>be me >never have anything good in social life >every day is mental suffering >dick injury happens >dangerous blood circulation issue >loose all sense of touch in it >feels numb >see doctor >at minimum there will be permanent loss of all feeling in dick >amputation seems more and more probable as condition worsens >tfw will be an autist literally without a dick
I didn't even get a chance to use it much. Why does it have to be this way? Share your life ruining stories, I need it to feel a bit better. Thanks.
do HRT and become the perfect girl while you're at it
Christopher Lewis
What happened user?
Aiden Perry
>dick injury happens please elaborate
Jordan Jenkins
how long was it between the injury and you going to the doctor? Did you cost yourself your own dick by waiting to seek treatment for too long?
Brandon Bell
probably got stuck in the ceiling fan since the instructions were unclear
Ethan Hill
>dick injury Where did you stuck your pecker in?
Eli Wilson
user, we need to know what happened to your dick bro. I mean you could atl east spread the word of what happened to others and make some good out of the situation so people are weary of what you did
Had problems with bladder muscles and nerve system from birth. As I grew older, it grew weaker and the "area" and severity of affected musle tissue grew larger.
Don't ever let anyone incompetent "play" with your balls and cock, with a condition like described above. That's all you need to know to get a picture.
Jayden Hughes
so since you couldn’t feel anything your gf just broke your dick?
Brody Fisher
Basically, you could say it like that.
Isaac Parker
Sounds like a nice lawsuit to me
Fuck fucking bitches, get rich user.
Alexander Nelson
Thanks for sharing OP. My story isn’t as bad as yours but since you are a cool dude and have an original thread I’ll try to contribute. Went to college. Decided i’m gonna fucking kill it and put everything else in my life on hold. Study all day everyday. Bad posture, sitting at a table doing math for 10+ hours a day 7 days a week. Fuck up the muscles in my back. Decided i’m a week bitch and go to the gym to try to strengthen them up to fix them. Only made them worse. Apparently I strengthened the muscles that made the condition worse. Body is unbalanced. In constant pain all the time. It’s taking a year of physical therapy to get me out of the pain. I made good grades though i guess..
Connor Price
It was with full consent and I don't live in the US, so that would most probably fail in court. Stupid decisions bring stupid results.
Levi Parker
Keep it up user. It's just interesting that gym would make it worse. A friend was diagnosed with permanent damage in his back, doctors said he wouldn't walk in future. But he started boxing and the muscle growth from it somehow contained the issue. He has to keep working out, but in the end it sounds like one of the more successful stories.
Gavin Reed
Yeah, I strengthened vanity muscles. Like abs and chest and shoulders, quads etc without strengthening the others that balance it. I don’t look abnormal or anything. I have bad posture and it shows if you are looking for it. Guess i’m just more sensitive than others to that type of thing.
Andrew Smith
You didn’t consent for her to break your dick though dude. You consented to sex not having your cock broken. Thats like if I loaned you my car to drive to the grocery store and you instead crashed it in a lake. I’m suing your ass
Jonathan Thompson
How does one incompetently handle cock and balls?
Parker Harris
She was probably on top and didn’t know how to work a dick and came down on it too hard the wrong way and broke it. Happens pretty often
Jeremiah Hughes
>How does one incompetently handle cock and balls? When trying to do BDSM stuff you saw on the internet but not knowing what you're doing. Been trough some stuff like that and it was really nice. But choose people carefully. Will never let anyone like that close to my cock again. Mainly because it will probably be in a trash can somewhere soon.