Racial evelisim thread

from the most evil to the least evil races:

>disgustingly evil territory

Central Asian

>evidently evil territory


>between good and evil territory


>evidently good territory


>angelically good territory


Before you all go "wut bout dat 1 tim deez ppl did dat sheet" or anything like that. I'd like to advice you to open a history book.
>b-but we can't learn all of human history
SHUT THE FUCK UP. The past 500 years alone are more than enough evidence.

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How are we evil?

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down the /pol/ and to the left

>Some people did bad stuff 550 yeas ago omg I care for these people back then so much

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by not being aggressive nazi muslim scum

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>lemme establish a caste system based on racial superiority and inferiority. You can either be superior or inferior in this heairichy but lol the lowest people aren't part of it because they are "untouchables"
Stop oppressing the aboriginals. But that is only one thing anyway.

And this is why you're on the top you emotionless evil bastard.

>lets still pretend that Arabs were not Blood thirsty maniacs that literally killed Millions because of muh Islam

What ?

TLDR: being successful means being evil in MENA. No wonder your countries are such shitholes.

>Noooooooooo, stop extracting our resources and playing us off against one another

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Basically this, BASED. Whites=jews=whites

You aren't succesful. You're a leech for european economy and end up still shit.

I'm indigenous where do I fit in?

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Do you have a sister ? I can save her from her fate of cleaning toilets in UK.

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Your ancestors literally traded slaves dude.

I disagree with OP
Indians good
I like Biryani rice.

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evil is subjective


you're a Mongolian Norwegian mutt

um sweaty this list is in reverse

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here are my favorite races tho.
>non med europeans
>japs, turkics & mongols
>andean, mayan, plains & inuit native americans

>Let's spin history around so it would fit my evil views


you evil bastards. Say sorry NOW

Being indigenous in scandinavian means being a white-central asian mix. Which means your people are on disgustingly evil territory. Fuck you


native americans and central asian mongoloids are brothers, if they are evil we are evil too

I forgot to put Asian /east-asian in the list. I guess they belong on evidently evil territory. I'd also bring Slavic lower to between good and evil territory.

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>tfw waking up and knowing you create butthurt by just existing

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MENA and meds are the most evil

shut the fuck up I'm 1/16th zanji. If anything my ancestors were victims. I will never forget what white """people""" did to black people.

sounds like something whitey would say

why do you have to be racist like this???

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stop calling me that

natives americans and central asians aren't the same race unless you would go with asians but they also don't look the same . They have different histories. Central asians are inherently more evil than the Amerindians. Only whitey is more evil than them.

we acknowledge what you inherently are. your people were a mistake. But the mistake shall be fixed. One day, violently.

You can make an argument for Med given what they did. But you can't put us next to them when they oppressed us for long centuries. Are Meds evil? Of course everyone knows that. But we're not in evil territory.

I can literally feel the racism through the screen. Also stop trying to trick me.

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t. Chamar

Blacks are the most evil people in the world along with arabs and jews.

Why are meds and slavs evil? And why aren't arapes up there too?


you just proved me right you evil bastard

what the fuck are you saying?? I've never heard of black people committing a mass genocide of 100,000+ people. But your people did. We too weren't big on being prejudice against others you twisted freak.

Meds and Slavs are imperialist oppressors and genocidal maniacs. All the way back to the ancient times. Well not the ancient times for Slavs as they have no ancient history but you know how it is. Meds killed everyone in the americas while with Slavs the Russian empire is enough to show you what they did. You have a german flag you should know how evil russia is.

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>I've never heard of black people committing a mass genocide of 100,000+ people.
They did it entire history, just not against other races. They killing themselves, enslaved their neighbors and sold them.
>We too weren't big on being prejudice against others you twisted freak.
Yeah, right, it's me who prefer religion of hate, war and murder.

>I've never heard of black people committing a mass genocide of 100,000+ people

But your people did

>what the fuck are you saying?? I've never heard of black people committing a mass genocide of 100,000+ people.
Every year in America

we created all abrahamic religions and all of were against racism. Of course the scum races of europe twisted them and used them for their evil deeds and used them to justify their racism.
And what you said about black people is the biggest bullshit I've heard all day. Give me on genocide were black perpetrators killed more than 100,000+ people. I can tell you about slavic genocidors who killed millions if you want.

fuck off we were persecuted all of your history. There were crimes committed in MENA but it was by other races. We're not inherently evil like whites or central asians.

100,000 americans weren't killed in the last 30 years alone. But your lying ass is claiming black people kill 100,000+ americans a year?? LOL!! most crimes in the US are committed by white people. Starting from the ones in the government.

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yikes at this larp. everyone knows UAE is populated by white bois and white passing oil sheiks who moved there just to legally fuck kids and network with their fellow millionaire pedophiles

whites are good niggers are evil and your pic proves it

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>Faggot territory

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Fuck white people.

>/int/ mods for some reason decided this shit thread was too good to be deleted and instead went to Yea Forums

Someone should take this guys "art" ben garrison style and make it into
"we are all the same" "human rainbow" togernesss propaganda