Is he a chad or a beta who pays women to hang out with him?

Is he a chad or a beta who pays women to hang out with him?

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Rich beta obv

He's a rich kid who lives on social media attention he gets from pictures posted with prostitutes.

He sucks at poker.

Dan “my ego was too big for the SEALs of all people, Officer give me your gun, I pay whores to make me look like a pimp” Blizarian

Fag beta. Needs to anhero

its definitely the money

Gambling addicted faggot

acceptable. money can buy you chadness.

Not when you’re still a faggot

adiletten are so gamma it wraps around to epsilon

why are you so angry?

Comes forth many times about being little to not happy on a daily basis. Now that he grew some wisdom, he is actually open to talk about how having so much money truly won't make you any happy, if not less happy than anyone else due to everything loosing it's spark.

But to for Dan, being the persona is better than coming out and clean then loose everything. He blue pilled himself knowing perfectly the red pill wouldn't be the most positive of the conclusions.

If someone is rich and unhappy, then they're dipshits, or legitimately in need of medication. Being rich means not having to worry about being able to afford things like food, shelter and healthcare. It's freedom from the constant struggle to do what 99% of the planet endures.

he has a golden chalice resting on a latin models ass. he is going to be fine.

but its not meaningful.

"Meaningfulness" like happiness is an inherent trait; it cannot be granted, only the individual is capable of generating meaning in a thing. This is accomplished with philosophy and reflection.

Based response against general existential dread.

Stoicism is sexy tbh

if you really think about it, 99% of men pay women to hand out with them in one way or another.

The other 1% are kept men.

Fuck this retarded sandnigger.

This armenian faggot is 100% pure cringe... Trust fund kid (daddy made a lot of money on wall street) who pays instagram models to take photos with him. Closest thing to a job he's ever had is playing poker (kek) again with money from daddy. Also goes out of his way to associate himself with weapons/ the military without having ever served a day in his life just because he tried out for some navy seal wannabee camp and didn't make it.

>Officer give me your gun,
True story, this delusional cringe wizard actually asked a cop to give him his gun somewhere outside of the vegas shootings, to which the cop oviously told him to fuck off. Such a self obsessed lunatic he was near (although not in) whete a mass shooting happened and tried to make it all about him

Just shows the guy is literally living on another reality... Seems paying some instagram ho's some money and uploading a picture is enough to make people think you're amazing

Instagram celebrities have the least redeeming value of any celebrities. It's odd how giving a child a massive trust fund is the worst thing you can possibly do to them. 100% guaranteed to make them a piece of shit

He is 5'7
Aka Beta

is not he the one that ran away from the public shooting in Vegas, then pretended to try and go back.

Yeah this is so true it's cringe to think about

Attached: Weird21.jpg (734x1089, 225K)

Yea... He complained on social media that the police wouldn't hand their weapons over to an autistic drug addict asshole because a random civilian running through the scene of a mass shooting with a gun in one hand and an iPhone in the other so he can live-stream his retardation on instagram is ecactly what the situation called for. Probably went something like
> "hey officer, hand over your weapon I've got this; I'm a professional poker player
>Cops laugh at the armenian cockroach sperg and tell him to beat it

A rich beta like Tai lopez

What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet? Post on #shitpost-chat-nsfw to not get automaticly banned by a niggermod on Yea Forums NIGGER YES YOU ARE A NIGGER, JUST DO IT YASTODAY SAID TODAY THEN J U S T DO IT .\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
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You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX

Attached: 745cc1.png (1400x1400, 3K)


Beta , no different than an instagram slut looking for attention .

Why would anyone listen to someone who doesn't even know what the phrase inherent trait means, but chooses to try to use it anyway?

this, money affords you choices/options which is something that makes people happy. saying money can't buy happiness is wildly idealistic and completely ignores the reality that money rules over all.

>Being rich means not having to worry about being able to afford things like food, shelter and healthcare

This is what Americans actually believe

He seems to overcompensate in every way he can. Hookers and blow, sure he got money and can do it. But why post it all online? Look at me I am awesome?

That implies that the available choices/options in the real world are enough to make anyone happy, but if that were the case, all these billionaires wouldn't be wasting so much of their fortunes trying to colonize other planets in some pipe dream that is realistically impossible for them to achieve in their lifetimes and whose pursuit can literally only cause unhappiness through failure.

beta with money =/= chad
chad gets all of this without money, and doesn't brag about it to thousands of people he doesn't know

fuck off omar

i absolutely hate people that say that money can't buy happiness, sure as shit it can. moral values don't mean shit, is there any joy in living in a dumpster?


I am a stay at home husband with no kids and an expansive amount of steam games with a wife who is 7 years younger. you all need to step up the game. All people who are triggered by this are acknowledging that they suffer from a case of severe jealosy.

>I am a stay at home husband
You are a housewife, so that is how you pay.

Czernbog in American Gods?

howd you do it

It's funny because of the picture if she stands up she will obviously be taller than him.

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