Why is my son such a fucking loser

Why is my son such a fucking loser

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His father browses Yea Forums.

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Fpbp also /thread


because you fed him like a pig and is too fat to do anything. Also you bought him the god damn thing and let him take it there instead of actually experiencing the world while hes a kid. Technology like that is for mature people.

dunno why you all bother

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hi dad

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dont mind me, just posting in a /thread

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If you're on Yea Forums in the first place you obviously have nothing better to do.

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Most children are. Everyone thinks their child is going to be a scientist or an astronaut or a famous celebrity, whereas in real life they're just middle class schlubs living from paycheck to paycheck. And these are the lucky ones...

Have a you, nigger. We know you cant survive without gibs.

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because of you your wife or gf.

cry moar Cletus.

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got his genes from his loser Yea Forums dad


still mad after all this time eh?

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now he acts like he doesn't care.

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He takes after his father

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Because you’re a boomer and you sold his future to fucking Israel

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Back to your containment board.

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Like father, like son.

is this kid doing VR on a beach? Nice! Wish my kid was VR on a beach cool.

What the hell is old spandex dude doing in the background? Golf?

what is that?

I think it’s bee larva

Odd. That's exactly what a boomer would say.