I want to control women's bodies. I'm not creepy, I swear

I want to control women's bodies. I'm not creepy, I swear.

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I Tandy fat a ghost your turkey huge ft gung-ho had gang-related go dancemail defogger

Is Barr the new Kavanaugh to the left?

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I want to kill a baby because I’m too dumb to either use contraceptives or not get cummed in.

how's it feel knowing your political party spied on world leaders without a warrant and then lied about it and spent $30 million dollars trying to prove something that didnt exist

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I want to make little girls cum


They did technically have a warrant, but they also withheld vital information from the Judges signing off on said warrants. Information that if they seen or knew about wouldn't have gotten them their warrants needed to spy.

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I did this last week

Eww....what a fucking creep he is!

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>votes in Barr
>Barr doesn't bend the knee to Illuminati conspiratorial Left
>Left vows to get revenge
>Left being investigated for crimes against the Country
>Left to be hung to death for treason by Military Tribunal
Sweet Justice.

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If women controlled their own bodies, none of this would be happening. We need to step in because it’s not the unborn children’s fault that their mothers are irresponsible dumbass whores.


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I like you.

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You sound like the type of guy we need in the abortion debate. (sarcasm)


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Pro-tip: Every straight guy want to control women's bodies. It's called sex.

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Umm, I think your definition of "sex" is different than mine!


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Then you're an idiot

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Because I’m right, and you know it.

Yeah, if you say so sweetheart!

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>We need to step in....
Who is asking you to do that?

>Ripoff the rights meme

fuck da baby bro there are more pressing global matters that need to be addressed. you care so much about the life of the child but prolly dont give a shit bout the famine in yemen or other global conflicts forcing millions of people to become refugees

quads confirms the Left's stupidity

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Hope i see u in street fucker

Cher, is that you?

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Leftist warmongers and Neocon "conservatives" (RINOS - Republicans In Name Only (that means "actually a democrat posing as a Republican")) are the reason why the USA is in 7+ wars around the world, and the reason why Saudi Arabia is enabled to force a famine on Yemen.

The Left forces the abortion argument down everyone's throats; you love it. The Right fights back; WoAh MaN ThErE's MoRe ImPoRtAnT ThInGs!!!!!

You caused it. Republicans are trying to fix the shit you broke, and you're complaining that Republicans are the problem. Those refugees are only fleeing because of the mess the Left and their RINO allies caused. None of this would've happened if the Neocon RINOS and the Illuminist Left didn't start the 4-state solution.

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That's what a lunchroom bully in middle school would say.
Typical anti-fascist doing fascistic threats. Go hit yourself with a bike lock you moron

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Did you fail your civics class in high school?

That's because he's a Russian troll. All they understand is macho man talk.

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High school isn't going to teach you modern politics the way it's supposed to be taught.

He who controls the present controls the past, who controls the past controls the future.

The school systems would never teach about what Obama REALLY did while he was President. The school systems would never tell you what actually happened in History because they don't want the truth to be known.

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

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When was the last time you heard a woman say, Fuck the doctors, even if it kills me, I'm having this baby! Never. Birth is rarely lethal anymore, regardless.

When was the last time you heard, I was raped! And she had the baby, went insane and killed half her block before herself.

This woman's health and mental health is bullshit. These people make Adolph look like Mother Teresa. They are gruesome, heartless, soulless, narcissistic tools of everything evil.

Well said user

>women hate fascists
>proceed to tell other states what they can and cannot do

it would be one thing if all these people were from Alabama, its another when its the network of Jews who always complain about everything

is alabama where they keep their dead child farms or something? jesus christ

No grandma’s here. I want to control little girl bodies

It does happen where a woman gives birth to a baby after being raped. But, that's the point, she should have the choice to. The new laws proposed by mostly men in power don't take that into account.

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Killing babies: chicks dig it

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Your picture may be dumber than you.
Democrats tried passing a law last year that would allow abortion after birth.
Should that baby have the same rights that you or I have?

Democrats don't think so.

Should we allow abortion to even take place while the mother is dilating and that human being is ready to leave her body?

Democrats think so.


>I cant take responsibility for my own actions, like allowing a man to fuck me and cum in my cunt
>Guess I gotta go get this baby vacuumed out.
>and also its men's fault that I'm pregnant, fucking patriarchy!!!!!

The biggest problem with the Left is their INABILITY to take responsibility for their own actions.
It TOTALLY can't be that you're just a fucking retard. Nooo, no. It must be the PaTrIaRcHy!!!!!!!!@!@

Just stop posting

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>tried passing a law last year that would allow abortion after birth.

God, that is the stupidest bullshit I read on here in a long time. Go back to the Fox news forums.


>believing politifact

"Organizations that contributed more than 5 percent of total PolitiFact revenues in the previous calendar year be listed here:

• The E.W. Scripps Company
• Facebook"

Source: politifact.com/truth-o-meter/blog/2011/oct/06/who-pays-for-politifact/

Facebook pays for politifact.
You trust Zio-Jew Cuckerborg, that's fucking embarrassing and you should feel embarrassed that you even spoke.

Imagine belittling people for pointing out that Democrats support post-birth abortion, and then linking to a Democrat fact checking site as proof.

Didn't the Democrats also use Democrat News articles as proof of "collusion" in the Trump FISA warrant? You retards live in such a bubble holy shit.

Brainwashed fucking moron

Oh, I'm sorry, I conflated two different ones.
The NY one they literally would allow abortion up until literal birth, meaning after dilation.
The other was Virginia's Democrat Governor talking about murdering a child after it's born.

The fact that they want to kill children at, or after birth, is proof enough that they are fucking evil and heartless.

also, check my trips

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>You trust Zio-Jew Cuckerborg

You sound like a rational person capable of making good judgment on a wide variety of political issues. hehe

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The irony of attaching that image to your statement.

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Imagine trusting Zio-Jew Cuckerborg after he literally sold your data to Cambridge Analytica, who sold your data to the US Government.

You're a sheep being led to slaughter. Good luck, don't say anything that doesn't fit their narrative or you're gonna get B&!

It's a rational decision to delete your Facebook when you realize they have lied to you about privacy from Day One.

Zuckerberg is helping the fucking Communist Chinese censor the internet. You trust that guy even in the slightest? You're an idiot and I stand by what I said.

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and you stole my trips, fuck you!
this post will be trips. check em.

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The movie The Social Network couldn't even deny that Zuckerberg created Facebook as a way to stalk the girls he wanted to fuck.

Facebook is such a meme.

It's such an invasive Government system that you can't even remove Facebook from an Android phone. (At least I can't uninstall it on a Samsung Note 9).

If that ain't suspicious? Can't remove a third-party bloatware from my Google Android phone. I wonder if Google is working with Facebook...

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"Mark Zuckerberg Created Facebook to Get Non-Jewish Girls"
~Huff(a gassy rag)Post

I don't think he created it, I think the movie was a was to program people into believing the story that he did.

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Also highly likely. However, he's the poor fucker who has to defend (lie for) the company in front of Congress under oath. So if he is just a plant, the stakes are very high. He's under penalty of perjury if he lies (which he did). I want to believe he didn't create it. I don't really believe he created it. Either way, Facebook is BAD news.

pic unrelated

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Well, those are some big perks for such an easy lie.

>a man is creepy and controlling
whoa amazing this has never happened before
call the news