>two - three weeks ago
>have no interest in this girl
>i’m the bad guy meme appears
>watch the video out of curiosity
>shes cute
>jump to last night
>have a dream where i fall in love with her in one night and we fuck for what felt like hours
>everything felt real
>wake up in love with a girl i will never meet
>google and see she’s fucking 17
>am 21
wtf Yea Forumsros why would my brain put me through this
also billie thread I guess
Two - three weeks ago
Other urls found in this thread:
she created the log meme
She has fat tits can't wait to see more of them soon
she doesn’t show her body a lot, but what a pair
It is strange how she came out of no where and is popular and in everything all of a sudden. Her music isn’t anything special. Not any different from any other mainstream stuff
She only fucks niggers. She just looks so trashy
I enjoy the fact that she started LOG posting
this is a meme
Industry plant
this is not a meme
This picture but with my dick
if I photoshop that picture is that illegal?
take your meds
Indeed. A manufactured popularity to sell her and get an actual established popularity.
its kinda not working, instead i feel an urge to punch her cartoonish face until i hear cracks
Shes being sued for slander and libel. She started the andy sixx meme
No she created the meme
who is this? musican, actor?
Ya there’s no real substance to her. I’d fuck her though.
What is up with people today? This chicks music sucks and she’s ugly and fat.
you're a fucking loser. neck yourself
oh look! more advertising on 4chin
very original! it's not like some record label is pushing to hard to make this pop toth famous at all
Then you realize she's just some edgy retard
I’ll keep the edit to myself then
>have a dream where i fall in love with her in one night and we fuck for what felt like hours
>everything felt real
imagine being this much of a fucking virgin at 21 years old
not a virgin that’s why it was crazy
any proof? no, thought so
Just so you know op she’s probably taken nigger penis
Any song that uses
as a lyric is pure shit
Billie is queen
7 weeks in billie is still #2 on the billboard 200 lmao
Stop pushing this dumb bitch. 3 threads is enough
if I edit a cock in her mouth and post it will I get banned?