My roommate is going out of town for a weekend. What pervy shit can I do in her room while she's gone...

My roommate is going out of town for a weekend. What pervy shit can I do in her room while she's gone? I've already thought up
Jacking off with her panties
And looking through her computer for nudes or other spicy stuff

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Install a hidden camera

Jizz in her milk.

Poke holes in any condoms you find

You could just straight-up fucking killer. I'm not even joking just prepare a shotgun and wait the entire time until she comes home. You're going to miss a lot of sleep but at least you'll pull the trigger at the right second. I haven't done it before but I think it would be the hottest thing ever

Seek help

Sleep in her bed or spray a touch of your cologne on her pillow so that when she gets back and sleeps, she'll associate your smell with comfort and warmth. Maybe that'll get her to cuddle with you.

Either do that or straight up rape her idk

pretty sure it was sarcasm [spoiler]not 100% sure though[/spoiler]

Everytime you need to fart go in her room and fart. You should even cut a hole in her mattress and plant your own poop in there and sew it up.

Get naked and lay down in her bed, jerk off whilst there in her private space

Go through her panty drawer and fap, obviously.
Also, post pics.

See if she has any high heels in her room and jerk off with them.

When i was younger i used to cum on my hot cousins tooth brush

Shit in her drawer

Empty her bodylotion. Create a liquid that has a Ph-Value from about 3,5-4,5. Cum into the liquid before she gets home. eventually she will wash her pussy with your cum and you get her pregnant with some luck.

will the sperm die in regular shampoo and body wash?

Split/piss into her cap of tea or coffee so she will drink it, onsome meta level .

pretty sure that's not how cum works but okay

yeah it will die after a Minute or two. But if you create an chemical enviroment similiar to the inside of a pussy it can survive up to 72 Hours, if the temperature is not too high or low.

Optional is a PH-Value of 7.5 not 4.

Post pic of roommate. Need to see if it's worth it

you mean opTIMal?

I did this to my housemate. Jizzed in her yogurt for days and she ate it all.

yes. there are shower gels with a ph value of 7,5 for People with sensitive Skin. If you swap it out and cum into the gel daily it could work.

Cum in every shampoo, conditioner, lotion, etc. Watch as she bathes in you.

Why does she deserve any of this?

I hope she has a hidden camera installed. Hilarious if she catches him on camera fucking with her stuff.

I would instantly look for nudes.
Post her face btw

What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet? Post on #shitpost-chat-nsfw to not get automaticly banned by a niggermod on Yea Forums NIGGER YES YOU ARE A NIGGER, JUST DO IT YASTODAY SAID TODAY THEN J U S T DO IT .\invite\zSyp9sX
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You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX

Attached: afba08.png (1400x1400, 3K)

This. This times 100.

Yes! I’m not the only person who does this and thinks it’s hot!



hidden cameras from all angles, those tiny ones that are hard to see wipe your arse on her socks and set her desktop background to a pic of ur arse hole

lol. sperm lasts a while, it has its own food so if it is fresh cum- say 1-2 days there is a chance... that is, IF THE FREAKING GIRL SHOVES LOTION INSIDE HER VAGINA