Who's ready to ride up and take back the means of production?

Who's ready to ride up and take back the means of production?

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The communist revolution was bankrolled by international finance and wall street

Their greed is paving the way for the next wave.

If by "rise up" you mean fart and by "take back the means of production" you mean huff paint. Then no... I don't know why you'd even ask that.

Not me, I'm just trying to get out of the basement.
Fuck off commie.

You're too weak to be useful. Off to the gulag!

Fuck off commie
Give me a job at the factory or the field and you are good.
Until then you are a stupid edgelord

You can have a job cleaning Politburo toilets.

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She's socialist, which is just silly. All or nothing.

Whatever commie fuck.
At this point I don't care.
Just give me a job and a small shithole in a Khrushchyovka and I don't give a fuck about your stupid ideology.

Sounds like you're on board, comrade.

Eat shit and die fucking comrade fuck.
I'd fucking murder you if I had a chance.
I'm a fucking luben and I hate your guts.

Sounds like you're a rich pig living off the labor of others.

Send me to gulag then.
Shoot me.
Hang me.
I don't care.
My life is shit.

You'll make good cannon fodder.

Ha like I give a shit.

Sure, get into my helicopter so we can ride up, i will carry anyone who wants to take the means of production

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at least there leader didnt shoot himself like the nazi's

Sounds like communist propaganda but ok

You can't stop us.

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lol k (((comrade))) could you larp any harder just go to lefty pol no one cares

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cyкa блять


yah he had a heart attack, pissed and shit himself and was left on the floor for 2 days.

kek at least he died how he deserved to

Wrong neighborhood, Bolshevik.

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What's funny is they wanted nearly the same thing. One just had jews.

I’ve never understood how this was going to work in modern times. Like, would people from the countryside, promised a fair new society and ample grains and land, rise up and take over Google, IBM, or Apple headquarters... and then what? It’s not like seizing a metal stamping factory, government office or a grain silo. What next? Kill all the overpaid executives and product managers, engineers... and.. what? All you have is a big glass office building with a lot of broken laptops and dead bodies in it.

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24 hours later your cellphone stops working and the internet goes down. Take that 1% corporate fat cats!

The workers who make it all work would already know what to do.

I wouldnt be afraid of a communist uprising. Most of them are unemployed/broke living with their parents complaining that society isn't fair or smug university students who have never worked a day in their life. Either way, they usually grow out of the commie bullshit once they grow up a little

Okay... but you killed a lot of them taking over their workplace, you know, because of “income inequality”. So how do you know they’ll still want to work for you or your newly installed party officials? Or do you have a “tool” you can use to convince them to keep working for the same wage as a street sweeper?

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I am comrade. Tired of my labor being exploited by the bourgeoisie to love fat off of.

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Do you fascist scum not remember last time you tired to have power?

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>All you have is a big glass office building with a lot of broken laptops and dead bodies in it.

I see no problem with this. What's the problem again?

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Not that comrade, but you fail to understand these poor exploited proletariat from said Factory line WILL BE THE ONES leading the reclaiming of the me and of production?

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Well no they wont. In real life this will never happen in north america. And ince you've started experiencing the real world first hand you'll drop that silly way of thinking and move on with your life


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It is funny how quick you lapdogs for the kapitalist result to insults. It's gove me confront because I know it shows just how weak ypur mind and body is.

Tell me, why do you choose to be exploited? Wpuld you prefer not to be a cuck for bourgeoisie? Do you knpw think you labour is worth full value. Do you not think you have a right to the means of production?

Togeather more can be accomplished alone. What do you have to lose?

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Get a job and start living on your own before you start bitching about labour wages and being exploited. Make sure you actually make sense on your resume because the first half of your reply was brain dead

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Again you refuse to answers the basic question and decided to do what you have been trained to do. Be a dancing monkey for the Kapitalist.

Tell me user, how old are you, what is your education level, what is you job, and how much money do you make?

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how many millions of deaths can we achieve this time round??

Better times when Communism was actual Communism not todays Judeo Zionism we see.

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If you're getting exploited, you're letting it happen. Nobodys forcing you to work where you're working. Start your own damn business like i did. Freedom is great

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Such a old false aurgmemt

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prov it

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Of course comrade. The only alternative is a nightmare.

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You think Kaptilisms hands are clean? Why do you seek to be exploited by the bourgeoisie? They do not care about you. Why can't you see this?

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>pic related

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>Petty bourgeoisie detected

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you can sure try.
I mean no one is stopping you from buying a ticket to China.

Cleartly the crying child's father. Why would he lie... unless this fool's father had been lied to in order for his labor to be exploited. But that can't be it...

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thers a reason why socialism doesnt work retar

Im in my late 30's. I co own a bar/music venue in the city, i do pretty well

more a plutocracy than bourgeoisie dictatorship.

this is post-Citizens United decision of the USS Court around 2010 ---

that legalized MASSIVE donations to pres election campaigns,

AND handed massive power to the superrich donors

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Of course, when you can't debate, shit post.

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You sound bitter user. You sound like and individual that ever complelty achieved their full potential. Somewhere along the way you suffered at the hands of the bourgeoisie and now you resent yourself.

Tell me user whay happened. When you were a child did you want to own a bar? How is your family, are they happy?

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>bunch of troglodyte morons run into Apple HQ after overpowering the security
Now what?

says who?

Can you not read?

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>implying larping about 'muh cummunism' isn't shit posting


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Sure, I am convinced.

What the fuck is real socialism?

the average bmi in this thread is probably like.. 30

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I'm pretty sure OP said "ride up".

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interestng; the footnotes for sources of the quotes

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>wall street financed people who want to put everyone on wall street in the fucking gulag
What's it like having a sub 80 IQ?

>guns only if they serve the party
>racial pride
I already have neoliberalism for all those things and I have a quite decent quality of life. Nah, I pass.

Most East Germany say life was better under Communism.

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>Citizens in North Korea says it's lovely there

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Anti-Communist = low IQ

Most people are born slaves. They lack the brainpower to see through the many layers of lies and propaganda they've been fed since they were children.

Only a small percentage of people see through capitalist lies and understand the truth

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Is that Yazoo City, MS?

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Retard, do you not realize East Germany doesn't exist any more? It's now part of Germany.

Every argument with anti-communists is a total waste of time. You have insanely low IQs, which makes you incapable of critical thinking. You believe whatever the man on the TV tells you without questioning it.

The lives of brainlet NPCs like yours have no value.

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Is that a real quote? It would be crazy that Marx created the cuck meme.

im sorry dady i promise i;ll be gooood dont use the belt again~!

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It is sad how pathetic this propaganda is. But given how simple-minded the average American is, I'm sure it's quite effective.

The end is near for you Kapliatist dogs.

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The one where we ignore proxy wars and CIA toppling governments, that socialism sucks, look at how poor they are!

naw, these days its the


Dude they're just shitposting


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Do ypu see some pf the anti-communist propaganda in this thread?!?!? It's sub-par, design for an individual with the IQ of a 10 year old. It's terrible and is not factually based. Yet these brainwashed monkeys are fine having their labor exploited.

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>i own all the railroads, mines, factories

all of those things were government subsidies. its literally communists using communists as examples of the worst capitalists

Commies write the books, commie.


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If you really want to drive people to revolution, destroy unions. Only when people lose every right they will get the revolutionary spirit. And my only problems with the system is what I mentioned (and globalization), and Communism has all of that. It would be a useless change.

72% of Hungarians say they lived better under the "brutal communist regime".

In school, on TV, in books, from your parents, you heard the same thing your entire life - that communism is evil and monstrous and terrible. Because of your low IQ, no amount of facts and information will change the beliefs you were brainwashed and indoctrinated with since you were a kid.

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ha! i got it !

"April 1st"

Here's the non CIA propaganda version of this photo

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I'm capable of intelligent conversation with you but I'd really rather just disappear you into a black site prison or just kill you. Communism becomes corrupt every time because of the failings of human beings, you'll never accept that and I'll never let you try. You're kind of like a dog with rabies, it's sad but putting you down would save other lives. I'd really only pretend to listen to you if helped me line up a shot or something.

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>Kim Jong Un's autobiography says that he's a nice guy


Can normies not right?

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sicko noted

Friend the unions are what will help ORGANIZE the revolution. And do you live under a rock. Neo-cons habe been talking a Sledgehammer to unions for the past 40 years. Cost them to much money to lay workers their full value.

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I'm incapable of having an intelligent conversation with you because an intelligent conversation requires both participants to be intelligent, which you clearly are not.

I would rather you disappear into a GULAG or a mass grave for enemies of the people.

>Communism becomes corrupt every time because of the failings of human beings, you'll never accept that and I'll never let you try.
And capitalism never becomes corrupt because of the failings of human beings, the reason for that is... that's what TV/parents/school/movies/everything in my life told me since I was 2 years old and I don't have the IQ to question this narrative

People like you are proof Stalin and Mao did nothing wrong. Not only is it morally OK to kill bankers and landlords, it's also morally OK to kill NPCs and brainlets like yourself

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quite tru, that

bashing animals, dogs, isnt helpful

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>Communism becomes corrupt every time because of the failings of human beings, you'll never accept that and I'll never let you try.

Tell me user how does capitalism stop that from happening to itself? You sound rather anti-American frankly. No due process? You fascist pigs are never shy to hide your intentions.

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>dealing with the establishment to get some minuscule improvement to maintain the status quo and aplacate the working class is being revolutionary now

>I disagree with you but instead of saying why I disagree with you I'm gonna use insults instead to act superior

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Ok, I'll tone it down.

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He was a commie, but also was quite conservative. If it wasn't by his issues with freedom of speech, I would fight for him.

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All revolutions take steps and members of unions are proletariat comrade.

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say what?

keep it simple, socialist

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>members of unions are proletariat comrade.
So are the police members. :^)

epic meme bro im all for #communism do you even reddit bro?

> user is pretty well in this capitalist world, what a surprise
> you sound bitter
> im not working myself, but working under capitalism, and thus paying via taxes for me, is hell

Fuck off commie.

Nah i love it. My brother and I own it together. I've always wanted to get into this industry, i'm a musician myself. Now i get to listen to live music all the time, we book a lot of good bands. I even play in a band myself.

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Let is talk this out user. Why so hostile? Do you have employees?

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[citation needed]

Are you apart of a cover band or do you guys write your own stuff?

>be me
>supports government that takes complete complete control of almost every aspect of life, in the hopes that they will set things right, with basically no consequences if they don't
>things are going swell
>law gets passed that I dissagree with (for ex. A law that bans viewing of my anime waifu)
>"wait that's wrong"
> "you are an enemy of the state, and thus get 20 years in gulag"
> :(

You see user, just because you've supported the government, doesn't mean government gives back

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Oh why kind of music do you play?

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yes, fat f***, we ARE gona take em.

YOU caused a Depression w/ em,

you cant handle em


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they ARE packin

Not that comrade, but ypur example was very weak. user true freedom will be achieved after the revolution.

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Memes should go straight to the point. Learn from Stonetoss. He's a nazi, but has a better comic timing than most commies.

Communism and freedom of speech are incompatible.

oh ! how telling !


>Kapitalism and freedom of speech are incompatible.

Fixed it for ya.

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We seem not to be worthy of it. Even the best implementations became racked with corruption that destroyed the system, not because communism is flawed but because human beings are. A system that doesn't allow human beings to express a power drive is always somehow overtaken by the power drives of people. Communism, to function over the long term would have to be administrated by a computer which replaces all human authority in every case. Kaczynski was trying to tell us this would happen anyway simply due to the complexity of decisions within capitalism, but I think it will happen because the impartiality of a computer is the only way to subvert the human power drive. In capitalism such things are done by the market, the market chooses which power drives to enthrone and which to destroy, and when they should change places.

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a classic

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You guys literally make memes with gulags. You're proud of being censors.

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The phone was made by a little boy in China so it wasn't produced by a capitalist pig :P

they cant see it?

bc your lingo is foreign and outdated.

its 1848 sounding.

dont be lazy and just parrot that.

look for a new script writer

ahh, finally,

DT grays out

I wish Yasuho Hirose was real

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Oh I see, you beleive in magical thinking.
>the market.

Tell me just how free are the markets in the USA?

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When you grow up, you'll think back to this and laugh at how simple you were! It's kinda cute, really.

vry free and its all thanks to president daonald trump you commie some of a bastard

I write my own songs but we do some covers. We play all sorts of stuff. Blues, hard rock, folk music (we get a lot of that here)

How can you have free markets with tarrifs?

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Sounds like a pleasant time in your bar

Whats the theme of your bar?

Why not talk about your thoughts and not just call us kids?

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Boomer tier get better material

what are your guys thoughts on minecraft? i think its really cool


It always is
We dont really have a theme its just a place where you can come drink and listen to music. It all depends on whos playing as well. We're just all about music and good times

I'm not sure I even believe you're much beyond the sort of person who believes communism would be an amazing experience for them personally because they'd be a party member instead of working. But, even if you weren't you have no comprehension of the fact that every instance of communism has failed due to it's own internal human corruption. Capitalism is corrupt with all sorts of corrupt market controls, but it doesn't collapse into a mess of starvation and executions because an ever-shifting market is in control of who has power and not a person. We've only ever had one system of living and never escaped it, not even for a moment - and we never will.

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Capitalists don't make anything the proletariat do.

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Without the capital, there would be not phones.

I worked with a Hungarian who saw part of his family imprisoned in the communist era. They burned many books and had no freedom. Sounds lovely.

You know that the only hope for communism is to give yourself over to the machine mother. Those are the choices. You should read Kaczynski.

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>Capitalism is corrupt with all sorts of corrupt market controls, but it doesn't collapse into a mess of starvation and executions because an ever-shifting market is in control of who has power and not a person.

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Famous 1920's Russian bread lines.

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The line where in little American part of Moscow.

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China is hyper capitalism backed by a totalitarian government who's sole goal is to turn the rest of the world into an information farm for their benefit.

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bread lines are a sign government is working

Isnt it funny that marx lived his entire life bankrolled by a rich guy.
And thought to himself "why doesnt everyone just chill and do stuff they like, like I do, I don't work and I have heaps of stuff.
We could all do this."
Like a retard.

Once we are fully automated it will be the only viable system.

If the rich guys spread their riches around equally there'd be no poverty.

People who own, and are helping further 3d printing technology? sage

Nigger you just can't afford communism you need cash to buy it