How could anyone want to fuck this?

How could anyone want to fuck this?

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With my peepee

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Said the virgin who's never fucked anything.

Lower your standards man, or you're gonna have a hard life.

This is how she looks for the red carpet. Stylists and make up people have spent hours on her, she'll never look better than this.

post pics of her when she was 12

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she's a 10 in Bongland, show some restecp

now we're talkin

I like her tho

Damn... The only and best reason to watch, any moar?

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I'd sniff Aryas feet for hours

post the edit

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I kinda preferred her when she was younger. not sexually just like she was a normal kid, happy and adventurous. Now she's a wannabe sex symbol.
like who tf wants a second miley cyrus like what

I totally would, she's a cute goblin

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>hey, remember when GoT was good?

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She looks like a fuckin mongoloid.

If she had some hair on her pie, I would probably smash it anyway tho.

At least she isn't as fat and sweaty as 70% of Americans 210 million of them in fact.

Oh look, the dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about has returned. 90% of britbongs are faggots.

seems like she is slutty but would still appreciate the fuck

Just right for a pearl necklace

You have me mistaken with someone else, but Americans do sure love to cry like bitches when hit with truths.


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Now GOT has finished, she's gonna have to raise her game to get parts and avoid being typecast. That means she's gonna get her kit off! I'll make my decision on whether I'd do her when I see her titties and how they move! Arse is also important and maybe some muff but that's a longshot!

OP this is clearly a sign you are gay. Go suck a dick.

Tell me she didn't become sexually active that year. PLEASE. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

That’s what they said about your mother, and yet, here you are


What shit-tier country are you from? Bad Teeth Britain?

how else do you think she got the role?
only the best 'performers' gets chosen by the top executives at HBO.

Yeah. Last night. Mad?

You mean YOU wish you were an executive so you could sexually assault her and get away with it.

i do wish i was an executive so i could predate actors/whatever with my positional power

there are very few things that'd be more gratifying

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anyone who isn’t a complete faggot

Ahh that old misconception that a few pictures somehow equals the whole of a nation.

So lets use your logic.

Enjoy your American bad teeth!

Also FYI if 95% of American teens have to get dental work that means their teeth are in bad shape and need it done.

Think about it. If you can.

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I agree. Her Sid the sloth syndrome didn't age that well either

are there more of this set?
you know, for science

>Also FYI if 95% of American teens have to get dental work that means their teeth are in bad shape and need it done.
and yet for some reason, the culture in america promotes people to get dental work done, whereas in bingbong everyones got fucked up great white shark grins

the set is about 43 pictures in two outfits, one with her in this black outfit and the other in a sports leotard

shes a woman so all shes good for is to be fucked whether she likes it or not. just another hole to be filled

Britain has good dental, again a few pictures doesn't mean the same for everyone, that is typical American paranoia at work.

In fact in Scotland, my country, we have free dental.

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A leotard you say?

i dont have the set on me right now, its on a usb somewhere in my cabinet, but i will say, the pics with her in a leotard are very ahem


ay caramba!

Here we can clearly see an upset faggot insecure about his teeth.

I need to see this... For research....

alright if there's any more interest ill take a bit of time to dig up the set


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Are still British people remaining in Great Britain?

Waiting around for set

My dick works. I am sorry for your loss.

Same, I just keep flicking through pics of her for the mean time

She's cute

Not really since i wasnt the one who used it as an excuse to attack someone else, because they pushed their own problems onto others.

Just sayin'

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>How could anyone want to fuck this?
there are girls getting fucked by dogs, pigs, horses, people who take eels up their arses, scat/granny/tranny porn etc and this is what you dont understand?

Someone is salty. Getting upset over someone saying bad things about your country is what a 14 year old would do. Go have mommy pour you a glass of milk to calm down little boy.

is she trying to be a smol katy perry?

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this is a compelling argument.

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those dick-sucking lips make me hard as diamonds

This cant be real right

100% real. They went as pot brownies 2 or 3 halloweens ago. Can't remember

I would fucked worse what's the fuss even about shes a natural looking woman isn't that better than some plastic bimbo bitch ?

And sophie just letting her titties these two

you're really trying to argue with USAFaggots?

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Okay what about orthodontists? A dentist can clean your horse toothed mouths but can you get them straightened for free?

She's ugly even with photoshop

She looks great though user

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Dentists in the UK are Orthodontists, everything is paid for.

Like the rest of our health care in Scotland, subsidized by taxation which isn't 40%+ like the majority of Americans think, on avg 15% and that goes towards other amenities too.

Free prescriptions.
Free Eye Tests and up to a specific amount for glasses too.
Free travel for people of pension age.
Free toll booths.
Free new baby kits for people having first child to help with costs.
and so on..

We take care of our people, can you say the same for the US?

>In fact in Scotland, my country, we have free dental.

No we don't. It's pretty cheap, but it's not free, except emergency work.

Give me goth Sofie Turner any day over Quasilesho.

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It is free with NHS dental care, only if you earn a high amount are your required to pay 80% of the costs.

Private dental care is different, as it is private care and not government funded.

Things have changed over the last 10 years.

can we get an Addams Family remake with her?

Just remember her money.

and that a threesome with Sophie is not out of the question

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there aren't enough Kleenex in the world if that were to happen.

You tell us! English is clearly your fifth language so you'll probably fit right in.

Unfortunately he stated a fact. The US has a massive (pun intended) body fat issue.

You sound pretty insecure in the way you're projecting.

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That poor girl's face looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. While she obviously doesn't have such a condition, I think her weird facial structure is one of the reasons why she looks way, waaaay younger than she actually is.

Even when she was 12, she looked like a midget.

She will be fine once the baby fat comes off of her.
She is still a freaking kid.
(considering I'm an old fag everything under 30 is a fucking kid.)

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Nah definite chubster future

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She can grab the hilt of my pork sword like that!

where's he gone tyrone?

You you would really cheat on Natalie ?

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oh my

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The ginger bitch can use that green tongue on my balls!

why do i get the impression you have been on this site for awhile ?

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That thing's already riddled with a checklist of STDs.

>100+ replies
>No one's posted the Yea Forums pasta
You people are just the worst shut ins

Really ? Leon was the best film ever thats how i remember her

shes cute!! I would love to cuddle with her.

Because she comes across as funny and smart.

Theres always the old paperbag trick

Must be free for folk on the bru, then, but I had to pay, tho they mentioned the max cost for a course of treatment was £400. I got About £3600 worth for that.

First, you're a 12 yo. Second, she has a sweet little body that's made for fucking. So, stop being a little nigger.

Pussy is pussy.