ASOIAF book faggots i have a qustion for you

ASOIAF book faggots i have a qustion for you.

I enjoyed the show, S1-S4 were great, S5-S6 were good, S7 felt like something was wrong and S8 just felt totally rushed. I'm not pissed with the ending, just how we got there and the plot holes and shitty dialogue and missing info. But I thought the actors did a fucking fantastic job.

Anyway, do you think it is worth me picking up the books? I mean, I like my fantasy stuff, Tolkien and what not, used to play Warhammer when I was a kid.

My main worry though is that I will start reading them, get up to date and GRRM will die before he finishes either The Winds of Winter or A Dream of Spring. Which would leave me feeling just as unfilfilled as the last couple of seasons of the show did.

Should I start the books now? Or maybe wait and see if they all get released and then start when I know it's safe?

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Stop sucking kike cock and do something meaningful with your life. Fucking manchild

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Because what you’re doing, posting racist epithets on a board full of teenage virgins and degenerates anonymously is so much more meaningful.


I’ve read the books. Would not recommend. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, actually they are pretty fun. But you’re gonna be waiting like at least another 10 years before George actually finishes them and by that time you won’t give a shit anymore. Might as well spend that time reading something else

Thank you for the first sensible answer ITT kind user.

Out of all the things I would have liked to see.
>Lady Stoneheart
She would have fucked with Dany way before Cersi did her crap.

You will get much more out of the books. If yo u are interested in the world, there is much more detail and intrigue. This will be especially rewarding if he does finish the books.

Alternatively, you could wait before the next book is published to mitigate the risk of never getting it.

Should I pick up Fire and Blood if I haven't read any ASOIAF entries? I've been reading up on some stories within (Maegor, Dance of Dragons) and they're fascinating, plus it comes with some neat illustrations

he will not finish the books. There is a small chance he MIGHT finish one of the two remaining books, but I would bet against it

Yeah that's what I'm worried about. I wouldn't want to get invested in the books only to have it end unfinished, or even worse, somebody else trying to finish them.

Agreed, though i dont hate much but the 8.3-8.5 episodes the rest of s8 was harmlessly bland just like s7

Fire and Blood reads boring.
It's like an outline of what he wants to write.

>do something meaningful in your life
>posts hitler gifs on anonymous boards upset "men children" aren't doing what he thinks they're supposed to

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That mormon Brandon Sanderson will finish them and insert all kinds of moralistic bs into them.

Yes, he will die before finishing the series. He is a mediocre author at best. The 4th book was one of the longest, shittiest books I’ve ever had to force myself to read. I would not recommend wasting your time, the series was better, however flawed it was. I agree with your assessment of the last 2 seasons, it’s a shame it was rushed and forced like that... but the books are not going to correct that flaw. TBH, they go downhill much faster and in a shittier fashion.

The books are great, and later parts are different enough that it's seems like a completely new story compared to the show. They'll never finish though. Martin has maybe one book left in him before he dies.

Maybe he's pulled a Jordan and written a retarded amount of notes so someone else can do it for him. Otherwise it's an unfinished series. Still fun though.

Wow this fat nerd is publishing his fuckin outlines and were all throwing cash at it? Not gonna lie that’s pretty gangster of him, esp if he’s not even finishing the books

>Martin has maybe one book left in him before he dies.

Nooooo curse that diabetic bastard

the trips of gratitude

The books are long and full of fluff. Only attempt to read them if you don't mind reading about all the mundane stuff that happens in between the action scenes. Also there is like a 90% chance Georgie boy is going to either die or be caught up in a pedophile scandal before the books are finished

i see what you did there

Well, it does have some embellished parts.
And it outlines the whole Targeryn dynasty.
But a better book is "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"

>70 years old
>Spent his life not exercising
Assuming he releases WoW next year he'll still be past the average life expectancy of a healthy man his age. That's not even accounting for his weight and sedentary lifestyle.

Robert Jordan wrote 3 million+ words of notes before his death so his series could finish without him. That's almost three times bigger than the whole Harry Potter series. I think Martin is planning to do something like that but even larger.

138 pages.

>full of fluff
Notably food porn. Like a shit load of medieval food porn.

The books are meh and reads almost like GRRM is writing to live out his Pedo fantasies for some parts. Its been several years but I swear there was like 4 or 5 chapters strait of sex scenes. The books have alot of filler shit as well. Not saying there wasnt good characters lots of characters got left out in the show. If your the type to take down a books that size in a week or two weeks go for it. But there is alot of classic literature that would be more worth while to tackle than a incomplete book series.
On that note if this helps at all even reading up to the current book if the fat fuck dies before finishing the books it would be no fucking hair off my dick.

dark nipples

I'll tell you real life is way more interesting than ASOIAF or any other thing, Tolkien, etc. Besides these are based in real life, but portrayed as a symbolistic way for the profane mass.

Get yourself to read some Rudolf Steiner lectures to begin with, very easy to the people new in the secret knowledge.

If you want fantasy get a shitload of real life fantasy from this mastermind. Im serious user.

By the way I read the three first books of ASOIAF, really a good fan. But I started digging into other things like alchemy, philosophy, Plato, Aristoteles, then jumped to great thinkers. CG Jung, Rene Guenon, Rene Girard, Evola, Mircea Eliade, CW Leadbeater, Saint Yves.
Each of them is a door to the knowledge and the fantasy that nobody knows but shapes the existence.

A lot of good thinkers out there.

Read them by all means, if you want to spend hundreds and hundreds of pages reading what goes through Cersi’s mind.

Pro tip: You don’t want to.

If you want to be a killjoy you could at least suggest science. Philosophy is just mental masturbation at this point, and alchemy is completely worthless.

>Robert Jordan wrote 3 million+ words of notes before his death so his series could finish without him

At that point couldn’t he just written the ending to the books?

>Philosophy is just mental masturbation

Yeah bro that’s why it’s fun to read

>season 6 good
>season 7 “something wrong”
Please go back to roddit

He also could have cut out about 3 books worth of bullshit and finished them too.
>Bowl of the Winds

The notes were probably like "so he goes here and feels that and this event changes the politics so that he has to go to etc" but he only had a year to go. A long time fan and author copied his style and turned it into three final novels.

Martin has written two references to Jordan in his books so I think there is some kind of admiration there.

Fire and blood was phenomenal. Go read it

Do the last 3 novels feel genuine or like fan fiction?

I think they're genuine, but you can tell that it's Sanderon's writing. I think him being a fa is why he expanded the author's final book into 3. He clearly had a lot of respect for Jordan and didn't want to cut so much. It's like when a game has cut content that everyone thinks they would love, but the director doesn't agree.

Longtime book and show fan here. Picked up A Game of Thrones around 2008, started the show from the beginning in 2011. A lot of what has been said in this thread is valid but I think there is some unnecessary negativity on some aspects. Although, the whole “you run the risk of GRRM dying before finishing” is the most valid point and likely outcome of all. But , here's my diehard fan take on whether to read ASOIAF or not:

—If you're really into worldbuilding and deep lore, ASOIAF is a goddamn treasure. The thing that makes it so exceptional too is that a lot of it is semi-unreliable information, you don't REALLY know what about the lore is true since it all happened so long ago. It feels different and almost more believable than LOTR in that way. There is even intentionally conflicting lore and parallels from different cultures across the book’s world (think religious flood myths IRL). For me, that mystery and sense of storybook wonder is super enticing, but combine it with how the lore provides foundation for the "contemporary" culture of the book, I think it’s just breathtaking in its depth and detail.



Now, there are a lot people who find most of that kind of stuff to be pointless fluff. If you're not big on the misty, mythological lore aspects of fantasy or the collective “personalities” of the various warring families, that might not be a selling point for you. But you are like me and are a sucker for good lore, the worldbuilding and in-book history is truly my favorite part of the entire series.

—Another thing I really love is the depth of characters, specifically the inner monologues. If you’re coming from a “show-first” perspective, that’ll be probably even better for you. GRRM’s prose is so tightly Third Person Limited that each viewpoint chapter truly reads like a continuous inner monologue. There are many differences between show and book characters, and I tend to think the book normally gets it right. But the show did make many tasteful changes not in the books. Either way, the characters are expertly written and every bit as compelling as the show if not more.



—As for drawbacks for the books… GRRM’s achilles heel is not just superfluous side characters but side VIEWPOINTS to whom you barely connect, as well as his occasionally superfluous descriptions. His diction and descriptive powers are incredible, and almost all the time, I love it. Especially the food, the landscapes, the medieval jargon regarding horses/weapons/armor/fortifications, etc. But there are definitely times where I could give a shit less about what he’s describing, especially if it’s through the eyes of a random new viewpoint character I don’t care about or connect to. Like many on here have said, the 4th book A Feast For Crows is absolutely NOTORIOUS for this. Certainly the worst in the series.

—All in all though, in my opinion ASOIAF is definitely worth a read, even if ol’ George doesn’t finish the series. The the word choice, the descriptive power, the political intrigue that makes you root for so many competing sides, the absolutely breathtaking lore and worldbuilding, the culture’s candid and realistically vague understanding of its own mysterious past… all of it. So good. There’s lots of good and bad I could say about the way the show wrapped up, but that does nothing to make me dislike the books. They will always be the heart of the story to me, and the better version overall.

Your fears are valid but ultimately I'd say it's worth it to read them. They are fantastic books and it the world is very well crafted. So what if you have to wait 10 years for Martin to die and hace someone else step in and finish them? Do something else with your time instead of waiting.

Hmmm I’ve been thinking of trying out Wheel of Time but it’s a time investment and I didn’t know if it would be worth it since he didn’t finish it himself

Sometimes I feel like each of his chapters is mostly just description and monologue and only move the story one tiny step forward per chapter (sometimes none)

It is a tough one to get into. A lot of things have no payoff until later in the series so you have to commit. Try something by Brandon Sanderson. His series are shorter and he's the one who finished WoT, so if you like him you'll probably like how WoT.

you are not wrong by any means. it happens often enough, even with the main viewpoints. but to me I think that sort of thing happens most of the time with the really superfluous PoVs. Dorne and the Iron Islands in particular.

The first 6 books are the best of the best. It gets drug out from there (with some high points mixed in), I won’t comment on the fact he didn’t finish it himself, but I will say the last book is a complete culmination. It’s worth reading for the 4th book alone. That’s really the pinnacle of how fantasy can be done.

You saying this confirms you don't know half of the deal. Ye stick to the scientology faith, be careful and don't think about stuff too much, better to leave other people think for you. Right?

Not surprised you're saying alchemy is worthless after reading philosophy is just mental masturbation. I understand the symbolism can be too strong for the average person.

Anyway, you're so typical dude.

anyone know where I can download the pirated audio books? I don't want to pay that fuck any money.

Play all Metal Gear Solid games and when you are at the Phantom Pain, you will know what real unfullfillment means. If you don't care, read the books and expirience the phantom pain. You could also chop your dick off and feel the exact same thing.

I got them off of slsk. But the readers accents and inflections were so terrible that I didn’t even listen to a chapter, I decided to read it rather than listen to that noise pollution.

If it’s as good as you say...How long until somebody tries to cash out on the GoT bandwagon and adapts Wheel of Time for television?

George is lucky that his high points are really fun to read. Most of ASOIAF is just tease and buildup but when it’s good it’s really good. it gets tiring tho

It’s already in the works by amazon. To be honest it was planned before GoT, by a company called red eagle entertainment. They were basically a scam and the Jordan estate had to go through years of legal wrangling to get the rights back. Personally I don’t think it will translate well to live action, the CGI will be incredibly demanding, from the use of magic alone... but we will see sometime in the future.

The books are good. I wish he had them all finished.
I am not even a fan of fantasy much and like ASOIAF. Lots more magic in the books, more characters and more solid character plots. The show combined a lot of characters and plot lines. So I wasn't disappointed watching the show when I had read the books and was more invested in the books anyway.

The good news is that GoT, regardless of its last few seasons, did pioneer adaptation of high fantasy into the small screen. We may have many good series to come. Maybe even Dune, if the rumors I heard aren’t total bs

Yea, there’s a lot of entities scrambling to secure the next GoT.

I’m honestly excited to see what the kikes in Hollywood come up with

I have the official GOT cookbook. Pretty good.

second on that one user. shit is magnificent. I think I did a total of 5 GoT season premiere feasts using all stuff from that book. The mulled wine and lemon cakes are my favorites.

I wouldn't bother. Martin is way too busy sucking his own dick about what a good writer he is to bother writing anything anymore. Also, he's never gonna end the series.

GoT is low fantasy...

Dragons, zombies, warrior tribes, swords and sorcery...sounds like high fantasy to me

I'll give you the dragons and zombies, but there's not much sorcery.

Nigga Lady Stoneheart wouldn't even be interested in Danny, she is a ruthless semi mindless zombie with the only goal of getting vengeance on the Lannisters, Freys and Boltons.
Hell she might even have allied herself with Danny

Fire and Blood sucks tbh, it's dull as hell.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is all right, but not amazing

just enough to keep ya roused up :)

You sound like a twat.