How do bike thieves get passed your lock like one in pic? I own a $1200 bike and always worry about it getting stolen

How do bike thieves get passed your lock like one in pic? I own a $1200 bike and always worry about it getting stolen.

Attached: 71BYzMD3zfL._SX425_.jpg (425x419, 11K)

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bring it inside?

I do. But I lock it up to go food shopping or to the gym.

Nice try nig-nog, I’m not teaching you how to steal a bike.

niggas be usin voodoo n sheeit

Attached: voodoo.jpg (480x269, 14K)

Good bolt cutters will get through those u locks also hacksaws
????? Are you this retarded
I don’t even steal bikes or use tools for work but understand the the basic tools for the task you are asking about.

Nobody has the strength to use bolt cutters on something so thick.

expensive bikes like your have quick-release wheels. take those into work with you.
chaining the frame to a fence (preferably the other side of the fence) will do just fine

also stop working in scunthorpe, poorfag

I got my $100 bike stolen previous year. There is no sense in more expensive bikes.

get a cheaper bike for that, it won't be targeted and you won't have to spend a lot of money on expensive locks - and on that point, no lock will stop a bike thief who has the right tools and motivation to get it, all locks can be broken, all bikes can be stolen.

Bolt cutters...

the answer is no lock is thief proof.

don't own a bike that you cant afford to have stolen. put locking skewers on it. those new york kryptonite locks are about the best you can get. you gotta make two cuts to get through them, and it's hardened steel and it'll fuck up bolt cutters if they can even get around it. learn to lock your bike properly, you need two U-locks. too bad those things weigh like 25 fuckin pounds each.

the long and short of it is don't leave your bike outside in public for long periods of time. if you're at work and it's there for the business day, that's fine. if you're going to bed and it's out at your apartment's rack, that is not fine. put it inside your house or inside your car.

because nobody has invented a ratcheting bolt cutter...

I live in Lincoln, so I greatly understand and appreciate this

it's not about the strength of the man, it's the hardness of the bit. the high speed steel they use in bolt cutter blades are the same type that they make the shackle out of in these locks. so instead of cutting, you bend the lock and shatter the bolt cutters.

Hull fag checking in

I work at a garage and I have a milwaukee battery operated angle grinder that will get through that in 30 seconds or less

what about if you cut the steel using a dragon scimitar?

East midlands life

hydralic cutters


Attached: dd.jpg (464x254, 19K)

Buy a 100$ bike, retard

for that kind of lock, an angle grinder or being a pretty good lockpicker. both are pretty hard to do in broad daylight.

the whole point of getting that lock is that most thieves won't bother. But leave your bike out overnight and anything is possible.


case in point

OP's pic related is a bit beefier, probably going to need a solid minute or more. again, hard to do in public and/ or in broad daylight.

Fucking right in the kek

Well at that rate they may as well just cut through the bike and steal your expensive ass locks

There are so many ways to break through bike locks. Hacksaw, picking the lock (some which could be picked with the inside of a bic pen back in the day), bolt cutters, and my personal favorite: using a car jack to break open those U-locks. Pretty ingenious.

If you live somewhere shitty and need to lock your bike up outside for more than a couple hours it will eventually get stolen.

I used to live in downtown Atlanta and just had to give up on a bike. They would last like 2 weeks.

have you tried not living by niggers?

I've got a bike that is far cheaper than yours, and i use two locks, one smaller one for the front wheel.

dont do it jamal

undo the spokes every time you lock it

LaVelle, this is yo mama speaking. I thought you had put all this in your passed.