Write him a letter

Write him a letter


Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-04-20-at-2.43.38-PM-e1492717481946.png (600x431, 363K)

Mr. President

I'd like to inform you

Dear Donald Trump,
I love you but Jews are bad.


The jews...

Gibe more dat moneh

You're a orange faggot

Mr. President


but i love you
you are the greatest guy ever
thanks for being you
love you millions,
kind regards,



Oy Trump very good job you get five shekles.



dear donald trump,crawl back into the liberal dumpster you came out of it and take your family with you.real republicans care more about the constitution then your anti immigrant bullshit

whoa sounds like somebody is a cuckold

here's bumpstock boy

Well anti immigration is a conservative view in general, and 2nd literally every politician is now a conservative, just some hide behind the vail of liberal

Ur incel frump and getting CANCELED

You spoiled little shit. Just like Dubya, all of daddies' money can't hide the fact that you are a worthless, lying piece of shit.

-The American People


Newfags everywhere.

Sorry OP, thread could have been great. But newfags with their multiple words...

conservatives and trump supporters are 2 different people.conservatives have never supported donald trump,and would never support him anyway.he's a piece of shit

vote democrat

plus conservatives could care less about immigration,and know that donald trump is an idiot who cant even get a successful immigration plan to begin with


>hurr durr,look at me.me hate trump,hillary women good.even though donald trump is as much of a democrat as i am


salty tears

sure kid

sure kid

lord of the rings


ctrl+f > nigger > no result found
wtf /b....

Dear trump why are your supporters such insecure racists who talk tough on the interwebs but outside when confronted by a black man shaking and pissing themselves out of fear?


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I have beaten up 6 niggers actually you delusional little bitch.

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where you want to meet me so i can beat your ass bitch nigger? I'm in Buffalo bitch

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did you karate chop them?
>no, u did not
holla back when you can karate chop faggot-kun

sorry I'm not gay

Legalize it already you fucking orange blob faggot

theft of further shekels will not be tolerated

dear trump please maga and stop caring what the hatters think fuck em we are ready for a revolution

Dear old faggot man, Give me a green card and let me live off the wage slaves

When you fuck Dems in the ass in 2020, will you pull out and shoot a load of victory on their fag faces or will you rupture their insides with a hot load of win?

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>> stop caring what the hatters think
Good fuck, can't you hatters spell?