Need some help Yea Forumsros
I had a gf for five years and we decided to get engaged
Her parents hated me and within a month and a half I watched our relationship crumble and she cheated on and dumped me.
My question is how has it been half a year but I'm still depressed? The suicidal tendencies are mostly gone but the heartbreak still feels fresh at night. Any suggestions other than eating logs, becoming a cuck, or suicide?
Also feels thread
Need some help Yea Forumsros
Beat the shit out of her. You'll feel better
Get more sunlight.
Sounds stupid, but it helps.
I dont think I ever want to see her again.
She was kinda everything to me,and to see the only person I cared about at the time just leave was terrible.
My job is from 5 to 3 in the morning, so that's a no-go
Do it at least once during the weekend then.
Heartbreak lasts until you find someone new to obsess over, you find closure, or you get somewhere in your life where the relationship no longer seems relevant, like moving to a new city, focusing on your career, school, a hobby, et cetera.
I have been in multiple long term relationships (2 years+) and the break up was almost always unbearably awful. There is nothing uncommon about the listlessness or dejected emotions you feel, even so much later on.
About year and a half-2 years. yw
Serious reply, been in your situation, at lowest point had needles and overdose prepared and in my hands ready to end it all:
- it's okay to feel like shit, get it out our your system, watch sad movies, listen to sad music. Get it OUT of your system! (Realize that relapsing is fine and will happen, it doesn't mean the end!)
- Then, get your shit together. Wether your need to lose weight or bulk up, go hit the gym. Get in shape. Not only will you get more energy, feel great and have something to do. Once you get better you will be in a better situation mentally and physically.
- Be very critical on habits you have formed over the years. I found out a lot of things I did out of habit and became a chore. I was an avid vidya gamer and dropped the habit for a year and it was a relief. Now I can game more casually and it brings me more joy and doesn't feel a chore. This could be many different things for different people.
- Drop unhealthy habits like eating shit, drugs, excessive fapping
- Try new hobbies, reconnect with lost friends, find new friends, force yourself to go out more, the saying "fake it til you make" really helps.
About 3 years later, I still sometimes miss my ex, but it's rare and in a nice nostalgic way. I pity her, what she is missing by not having me. I have someone new and better. I am in the best physical shape of my life, quit drugs, new hobbies. What once seemed impossible has happened. I am happy, more happy than I even was before meeting my now ex.
Keep strong, keep going, it will be slow, it will be hard, it will seem hopeless at moments. You can do it. Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up, what do you have to lose?
Get out there and get living.
Do de drogas.
I guess so, I mean I've already been in the void that is being emotionally a husk, almost lost my job and my apartment but I somehow got out of my mega-depression
I'm just worried that I'm just going to keep feeling the same way. I'm a weird guy and have had some bad shit happen to me after the breakup ( I got raped) and i almost added meth to the list of drugs I've tried. It was fucked.
Follow up advice:
Eat well, as best you can
Exercise, as best you can — short walks around the neighborhood, weightlifting, jogging, ideally something outside your home. Don't put too much pressure on working out x amount of time or y amount of days in the week. Just do it as often and as much as you can each day. It gets easier.
Enjoy the sunlight.
is right.
Your body needs sunlight. Your emotional state is reflected in your physiology and behavior, but the reverse is also true. Humans, like most animals, are most content when active and vice versa.
Other advice: be social. Even if it's just with others in online forums or playing multiplayer. Ideally, be somewhere comfortable. Talk to others, interact with them, etc.
Focus on your hobbies. Hobbies give your life a perspective to view all the things happening to you, and gives you something to hold onto when your identity is shaken. And of course, the skills you develop will always be a valuable resource in your life
hope u die soon and alone, faggot, that's what you deserve for trusting your heart to another human being
I actually lost 40 lbs and packed on muscle after she left because I was mad about my weight, thinking she left because i was fat and ugly
The only reason i really made this thread is because i ran into her and she looked happy as can be, like she felt nothing about leaving me. I know the said the love was gone but hot damn I didnt realize I meant nothing to you, you know?
I hope you find that part of your heart that's making you say these awful things and kill it
Seeing someone you used to spend every waking moment thinking about not even care about you being gone breaks your soul. It reminds you that you might be meaningless, it hurts your pride, it makes you feel awful, but it's important to see those feelings for what they are: logical and understandable, and then remind yourself of all the progress you've made internally, externally. I'm sure you have, you're talking like someone with a modicum of self-awareness.
But don't like acceptance become apathy about your life. Don't lose motivation to be better than you were.
If you're responding this immaturely, then you're a fucking waste of space.
That means this thread is all bullshit.
*Don't let acceptance become apathy
>Cleverly OP larps again today.
Oh I've been there.
Never compare your lows against other peoples high's. You don't know her life. You saw a fragment of it in a moment she could show she was happy. You don't know what she thinks. It shouldn't matter what she thinks. What matters is what YOU think!
Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past self with the aim of getting better.
I also lost a lot of weight (100+ punds), it's not the weight (although it helps to be fit), it's more how you are, your self-confidence and happines. those come with time once you get better.
Getting your heart broken by someone is shit, and feeling as if they are oevr it and happy is even more shitty and seeing them moving on, moving in with someone, getting married... yes is will reopen wounds. But in those moments remind yourself of YOUR worth and that you shouldn't bother worrying about someone who didn't worry about your feelings, they are NOT worth your time worrying about THEM, they don't deserve it. You have more important stuff to do.
is this me
Yeah, put yourself back out there. Work on rebuilding your confidence. I think you can find a nice grill, user. Better to let go of that infatuation and save it for a grill that loves you too.
Also PT article on the subject which has a couple good points.
You know, your kinda right.
I mean if she doesn't care why should I? I do have more important things in my life to be thinking about you know? Lifes actually been better since she left me for the most part, and yeah it was hard in the beginning but it's so much better now. I'll take what you said and run with it, see if that plays out well
There aren't a lot of nutritional deficiencies in the West that are common, but the one I see the most is generally in people that labor at night. Supplement 2000IU of D3 daily for 6 weeks and see if that helps any. If you're not getting enough vit d, you're bound to be depressed, feel free to do some research on the subject, but it's a super cheap supp on the offchance it helps, I think it's worth the gamble. Eating right and exercising also help, it's no cure for clinical depression, but it can alleviate it some so you at least have some better days.
Thanks man, I'll see if I can get some at the store on payday
do you take vitamin D supplements?
get some closure & stop thinking of the past so much, it might've been better but you cant change it just work on changing your future
Please join my discord
Yes, so much this, taking 25.000 monthly and my mood has definitely improved
Take some vitamin D3. About 1000 IBUs per 25 lbs of body weight a day. Same shit you'd get if u where out and about all day outside minus the skin cancer.
On the topic of depression there's been some good advice itt, but I'll add that getting out and spending some time in nature is a great way to improve your outlook. It may sound dumb, but it's just the way people are wired. You can definitely experience mild moodlifts just from spending time outdoors. Hiking light trails in state or national parks is a great starting point. If you're not close to any, try the local park. Just walk and be alone with your thoughts for a bit, allow yourself some time for introspection. I'd also suggest looking into DBT. A lot of times it's suggested for people with BPD, but I feel like it offers some tools that can benefit anyone struggling with depression or strong emotions.