Met a cute chick at my shitty Amazon warehouse job. Small, petite...

Met a cute chick at my shitty Amazon warehouse job. Small, petite, but tatted up and kinda looks like she has a meth/drug problem, and still wears braces, should I go for it and ask her out?

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>wears braces
check age, bang her out back, then dispose of her

Why not

Well she works overnight at an Amazon warehouse so safe to say 18+

>Chick at work
>Ask out
>Wonders why HR is calling him into their office few days later

Well it's an Amazon warehouse

get a blowy for me user.

>asking out a girl at work
>in 2019
Do you like your job? If not, go for it. If you do, find a girl elsewhere.

>has tattoos
Hope you weren't looking for anything but sex and emotional manipulation.

probably not because if she's not interested it could be sexual harassment and you can get fired

I'm sure we just hit a downturn in life at the same time seeing we both ended up at an Amazon warehouse working overnights on weekends

Don't creep on this poor girl user. Just harass the men at your Warehouse, you have to take it way too far to get turned in. Most won't even turn you in for fear of feeling weak and gay.

Nah, she's the one who keeps talking to me not the other way around. (Obviously I say hi when I see her, but that's just it)


So fuck her behind all the boxes and then ship her to france.

Haha you work in a warehouse.

Yeah, yeah, we all hit low points in life. At least mine has a QT

Get to know her and see what kinda chick she is. Might just like alt style, might be a meth skank. If it's the latter, bail

Treat her right. Be the best thing that ever happened to her.

She's originally from Fresno, if that means anything

Braces are a no go for blowies

If you're amateur

You can definitely keep talking to her until you're reasonably sure she's into you and not just being friendly.

Talk about stuff happening in the local area and see if she says shit like "I'd love ve to go to tgat." or just outright suggests y'all going together.

The big mistake most social retards make is skipping this process of providing opportunities for mutual escalation and seeing if the other person takes it up a notch. Just randomly asking a girl out on a date isn't how this shit works anymore.

I'm on b because I'm passing time at work. You are on b to ask degenerates if you should ask a girl out... The internet has destroyed the youth. Jesus


>The big mistake most social retards make is skipping this process of providing opportunities for mutual escalation and seeing if the other person takes it up a notch.
And while your social retard ass is waiting, she's already dating someone else

I'm more concerned about you blowing your body out for only $15/hr... SoCal cost of living is fucking craZy.

Fucking a warehouse-pretty chick is the least of your worries. Also 'eating where you shit' rarely works out well unless you are in completely separate areas, so you don't have the expectation of seeing each other all the time

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>Fucking a warehouse-pretty chick

like I said beforeI kinda doubt its her long term plan to work here, same as me

>I'm more concerned about you blowing your body out for only $15/hr.
+ the 1.50 overnight differential

Nobody plans to work a shitty job forever, but it happens. What makes you think your or her are immune?

That said, go for it. This guy has the right idea.

>What makes you think your or her are immune?

Basically I am going for a career change when my manager fired me, have to pay the bills cause im not a neet so Amazon was the quickest hire. Shes new to the area and I figure its the same for her

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The shift dif is 1.149, so $1.15 extra. Also while overnight has a lot less upper management around to be dicks, few people can handle graveyard shifts, so chances of injuries and equipment accidents are a lot higher.

I work as an industrial nurse for a large distribution center. Union shop. I've taken care of fractured ankles, crushed toes, work enduced heart attacks and lack-of-food diabetic comas in addition to the normal strains and sprains. While the company is always trying to get away with 'doing more with less' they do on several levels actually care about their employees and they don't fuck with me when I send sombody to the hospital, making an injury OSHA recordable. The union also helps keep things sort of fair.

I've heard horror stories from people who worked at Amazon that now work for us. You are definitely considered a flesh covered machine there and no fucks will be given about you.

Girls come and go, but you only get one healthy back, or one set of healthy knees. Surgery never gets you back to where you were before.

So op, always remember, lift with your legs, never your back; never twist, always turn your legs and don't ever sacrifice your body because they try to scare you into being unsafe

>Girls come and go, but you only get one healthy back, or one set of healthy knees. Surgery never gets you back to where you were before.

what are you trying to say?


Play with her vagina on purpose

Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think!

Think with your big head. Take care of yourself above all right now because your 'short term job' has the real ability to permanently fuck up your health if you aren't careful.

Obviously you posted here to get an echo chamber of "Omg OP, go hit on that goth girl!!1!1, she's the one :3" Don't act surprised that someone thinks it's fucking stupid and is trying to give you a nickels worth of free advice


Yeah, you're planning on a career change. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
All those poor bastards working there into their 50s had those plans too.

>Yeah, you're planning on a career change. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen.

I'm literally going to school for it since it's specialized af

>All those poor bastards working there into their 50s had those plans too.

And that's cause they decided they didn't want to learn from their mistakes

You have to pass a drug test to work in an Amazon FC in the states? Man that sucks. Canada we didn't have to pee in a cup at all.