiles and sex offenders and stuff like that. Start stalking them from afar, mapping out their daily routines. You'll need to find a day where you can conveniently kill all of them with minimal risk of someone finding out per kill, so that you can hop over to your next target. Make sure to leave one alive, and use him as a hostage.
Post a manifesto online of how all padeophiles/sex offenders are scum that don't deserve life once you've secured your hostage.
Wait for police to show up, do negotiations with them. Your goal is death by cop. Make sure to kill your hostage too.

You'll go down as a badass martyr and inspire a lot more people to do the same.

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Why? Describe the problem without incriminating or mentioning details that can be linked to you.

I'm genuinely curious.

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Can someone remind me the story here

Don't do it. U gonna make it somehow.

ive been unironically thinking about doing something like this for months

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people who think that the mindset of someone who is thinking about killing themself would EVER equate to "haha now I don't CARE about life, I'm going to go be a badass and do a bunch of awesome stuff! with no fucks given because I now have nothing to lose!" are absolute retards beyond saving. fitting with the thread theme, go kys