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May 22, 2019 - 02:05
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May 22, 2019 - 02:16
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May 22, 2019 - 02:20
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May 22, 2019 - 02:22
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May 22, 2019 - 02:23
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May 22, 2019 - 02:25
i will cast my happy magic on you once i learn how
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May 22, 2019 - 02:27
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May 22, 2019 - 02:28
once i get my wizard powers ill learn the happiness spell and ill cast it on you right away
Attached: DtR5_WUV4AACw6C.jpg orig.jpg (1081x1585, 128K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:30
Why not cast it on yourself
Attached: image.jpg (780x780, 71K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:31
happiness magic is for casting on others! and i dont need it, im okay.
Attached: DdodjYBUQAA_Dk4.jpg orig.jpg (2592x4096, 362K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:34
I'll cast it on you then
Attached: akarikyokokids.jpg (950x1014, 666K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:35
that's fair.
Attached: DaMU8_0VwAALCB_.jpg orig.jpg (724x1024, 58K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:38
Should I order food?
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May 22, 2019 - 02:40
yeah if thats what you want. i ordered like two pizzas last week because the thought of making my own food was too tiring
Attached: DY4mHgFVAAA70Ky.jpg orig.jpg (2115x2934, 316K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:41
waifu thread is over here fren
Attached: DYp0DIxU0AAnQgp.jpg orig.jpg (1245x2048, 247K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:42
I'm tired
Attached: illust_68258172_20190309_094449.jpg (1760x1244, 760K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:43
it's just a joke but thanks
May 22, 2019 - 02:44
very cute me too oh, sorry.
Attached: DkD4MchU8AEKaRB.jpg orig.jpg (2219x1505, 248K)
May 22, 2019 - 02:45
thank you
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May 22, 2019 - 02:50
What are you up to tonight
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May 22, 2019 - 02:51
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May 22, 2019 - 02:52
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May 22, 2019 - 02:53
fair enough i'm just listening to music, i want something really sad but it doesnt always work that way what about you?
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May 22, 2019 - 02:54
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May 22, 2019 - 02:54
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May 22, 2019 - 02:58
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May 22, 2019 - 03:00
no but they seem a bit upbeat for me, thank you anyway here's a random thing i like even though i dont like anything else by this guy youtube.com /watch?v=9BivElqncFs
Attached: Dz7DloGUwAAlEYb.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1442, 291K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:00
>8_31.jpg i'm out of question mark anime girls
Attached: me_029 .png (779x720, 639K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:01
It's a song about a girl killing herself by running the car I'm her garage with it shut I dont know how upbeat that can be
Attached: Disgust.png (350x445, 100K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:02
Attached: me_040 .jpg (930x1024, 395K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:03
there's a band called "chicken wire empire" that does bluegrass-y stuff. im guessing that wasnt what you meant then i might need to be spoon-fed this one, sorry
Attached: DYVhuWqVwAAbXZ6.png orig.png (1654x2126, 616K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:04
thank you ill give it a listen right away, sorry about that
Attached: DqmYO3_U8AAPB99.jpg orig.jpg (1100x1700, 171K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:06
Dont be sorry.
Attached: BT_JM_0010.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)
May 22, 2019 - 03:08
>itoddlersbtfo.png oh, i had this one
Attached: me_084 .jpg (612x716, 313K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:10
So you have this one?
Attached: Rollerino218.jpg (854x556, 75K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:11
i feel guilty so i'm sorry
it was good, i liked it! thanks. this is my favorite song about someone killing themselves youtube.com /watch?v=kX9OjGw8pOg
Attached: DeCcXktU8AApGGj.jpg orig.jpg (2048x2048, 639K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:11
Epic suicide!
Attached: 1552680209581.gif (540x540, 1.47M)
May 22, 2019 - 03:13
you didnt even finish it yet
Attached: Df0UUmuVAAEqTM2.jpg orig.jpg (1818x2048, 645K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:13
No I'm listening to it right now. I mean suicide is epic
Attached: fa9b480c525fa109be8f3b0a92e40af3.jpg (2480x3507, 469K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:14
oh. i dont think its epic.
Attached: Dm-jAbxU8AArYp5.png orig.png (800x1130, 527K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:15
Suicide is bad ass
Attached: ak11.png (721x403, 255K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:16
i dont think its badass either but its alright if you do
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May 22, 2019 - 03:19
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May 22, 2019 - 03:26
thats really cute, did you make it yourself?
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May 22, 2019 - 03:27
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May 22, 2019 - 03:32
that's okay
Attached: Dc__ozXUwAAzaV6.jpg orig.jpg (1089x1190, 107K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:33
Attached: 00.gif (400x250, 1007K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:37
you'll be okay
Attached: DrgENFnV4AA__3_.jpg orig.jpg (707x1024, 110K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:38
Can we play vidya when I get internet?
Attached: 1547760878035.gif (430x530, 1.98M)
May 22, 2019 - 03:43
of course
but for now im going to bed, sorry im getting super tired i hope everyone has a nice night goodnight
Attached: DZX7JfzU0AAY1Uf.jpg orig.jpg (1531x1911, 258K)
May 22, 2019 - 03:44
Sleep well fren
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May 22, 2019 - 03:44
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May 22, 2019 - 03:59
For how long have you been making these threads?
May 22, 2019 - 04:19
A year and a month. That's when he left
May 22, 2019 - 04:20
why did he leave? when will he come back?
May 22, 2019 - 04:25
What kind of food should I order tomorrow?
Attached: 1_QEk5slJ9ZTKOy809z2bT8g.png (959x505, 418K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:26
He left because of cat user I think He has been back a couple times.. He won't be fully back for awhile.. Either to get support or when he is done..
May 22, 2019 - 04:27
>What kind of food should I order tomorrow? Get a nice chicken wrap
Attached: 1556806184105.png (390x422, 195K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:27
hey, Aki. sorry for sperging.
Attached: 1557466863634.png (955x1267, 1.89M)
May 22, 2019 - 04:28
>hey, Aki. >sorry for sperging.
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May 22, 2019 - 04:30
Attached: me_096 .jpg (1280x720, 127K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:31
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May 22, 2019 - 04:33
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May 22, 2019 - 04:34
What do I wrap the chicken in?
Attached: tumblr_otlxai5CiJ1ueipndo1_540.gif (540x304, 651K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:35
ok. Sorry for bothering you
May 22, 2019 - 04:35
youtube.com /watch?v=mQER0A0ej0M still no comprende
Attached: me_127 .jpg (840x700, 96K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:36
>What do I wrap the chicken in? A blanket You aren't bothering me Twin
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May 22, 2019 - 04:37
you've lost me
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May 22, 2019 - 04:39
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May 22, 2019 - 04:43
unshared context
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May 22, 2019 - 04:43
There is no context you are reading into it too much
Attached: 1547895191183.jpg (632x468, 57K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:45
Canucks sure eat some weird food. You have a link to that artist by any chande?
Attached: GDpA1eu_d.jpg (640x904, 74K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:46
Are you stalking me?
Attached: 1548267346579.png (305x180, 43K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:48
*hugs qt*
Attached: 1509899.jpg (555x600, 60K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:54
Are you being stalked?
Attached: 62960dba25047687cf1504b287af4ebc.png (819x1157, 552K)
May 22, 2019 - 04:57
Only by cuties
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May 22, 2019 - 04:58
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May 22, 2019 - 04:58
How are you?
Attached: 1547892709797.gif (500x281, 1.08M)
May 22, 2019 - 05:00
okay... no idea, sorry nigger
Attached: 1558331882917.jpg (607x800, 125K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:01
You guys really are twins
Attached: 1547893828537.jpg (408x560, 50K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:02
feeling like garbage hope you're comfy
Attached: 57033321_p0.jpg (1500x844, 1.02M)
May 22, 2019 - 05:02
i want to have incestual relations with my twin and kill him at the same time
Attached: 66.png (217x220, 57K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:03
Not the most comfy I'm sick but I did sleep all day.. Why are you feeling like garbage Oh?
Attached: 1518017315727.png (355x339, 119K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:04
I'm new here
Attached: 1556835033618.jpg (900x1273, 749K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:07
i need a smoke
Attached: 1543467826205.jpg (800x994, 198K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:07
welcome! what's your name?
Attached: 20180221_045819.jpg (1071x962, 152K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:07
Hello new here I'm akari Oh? They just told you
Attached: akarin.png (328x520, 46K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:08
because i am garbage no worries though at least i'm comfy
Attached: 30329262_p0.jpg (1000x1000, 439K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:09
dis ebil bread know smelly ice peepol goway
Attached: 165378946578.jpg (494x655, 196K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:09
Hmmm Damn thanks anyway.
Attached: unknown.png (360x360, 159K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:10
what? ... >i am garbage you are
Attached: 498171546.jpg (660x720, 74K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:10
Cute fox
Attached: 74488476_p0.png (963x1500, 1.14M)
May 22, 2019 - 05:12
That's not true yew ice Know yew agg denker Hmm Oh Oh
Attached: 1295162.jpg (511x551, 56K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:13
i hate being pretentious... pious? bragging? i hate feeling better than other people. please stop
Attached: PUNISHED YUI.jpg (421x399, 31K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:14
No one has names here silly qt
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May 22, 2019 - 05:14
discord. gg/dV5QnWm
Attached: DDahYVvV0AME5wU.png (650x920, 513K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:15
Sure thing, new here Ok
Attached: 1197056.jpg (430x430, 46K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:16
u ice gett plumeld dis ebil town eye nam u floof
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May 22, 2019 - 05:20
At least spell it correctly Its [spoiler]fag[/spoiler]
Attached: 1557377190563.jpg (1920x1080, 666K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:21
Ebil smel ike ice flower iz ice Can we be frens
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May 22, 2019 - 05:23
Attached: 1557393658858.png (523x604, 268K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:25
What do frens do?
Attached: 1547763656914.jpg (400x300, 102K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:26
floof fig fren, fff das yor nam know floof u knot gett we wiff dat. onlie ice tings smelly ebil hab know smell
Attached: 1587546786535248938.jpg (1120x1288, 371K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:27
our similarities grow more each day. we both have someone who needlessly hates us. sorry they swim and they fish but that's what i do all year round
Attached: D6RyUhLUcAANdQF.png (1024x2048, 294K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:28
I don't know
Attached: 1557444845095.jpg (608x927, 445K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:29
Den y yew smeli Can we hug?
Attached: b3NrytW_d.jpg (640x580, 27K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:33
Attached: PUNISHED YUI 4.jpg (778x720, 82K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:36
beecuz u smel owwn butt
Attached: 134627894763.jpg (684x667, 68K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:36
Know eye ebil nu hab smal yew ice Ken smeli
Attached: 500.gif (500x493, 254K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:38
Yes plz but then I have to go take care of official [spoiler]loli[/spoiler] business
Attached: 1556839067651.jpg (1280x720, 140K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:38
i know, right?
okay, sorry i always forget i need to be more cheerful
ice ebil dubs of lies
Attached: 68752843_p0.png (1748x1181, 780K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:40
u fib eye nebar dew ice ting en whole lyfe pure ebil u en bread frens smelly ice peepol
Attached: 15379856576853.jpg (850x689, 95K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:40
hey, we're both down together let's make the best of it. us Slavs know something about suffering together, right?
Attached: 1533174547915.jpg (1454x1920, 531K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:42
O.O You dont need to do anything. I'm the only one that needs to fake being cheerful Yew ez sew ice fur say ice
Attached: 1547760492918_1.jpg (512x512, 21K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:42
dubs ovb truff com bak wen u gett digits smelly fren et knot comliemet u thum sukar frens knot ned to fake anyting jest bee u
Attached: 189746576879345.jpg (850x1280, 193K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:47
Being me is very depressing and boring. Nobody wants to listen to someone complain all thread
Attached: ak55.png (350x343, 107K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:49
the main problem with us slavs suffering is that we tend to make other people suffer with us because we are white niggers
hey, you've always been an amazing OP
o-okay... but digits mean n-nothing!
Attached: 64313011_p0.jpg (462x470, 106K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:52
like hell we do! let's drink
Attached: 1544388600754.jpg (1113x1200, 188K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:53
i don't think you should drink
Attached: peace.jpg (683x384, 51K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:56
Is this a dubs thread now?
It's weird to think I'm OP I dont really do much... when will we go to Japan?
Attached: meaning.png (257x282, 89K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:56
i've never felt better
Attached: 1537488533808.png (750x1020, 460K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:56
knot tru u ez funn n mak ebury habby. et iz fin two complane wen u ned two eye know bread frens wood tri hellpin beecuz dey ice peepol et hert ice dubs maybee twomorrow u feell beetur
Attached: 164789676835.jpg (850x1020, 162K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:57
Yew write yew our ice fren
Attached: CKPi4G-o_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)
May 22, 2019 - 05:59
eyem ebil ez knot ike eye say al dat beecuz i ike frens ore sumting
Attached: 157849753462.jpg (850x1063, 158K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:03
yeah, and then you vomit i puked in a friend's car once i was sleeping in it and was very-very drunk and couldn't figure out how to open the door good times
you're being friendly, that's the most important part
i'm fine, fren :O
Attached: Matsumoto-san.jpg (628x664, 63K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:03
i feel like vomitting right now and i'm fine
Attached: 1344473364934.jpg (850x1091, 150K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:05
Hehe yew funi Do you want to be op? You can be op I feel like vomiting
Attached: ak23.jpg (439x439, 28K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:06
vomit party! let's go!
Attached: 0f8c8dfa3c9a022f605a8097c20187d8079e8f72_00.jpg (507x337, 23K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:07
let's see if there's an Akari-version of Vomit-chan
what? why?
nah, you're the perfect OP
Attached: Nadeshiko.jpg (437x466, 58K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:09
fin ez beetur den baad eye hope et tern entwo gud feel know eyem ebil dummy n dot u fourget dat
Attached: 127896768973486.jpg (1078x1500, 655K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:09
Sleeping party
Attached: ak30.gif (311x320, 338K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:09
Attached: 1543552346132.jpg (610x508, 105K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:09
this, too!
Attached: 34_11.png (548x765, 478K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:10
Ebil funi You are the perfect user this, too!
Attached: 1547761681687.gif (476x463, 416K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:11
dot mak funni ovb we
Attached: 15368767685793.png (697x1047, 278K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:14
Eye gib ebil ebil hug
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May 22, 2019 - 06:16
Attached: ak8.png (1024x1399, 378K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:17
Attached: 2.gif (500x300, 234K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:17
know wunt hugs icky gib two sumon els
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May 22, 2019 - 06:18
i need to get up early tomorrow.
Attached: 1543454332215.png (1200x1080, 1.02M)
May 22, 2019 - 06:18
Attached: ak52.gif (191x185, 2K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:18
*hugs qt* What's tomorrow?
Attached: ak42.png (381x420, 161K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:19
what's wrong?
Attached: 1411533376327.png (905x900, 549K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:19
doc appointment
Attached: 1552676079354.jpg (206x206, 14K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:21
Missed quads
Attached: ak14.jpg (480x480, 27K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:21
den u ned luuts ofv rest go slep y u hert we
Attached: 165978674632524.jpg (800x600, 54K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:21
well, whatever
oh, but that feeling is kinda nice, isn't it?
Attached: 70813489_p3.jpg (1700x2160, 286K)
May 22, 2019 - 06:22