

Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Screenshot_201904250046511.png (480x465, 296K)

i will cast my happy magic on you
once i learn how

Attached: Dh1QAKTVAAAk9AO.jpg orig.jpg (915x1163, 130K)

Attached: 1527545530756.jpg (327x384, 31K)

once i get my wizard powers ill learn the happiness spell and ill cast it on you right away

Attached: DtR5_WUV4AACw6C.jpg orig.jpg (1081x1585, 128K)

Why not cast it on yourself

Attached: image.jpg (780x780, 71K)

happiness magic is for casting on others!
and i dont need it, im okay.

Attached: DdodjYBUQAA_Dk4.jpg orig.jpg (2592x4096, 362K)

I'll cast it on you then

Attached: akarikyokokids.jpg (950x1014, 666K)

that's fair.

Attached: DaMU8_0VwAALCB_.jpg orig.jpg (724x1024, 58K)

Should I order food?

Attached: 1555348197857.gif (133x128, 562K)

yeah if thats what you want. i ordered like two pizzas last week because the thought of making my own food was too tiring

Attached: DY4mHgFVAAA70Ky.jpg orig.jpg (2115x2934, 316K)

waifu thread?

waifu thread is over here fren

Attached: DYp0DIxU0AAnQgp.jpg orig.jpg (1245x2048, 247K)

I'm tired

Attached: illust_68258172_20190309_094449.jpg (1760x1244, 760K)

it's just a joke but thanks

very cute
me too
oh, sorry.

Attached: DkD4MchU8AEKaRB.jpg orig.jpg (2219x1505, 248K)

Ü‚Very cute

Attached: 25025993_1624405047644006_3918128587730845696_n.jpg (320x320, 17K)

spineless coward

Attached: WhatthefuckdidyoujustfuckingsayaboutmeyoulittlebitchIllhaveyouknowIgraduatedtopofmyclassintheNavySea (690x932, 88K)

thank you

Attached: DgIc7k7UYAEGcXj.jpg orig.jpg (817x900, 129K)

you couldn't know

What are you up to tonight

Attached: me_060_.gif (362x261, 1.13M)


Attached: me_004 .png (314x278, 129K)

Attached: SabeR177.jpg (850x744, 104K)

fair enough
i'm just listening to music, i want something really sad but it doesnt always work that way
what about you?

Attached: DYLotI3VoAEOun8.jpg orig.jpg (1500x2000, 173K)


Attached: me_011 .png (310x320, 61K)

Have you listened to chicken wire

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Attached: me_009 .jpg (362x346, 38K)

Attached: 8_31.jpg (486x459, 68K)

no but they seem a bit upbeat for me, thank you anyway
here's a random thing i like even though i dont like anything else by this guy youtube.com/watch?v=9BivElqncFs

Attached: Dz7DloGUwAAlEYb.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1442, 291K)

i'm out of question mark anime girls

Attached: me_029 .png (779x720, 639K)

It's a song about a girl killing herself by running the car I'm her garage with it shut
I dont know how upbeat that can be

Attached: Disgust.png (350x445, 100K)


Attached: me_040 .jpg (930x1024, 395K)

there's a band called "chicken wire empire" that does bluegrass-y stuff.
im guessing that wasnt what you meant then
i might need to be spoon-fed this one, sorry

Attached: DYVhuWqVwAAbXZ6.png orig.png (1654x2126, 616K)


Attached: itoddlersbtfo.png (313x291, 134K)

thank you ill give it a listen right away, sorry about that

Attached: DqmYO3_U8AAPB99.jpg orig.jpg (1100x1700, 171K)

Dont be sorry.

Attached: BT_JM_0010.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

oh, i had this one

Attached: me_084 .jpg (612x716, 313K)

So you have this one?

Attached: Rollerino218.jpg (854x556, 75K)

i feel guilty so i'm sorry

it was good, i liked it! thanks. this is my favorite song about someone killing themselves youtube.com/watch?v=kX9OjGw8pOg

Attached: DeCcXktU8AApGGj.jpg orig.jpg (2048x2048, 639K)

Epic suicide!

Attached: 1552680209581.gif (540x540, 1.47M)

you didnt even finish it yet

Attached: Df0UUmuVAAEqTM2.jpg orig.jpg (1818x2048, 645K)

No I'm listening to it right now.
I mean suicide is epic

Attached: fa9b480c525fa109be8f3b0a92e40af3.jpg (2480x3507, 469K)

i dont think its epic.

Attached: Dm-jAbxU8AArYp5.png orig.png (800x1130, 527K)

Suicide is bad ass

Attached: ak11.png (721x403, 255K)

i dont think its badass either
but its alright if you do

Attached: DZjJmR5V4AATiJq.jpg orig.jpg (2142x4093, 802K)

Attached: ooccc43hq2411.png (1600x1276, 826K)

thats really cute, did you make it yourself?

Attached: DavcCHNUQAAqlbA.jpg orig.jpg (567x1132, 53K)



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that's okay

Attached: Dc__ozXUwAAzaV6.jpg orig.jpg (1089x1190, 107K)

Attached: 00.gif (400x250, 1007K)

you'll be okay

Attached: DrgENFnV4AA__3_.jpg orig.jpg (707x1024, 110K)

Can we play vidya when I get internet?

Attached: 1547760878035.gif (430x530, 1.98M)

of course

but for now im going to bed, sorry im getting super tired
i hope everyone has a nice night

Attached: DZX7JfzU0AAY1Uf.jpg orig.jpg (1531x1911, 258K)

Sleep well fren

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Attached: pizza_nom3.jpg (742x1115, 63K)

what are we waiting for?

For them to return

who are they?

user op

ok. who are you?


For how long have you been making these threads?

A year and a month.
That's when he left

why did he leave?
when will he come back?

What kind of food should I order tomorrow?

Attached: 1_QEk5slJ9ZTKOy809z2bT8g.png (959x505, 418K)

He left because of cat user I think
He has been back a couple times..
He won't be fully back for awhile..
Either to get support or when he is done..

>What kind of food should I order tomorrow?
Get a nice chicken wrap

Attached: 1556806184105.png (390x422, 195K)

hey, Aki.
sorry for sperging.

Attached: 1557466863634.png (955x1267, 1.89M)

>hey, Aki.
>sorry for sperging.

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What do I wrap the chicken in?

Attached: tumblr_otlxai5CiJ1ueipndo1_540.gif (540x304, 651K)

ok. Sorry for bothering you

still no comprende

Attached: me_127 .jpg (840x700, 96K)

>What do I wrap the chicken in?
A blanket
You aren't bothering me

Attached: 1094227.jpg (600x480, 38K)

you've lost me

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unshared context

Attached: 1496663855419.png (1000x1000, 264K)

There is no context you are reading into it too much

Attached: 1547895191183.jpg (632x468, 57K)

Canucks sure eat some weird food.
You have a link to that artist by any chande?

Attached: GDpA1eu_d.jpg (640x904, 74K)

Are you stalking me?

Attached: 1548267346579.png (305x180, 43K)


Attached: 14.jpg (519x384, 55K)

*hugs qt*

Attached: 1509899.jpg (555x600, 60K)

Are you being stalked?

Attached: 62960dba25047687cf1504b287af4ebc.png (819x1157, 552K)

Only by cuties

Attached: 1547898966033.jpg (480x480, 32K)

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How are you?

Attached: 1547892709797.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

no idea, sorry

Attached: 1558331882917.jpg (607x800, 125K)

You guys really are twins

Attached: 1547893828537.jpg (408x560, 50K)

feeling like garbage
hope you're comfy

Attached: 57033321_p0.jpg (1500x844, 1.02M)

i want to have incestual relations with my twin and kill him at the same time

Attached: 66.png (217x220, 57K)


Attached: honk honk.jpg (778x656, 44K)

Not the most comfy I'm sick but I did sleep all day..
Why are you feeling like garbage

Attached: 1518017315727.png (355x339, 119K)

I'm new here

Attached: 1556835033618.jpg (900x1273, 749K)

i need a smoke

Attached: 1543467826205.jpg (800x994, 198K)

welcome! what's your name?

Attached: 20180221_045819.jpg (1071x962, 152K)

Hello new here I'm akari
They just told you

Attached: akarin.png (328x520, 46K)

because i am garbage
no worries though
at least i'm comfy

Attached: 30329262_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 439K)

dis ebil bread know smelly ice peepol goway

Attached: 165378946578.jpg (494x655, 196K)

Damn thanks anyway.

Attached: unknown.png (360x360, 159K)

>i am garbage
you are

Attached: 498171546.jpg (660x720, 74K)

Cute fox

Attached: 74488476_p0.png (963x1500, 1.14M)

That's not true yew ice
Know yew agg denker

Attached: 1295162.jpg (511x551, 56K)

i hate being pretentious... pious? bragging? i hate feeling better than other people.
please stop

Attached: PUNISHED YUI.jpg (421x399, 31K)

No one has names here silly qt

Attached: 1556849684005.png (279x120, 53K)




Attached: DDahYVvV0AME5wU.png (650x920, 513K)

Sure thing, new here

Attached: 1197056.jpg (430x430, 46K)

u ice gett plumeld dis ebil town
eye nam u floof

Attached: 165789457242.png (623x480, 496K)

At least spell it correctly Its [spoiler]fag[/spoiler]

Attached: 1557377190563.jpg (1920x1080, 666K)

Ebil smel ike ice flower iz ice
Can we be frens

Attached: 69adb34133dde6604f7e906d1092da50.gif (500x281, 1006K)


Attached: 1557393658858.png (523x604, 268K)

What do frens do?

Attached: 1547763656914.jpg (400x300, 102K)

floof fig fren, fff das yor nam know floof
u knot gett we wiff dat. onlie ice tings smelly ebil hab know smell

Attached: 1587546786535248938.jpg (1120x1288, 371K)

our similarities grow more each day. we both have someone who needlessly hates us.
they swim and they fish but that's what i do all year round

Attached: D6RyUhLUcAANdQF.png (1024x2048, 294K)

I don't know

Attached: 1557444845095.jpg (608x927, 445K)

Den y yew smeli
Can we hug?

Attached: b3NrytW_d.jpg (640x580, 27K)



Attached: PUNISHED YUI 4.jpg (778x720, 82K)

beecuz u smel owwn butt

Attached: 134627894763.jpg (684x667, 68K)

Know eye ebil nu hab smal yew ice Ken smeli

Attached: 500.gif (500x493, 254K)

Yes plz but then I have to go take care of official [spoiler]loli[/spoiler] business

Attached: 1556839067651.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

i know, right?

okay, sorry
i always forget i need to be more cheerful

ice ebil dubs of lies

Attached: 68752843_p0.png (1748x1181, 780K)

u fib eye nebar dew ice ting en whole lyfe pure ebil u en bread frens smelly ice peepol

Attached: 15379856576853.jpg (850x689, 95K)

hey, we're both down together
let's make the best of it.
us Slavs know something about suffering together, right?

Attached: 1533174547915.jpg (1454x1920, 531K)

You dont need to do anything. I'm the only one that needs to fake being cheerful
Yew ez sew ice fur say ice

Attached: 1547760492918_1.jpg (512x512, 21K)

Italian is always nice

dubs ovb truff com bak wen u gett digits smelly fren
et knot comliemet u thum sukar
frens knot ned to fake anyting jest bee u

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Attached: 1538376974079.png (726x720, 249K)

Being me is very depressing and boring.
Nobody wants to listen to someone complain all thread

Attached: ak55.png (350x343, 107K)

the main problem with us slavs suffering is that we tend to make other people suffer with us because we are white niggers

hey, you've always been an amazing OP

but digits mean n-nothing!

Attached: 64313011_p0.jpg (462x470, 106K)

like hell we do!
let's drink

Attached: 1544388600754.jpg (1113x1200, 188K)

i don't think you should drink

Attached: peace.jpg (683x384, 51K)

Is this a dubs thread now?

It's weird to think I'm OP I dont really do much... when will we go to Japan?

Attached: meaning.png (257x282, 89K)

i've never felt better

Attached: 1537488533808.png (750x1020, 460K)

knot tru u ez funn n mak ebury habby. et iz fin two complane wen u ned two eye know bread frens wood tri hellpin beecuz dey ice peepol et hert
ice dubs maybee twomorrow u feell beetur

Attached: 164789676835.jpg (850x1020, 162K)

Yew write yew our ice fren

Attached: CKPi4G-o_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

eyem ebil ez knot ike eye say al dat beecuz i ike frens ore sumting

Attached: 157849753462.jpg (850x1063, 158K)

yeah, and then you vomit
i puked in a friend's car once
i was sleeping in it and was very-very drunk and couldn't figure out how to open the door
good times

you're being friendly, that's the most important part

i'm fine, fren :O

Attached: Matsumoto-san.jpg (628x664, 63K)

i feel like vomitting right now and i'm fine

Attached: 1344473364934.jpg (850x1091, 150K)

Hehe yew funi
Do you want to be op?
You can be op
I feel like vomiting

Attached: ak23.jpg (439x439, 28K)

vomit party! let's go!

Attached: 0f8c8dfa3c9a022f605a8097c20187d8079e8f72_00.jpg (507x337, 23K)

let's see if there's an Akari-version of Vomit-chan

what? why?

nah, you're the perfect OP

Attached: Nadeshiko.jpg (437x466, 58K)

fin ez beetur den baad eye hope et tern entwo gud feel
know eyem ebil dummy n dot u fourget dat

Attached: 127896768973486.jpg (1078x1500, 655K)

Sleeping party

Attached: ak30.gif (311x320, 338K)


Attached: 1543552346132.jpg (610x508, 105K)

this, too!

Attached: 34_11.png (548x765, 478K)

Ebil funi
You are the perfect user
this, too!

Attached: 1547761681687.gif (476x463, 416K)

dot mak funni ovb we

Attached: 15368767685793.png (697x1047, 278K)

Eye gib ebil ebil hug

Attached: 1547213779471.png (530x633, 366K)

Attached: ak8.png (1024x1399, 378K)

Attached: 2.gif (500x300, 234K)

know wunt hugs icky gib two sumon els

Attached: 15678965762347.jpg (850x1063, 215K)

i need to get up early tomorrow.

Attached: 1543454332215.png (1200x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: ak52.gif (191x185, 2K)

*hugs qt*
What's tomorrow?

Attached: ak42.png (381x420, 161K)

what's wrong?

Attached: 1411533376327.png (905x900, 549K)

doc appointment

Attached: 1552676079354.jpg (206x206, 14K)

Missed quads

Attached: ak14.jpg (480x480, 27K)

den u ned luuts ofv rest go slep
y u hert we

Attached: 165978674632524.jpg (800x600, 54K)

well, whatever

oh, but that feeling is kinda nice, isn't it?



Attached: 70813489_p3.jpg (1700x2160, 286K)

What a fitting picture..

Yew habi kno fib



