My fiancée is pregnant

My fiancée is pregnant.
Any advice?
>inb4 run bro
I love her and I want kids with her. We just didn’t plan on it being so soon

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I have no advice.

abort it, far worse for a child to grow up, find out and live with the fact that it was a mistake

Find the father and thank him for proving your fiancé is a slut and saving you from raising his bastard.

i've been in the exact same predicament.

the pregnancy will be an adventure, and you will discover fucking a pregnat chick is quite weird but also really sexy.

the birth is a fucking test of your manliness. blood, pain, sleepless nights and misery.
my son came 2 months too early and my wife had to have a C-section, after which we spent months in the hospital hoping he doesnt turn out to be a retard. luckily, he didnt.
i met some people though that have had tough luck...

Thing is, you'll go through a lot of shit, and most of the time you have no idea what you're doing.
but at the end of the day, after hours of wondering why you cucked yourself and why all these glorious opportunities are now inaccessible because of responsibilities, you just look at this little mini-copy of yourself, look in its blue little eyes and its toothless smile and funny laugh and you just suddenly fine with it all.

it's a ride, and there's ups and downs.
just dont give up. you reap what you sow.

>vlad the implyer

You're bringing an innocent being into this fucked up world. Does anyone ever think about that? All they see are images of holding the baby, everyone going 'aww, how cute', the happy grandparents. Your child will be facing the same onslaught of problems that you do, probably moreso with climate change an inevitability. To bring children into the world is to cause them harm. That's an absolute.

This right here is why we'll be replaced by retarded niggers

that's exactly what i thought
that's why i was against it.
but what am i supposed to do now? kill my only son?
all i can do is somehow try that i can acquire a social position that will benefit him when the looting and murdering starts

Jesus, what a mess. May good fortune come your way, you're going to need it...

Thank you.

Fuck most of the rest of you lol

Kill her and then yourself faggot

how old are you two?

Get your child posting here asap so we can raise them right.Include me in the screenshot. Name it Rainbow sunshine dogfucker the third.

Deliver you braindead faggot.

push her down the stairs

3 kids of my own. Veing a parent has its good days and its bad days. Some quick tips:

>take all the shitty advice with a grain of salt
>dont be afraid to ask friends and family for old clothes their kids have grown out of (this will save you a small fortune)
>the baby will have different cries. Pay attention, it'll tell you what it needs.

Welcome to parenthood.

found the virgin

OD her on vitamins

much cheaper than a scrape

Just put it outside on a chain OP. What a waste of time.

discord gg /KjKZgd3 advice server

I'm not op, faggot

Bruh if you love the woman and she loves you then there shoulnt be a doubt in your head about having the kid. Youre only scared because this is new. Time to grow up and be a man for your wife and kid.

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Yes you are queerbait

Or OP doesn't exist and is literally asking how to breathe and drink water for the next nine months