I think this is some universal material for meme

I think this is some universal material for meme

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i only see an ugly cunt

he is not ugly, he is my friend

okay but who?

his name is pajeet kind sir

I mean who cares

So you think being your friend makes him beautiful?

sir you are not being very kind, he has a good meme potentyal

Hello SIR CAN you please provide me with python learning matirial? Its hard to learn python from no learn matirial

no but he is

very right place to ask this question

IM ask on /g/ but they call me codemonkey?? I dont know what it mean? Plese Im want learn python to build scaleable apps

Sir python is very easy you having teacher to ask? then it can be easy for you

Mr I dont know where python coding languag teacher location is? Can you provide me info material for find teacher? Thanks sir.

what kind of response do you expect? are you 12? do you think everyone here is 12? you're correct, but do you sincerely think you're being witty or funny here? are you patting yourself on the back as if this uncooked meat in a vaguely vaginal shape is the pinnacle of comedy? who do you think you are? what is wrong with you? who raised you to be such an inadequate example of personhood?

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sir you having to go to school so you can be learning the python. im just looking in come india and i can meet and i find for you teacher


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Im not have money for school... please help me for my dream learn python im not know how? and wher?

sir there is goodest way to earn money, just be joining call centre and u will get money so can teacher find at school and very eazy learn python.

nice !

Man my madar say not good in work for callcenter but im in java learning from pc please give python excercise

just stfu , no one knows python here

Sir please littler rude i just trying learn snake code

yes call centre is very good because u can learn from the america and do little scam to helping for your education. and then u can easily learning python maybe tomorow? is very easiy sir

Okay maybe im ask my dad tomorrow for job in callcenter he can give the money for me propably..

sir i have another spesial thing for you maybe you give me 100 rupee and i can very easily learning python with you

Im can give you 50 rupee and is it okay?

no sir plz i am being very poor today but dont worry im can give you very good pithon and jeva just for you is spesial