This is my piss

This is my piss.

Should i go to the store and put it back on the shelf since it looks like Apple juice ?fkn lol

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Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes you should.

No you should just kys lmao


Chug it, pussy.

You can just pretend you did and larp how someone drank it. The end result is going to be the same either way except for the part where you don't go to prison.

Be creative and put a brand new cap on it THEN put it back in the store

There is no way you are going to do this!

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I roll trips do it

That would be thrown in the trash you dumb faggot

>"Man, this apple juice sure is warm, foamy, opened, and way past it's expiration date, Lucky find."

People aren't as stupid as you'd think you blithering ape. Please kill yourself.

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Drink it cocksucker

Hold a gulp in your mouth and take a deep breath.

Just enjoy it and not over analyze everything to death you bitches, this is why Yea Forums feels nuetered is because faggots like you talk people out of the good stuff.

Who cares if he really does it? If he doesnt its still
Just as funny to read and if he does we might see it on the news. Be the hero these people need OP.

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you buy the same one and you come back the next shift and you make a return ! you`ll get apple juice for piss . pretty good deal if you ask me .

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Absolutely sir. Some poor bastardd must pay the price for your bravery

Dubs say yes

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes

Those faggot say yes to everything tho

>use glue to seal the ring back together so it looks new

Kek. Other worldly beings

yes OP, do it