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You were taught by government funded institutions to be proabortion.

Well you're not wrong. Killing babies is bad and abortion negatively effects the woman having the baby scooped out of her cooch.

it appears that hoes are mad.

You were taught by rich kikes to give two fucks about abortion.


those who oppose abortion support more niggers born.


9/10 times it's niggers

its so bad

Fuck off my brother has been saying that a lot recently and he won't fucking shut up

they also get mad when you wear a condom.
and then when you don't, and they get preggo, they get mad you don't pay for the abortion

i only fuck bitches on their period. no way to get pregnant and extra lube. and i dunno why, but bitches are extra horny on their periods, they just dont want the shame.

you do know that doctors cant abort stage 3 pregnancy right

>politician who is vehemently against abortion and helped to pass law classifying it as manslauyee has an affair and asks the woman to have an abortion because he doesn't want the child.
Really makes you think.
There's a lot of "good Christian men" who have affairs and get divorced 12 tom3s but are also vehemently against adultery, divorce and affairs for some reason, it's almost like they only actually care about themselves.

Well, it's debatable how bad killing unborn children is. It's definitely not good. Denying women access to abortions is probably worse, though. Men need to stop dumping hot loads in bitches. Bag it or get a fucking vasectomy, stop being retarded.

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This x24

Bobby hill thread

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There are hypocrites, therefore the thing those people are hypocritical about is okay?

No body is pro abortion. Even women who have abortions would rather not go through it.

Frankly it sucks that biologically pregnancy isn't only possible if both sides want it.

Not that user but you seem to have poor reading comprehension.

>Frankly it sucks that biologically pregnancy isn't only possible if both sides want it.
Frankly it sucks that biology makes us want to fuck so much but people are a pain in the ass to be around, and kids take a long time to raise.

Get a vasectomy. Costs about as much as LASIK.

If you are using a condom,
>you are fucking the wrong woman.

If you are killing your own child because you think the world would be better off with ought your genes,
>you are a cuck

You and I read the same thing son, I think that faggot is just a schizo.
Hes probably torn up inside cause his girlfriend decided to abort his kid, due to poor genetics, and cuck his genetics out of existence.

All politicians are obviously heretics that use their supposed faith as a means to obtain power.

I'm fairly sure that's a double sin

>lets have a sex strike
jokes on them i wasnt getting laid anyway and it makes me want to protect fetuses more

If you can't spell

>You shouldn't spread your genes

If more women withhold (free) sex, hopefully supply-side economics will lead to a glut of whores in the market and lower prices.

Too late sodomite!
I got 4 out and another on the way

Hows it feel knowing no woman wants to bare you children?


Too late sodomite!
I got 4 out and another on the way

Hows it feel knowing no woman wants to bare your children?

Abortion is morally incorrect on an primal, instinctive level yet necessary in our current culture for primarily socio-economic reasons

Why do people act like this is a religious thing? Most of the pro-lifers I know are atheist.

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cant abort past 2nd trimester fam

>Amerifags thinking this is a topic you should defend.

Niggers get with the program, we need less babies. Not more.

with the exception of rape, both sides want it