Secrets thread! sexy time edition

secrets thread! sexy time edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

I once stuck a glass bottle of coke in my ass. Reassured my heterosexuality that day

I fuck a LOT of UA girls I meet on shit like Whisper, Facebook, etc. I can stop and go like 5-6 months and then just go through another month or two of wrecking these little bitches.

>Be 17 on family vacation in Canada
>Best friend comes with us
>Spend every day on the beach and getting high in the dunes
>Two young kids keep hanging around wherever we go
>Becomes a running joke
>Second to last day fall asleep on beach
>Wake up, no sign of friend
>Climb over dune looking for him in hidden smoking spot
>See him standing below with his shorts down
>9-10yo girl is on her knees in front of him
>They don’t see me
>Hear him tell her to swallow
>Slowly back away and climb down dune
>Run to bathroom and beat off like crazy
>Never tell him what I saw

good for you. no homo

I woulda joined the fuck in

Go on...

My parents think I'm a good girl, but in reality I'm literally a biker chick.

hell yeah

tell me about what a biker chick does

also post tits

tits or gtfo

Like butchy dyke type?


I really want to be raped

Under age

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I need a good fap, green text ?

Are you Male or Female?

You want like a story about one of the girls or just a rundown on what i do?

I’d probably befriend you and let you be my wingman for shit

>be 15
>little sis be 10
>be very close with my little sister
>dad left us when we were younger
>she sees me as her hero
>have a pool so we swim a lot
>little sister has a lot of 2 piece bikini swimsuits
>swimsuits are tight on her and show off her little ass
>get raging hard on every time I see her in her bikini
>one day when we get done swimming tell my sister how pretty she looks in her bikinis and that she could be a bikini model
>tell my sister I would pay her 10 bucks to put on a model show for me
>sister agrees to go to my room
>sister starts posing and doing turns
>dick becomes full erect
>call her over to me and have her sit on my lap
>sister feels my hard on and questions it
>tell her that her modeling made it happen
>tell her that I would give her 10 more dollars if she let me jerk off while she modeled
>she was iffy at 1st but agreed after I told her how beautiful she looked
>she went back to posing for me as I jerked off and blew my load

since that day I asked her to pose for me while I jerked off
She even jerked me off a couple of the times
this continued for about 3 years

one of your sessions, or your first time with one of them.

Shit man where’d you get $20 at age 15??

male who crossdresses

youre probably pretty

i still want to see tits.

You can still be a good girl and a biker chick, unless you're property of a 1% club and you're not a member's old lady, you're likely passed around from member to member taking cock for the club.

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>rundown on what i do?
fuck the other user i want to hear about how its done

junkie bitch, those are opium flowers on her arms.

>all those tats

yeah your parents probably dont think you're good at anything but sucking dick

My old man is a Bandido

I jerked off in my friends sisters volleyball shorts. After I finished I just threw them in her closet.

respect, most of my people are breed.

>download whisper app when that shit was taking off
>mostly bs but Friday nights are usually a goldmine of girls complaining about being stood up or not having something to do
>see one, a girl upset because she’s “unloveable”
>DM her
>chat and swap pics, FaceTime a bit, she’s a cute tight little 15yo blonde. Severe daddy issues, mom works 24/7, ex bf was abusive shitbag
>she agrees to a movie, hand holding and kissing during movie
>bring her back to my place after movie to show her my pets (she was in love with the cat vids I had sent her)
>barely in the door before she’s straddling me standing, kissing hard. Her perky little ass fits nicely in my hands, she’s light as a feather, I’m carrying her to the bedroom trying not to cum before I even get my jeans off
>toss her onto the bed and start kissing down her fuckin flawless body, rip those little shorts off and dive right into that little cunt. She wasn’t shaved but wasn’t amazonian either, perfect little bush, unobstructive.
>11/10 best pussy I ever tasted. Could barely get a finger in.

Keep going?

don't belive you yet, post another

don't be that guy.

I have smelled the dirty panties of many of my gf's friends, and also the little sister of one of my ex gfs. Also had a run of fucking women in their 40s/50s when I was between the ages of 27 and 30, most of whom were married.

I'm not proud of it but knowing me at 17 I'd have probably blackmailed them both with it.

I fully intend to send any pics my new gf gives me to an user as soon as i get them

pls do

1 for every abortion.

I was an after school tutor for an elementary
They would hire kids from my high school to help kids with their homework
so I was making about 100 bucks a week

I had no GF and I never bought shit or went out so I had money saved up

I let guys suck me off and fuck them. I ain't gay though. They did it to me

Thought about it so many times since. But in the moment I was shit scared.

What's your relationship like with her now?

>be me
>be 14
>get big titty/big thigh emo GF
>go to her house
>her dads there
>end up fucking her
>at the end ended up fingering her
>go to leave with fingers that smell of fish
>he tells me to stop
>paniked at first
>ends up shaking my and
>mfw his hand smells like his daughters pussy

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nice filename, larper

Obviously it’ll be different for everyone but I just have some pretty strict but easy rules

>Never EVER use your real name
>Use a VPN for everything. If you need an email to sign up, create the email with the VPN active, make the account, etc
>Keep personal details vague (most of these young girls wanna talk about themselves anyway)
>Don’t mention sex or anything of the nature, let them bring it up and YOU play hard to get.
>To verify she’s real and not law enforcement or some shit, agree to meet in a public place to hang out, don’t say anything incriminating (like “hey meet me at the mall and we’ll go fuck”)
>most of these girls just want attention, have daddy issues, and are all kinds of fucked up so getting them in bed is the easiest part. Just pay attention and act like you care/understand or whatever.
>When she agrees to go back to your place, try to make it at night time and take a really convoluted route. Obscure the home numbers as well if you can
>Fuck the life out of her that first night because you never know when you’re gonna have to cut ties or something.

Basically just don’t give her any solid evidence and you’re good. Any pics I send to them are stuff that can easily be found by anyone and used. I keep all my chats and convos to shit like Kik, no phone numbers or personal emails. Restraint is your best friend. You’ll do it once and get addicted and try to get them outta the house more and more and that’s when parents get snoopy. So relax and don’t be sloppy. treat every time like the last time and you’re good

wanna continue telling how good girl you are on kik? or continue here?? :P


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Dismally autismic and cringe
The file name implies this photo was downloaded from Yea Forums, which does not help your case of being an authentic slut

You absolutely did the right thing. Take it from a guy who did that kind of shit at the time because he reasoned that it was okay because I was under 18. It's crazy fun at the time but the guilt knaws away at you.

Marvelous bazoopers, how do you feel about titfucking?

we are still close
she is 20 now and still lives at home to stay with out mom
I see her a lot when I go over and it's like nothing ever happened

I've been shared with club members. I've snorted coke off of cocks.

>Bro has a secret he wants to tell me
>Won't say online
>Catch him in person
>"So, good news! I'm engaged."
>wut. Thought he was a virgin or near to it, no idea he had a steady gf
>Bad news, she's still fifteen, but we can drive out to the midwest on her sixteenth birthday to get married in [flyover state]
>Dude's like 28 or something btw
>I'm playing it as cool as possible
>"Well, there are some other reasons that's a bad idea, but my general advice for marriage is that there's a four-year itch and a seven-year itch, and you should at least get over the first before putting it on paper."
>Well, we've been dating for five years...

Not my secret, technically, but I needed to say something about it somewhere and here looked good

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You don't really understand how that works, do you?

>make her cum from oral
>stand up and she sits up and pulls my cock out. I nearly fucking bust just seeing her little hands on my dick, barely fitting in that little mouth. She’s inexperienced but it doesn’t matter, she’s tonguing it and lightly sucking. I’m thinking of every possible way to keep from exploding.
>Slide her shirt and bra off, goddamn perfect little tits, not even handfuls, pink nips hard as rocks
>I’m just pouring precum and debating on finishing or trying to fuck. I honestly didn’t think she would be down to fuck or if she was it wouldn’t work out. I’m very thick and she was insanely tight.
>climb on top to kiss her and let my dick stroke her clit
>she asks if I “want to”
>I acted like I wasn’t ready. That drove her insane and she was practically jamming my cock into her.
>very slowly gently fuck her, anything above a light thrust hurts her, and it honestly won’t take much for me to cum
>start rubbing her clit and she cums immediately
>use that window to fuck a little harder, figure she’s had 2, I can have mine now
>use the last few thrusts to go balls deep, hard as I can before pulling out and cumming on her little tits.
>take pics and grab some baby wipes for her to clean up

I can only fuck 17 year old girls.
Not 16 not 18 .
They have to be 17.
I can't get an erection with any other age

Got my dick sucked by a dude once. I'm straight but damn that felt good.

Say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens

pls respond

as clique as it is, i want to turn my friend into my personal sex slave

Bazoopers? WTF are you 12?

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Before you had an old man right? No sharing once you're claimed.

I do as he says. He's shared me before.

never works out once you're shared, I've seen it so many times before. Bitches need to be loyal once they're an old lady not shared with the club. You'll end up with 2 kids alone in a trailer park.

pls answer question

My loyalty isn't an issue. He told me to show a member that just got out a good time.

Not a big fan. I guess it's ok if he's about to cum.

I used to make dicks and pussies in littlebigplanet2 then jerk to it when I was 12

why are you not a big fan?

Send me your kik. More than happy to be that user

It's just meh. I don't really get anything from it.

I'm fucking my cousin. My wife doesn't know.

dont you enjoy pleasing men though?

Got any shots in a bra?


Used to take put mike n ikes in my ass in the bathtub when i was ~14. Would put a bunch in and then shit them out.


Pics or didn’t happen. Dems da rules user

This doesn't happen with old ladies. You're club property lol

I get off on the idea of being anal only for someone, preferably someone who cares as little about me as possible despite not liking anal much. or maybe end up in a freeuse situations for my friends. I've had a history of low self esteem, depression self harm etc so in my head it kinda makes sense to get treated badly.

show tits or kys

my girl sucked me so hard that my cock incresed 2 centimeters... last week

I've had the opportunity to sleep with a lot more women than I have, but I'm ashamed of my small dick so I usually find some way for it to not happen.


Want to set my friend up to be gangraped and impregnated

>be me, 24
>flirting with 41 year old woman who works down the street from me
>she invites me over for a casual fuck
>mission accomplished
>fuck her like crazy all night
>she invites me over again about a month later
>am fucking her on her couch
>suddenly hear a voice from the kitchen
>it's her boyfriend I didnt know she had
>came home early from a business trip
>finds us fucking
>loses his shit
>takes a swing at me
>I duck
>try to diffuse situation
>explain I didnt know
>she's crying
>he calls me a fag
>tells me to leave
>get dressed
>tell him my fag cock has been inside his girlfriend
>he breaks down and takes another swing
>I dodge and run for the door
>drive off and laugh
>I still hit her up every few months
>we fuck in the basement of her work after she locks up
>she eats ass
>I have a good set up here

Super illegal, no

can you post a folder of pics of you?? show us how "good" girl you are

Thats some fucking moustache bitch

The niggers of biker gangs

I've stolen nudes from my friends phones and accounts. Kik incogneato88 if willing to trade pics and stories

Are you an actual fag tho?

Ummm whatever. BFFB bitch

Got a Kik? Where at? Can make happen

I like to grope random women. Sometimes I'll give them wedgie.

you single ? i'm pretty sure you can convince lots of guys to have an anal only relationship

I shared my ex gf for the first time the other day ... it was quite thrilling and hot ... I even showed her face ... someone even reposted once so I couldn’t delete ... but now I live in fear I’ll go to jail

Post her faggot

i have a boyfriend but he isn't into it that much. doesn't like getting rough either.

I have a huge friends circle. And i have gained a repurtation as a good listener and shoulder to cry on for girls with issues. most of them are financial and shit. but i have had 5 female friends talk i great detail about their rapes to me..

I beat off like crazy to all their stories.

How is Belgium this time of year?

back in high school I would let my gay best friend give me handjobs so he could play with some dick and I could blow my load

rainy :(

Full of waffles

I slept with over 500 girls before I was 30, mostly because I was in the porn industry in my early to late twenties. Never got famous though, most guys never do.

Pretty much every famous porn actress you can think of up to the year 2017 I've done a scene with.


Aurora Snow?

when i was a teenager i did babysitting to make money. i watched a 12 yr old boy for a week during the day while his normal nanny was on vacation. i was his first (and second and third and so on) and it was fun

how was georgia pre-boob-job?

I fucked your mom...

and i watched

your dick is tiny

>and second, and third, and so on

That's not how it works, even if u put on costumes. Stay in school.

Yes, only once with her though. It was a gangbang video

Who do you mean by Georgia?

well we fucked at least twice for 4 days, so whatever

none of my friends know

but Yea Forums does now

Got any STDs?

Are you a boy or a girl?

I am a dog fucker and a furry. Being called a disgusting trash dog fucker gets me off so hard

the chick whose name literally is georgia, you dumbass

she was the finest flat-chested whore before she got her boob job

damn i miss them tiny titties

>be me
>post on secrets thread
>get a knock the next day on my door from guys with badges about said post
>trial is set for next month

Herpes (everyone in the industry has it), chlamydia and gonorrhea numerous times, at least two HIV scares

Join this discord


Oh. Can't say that I have fucked her then

does anyone have a link to the 800000000 post, was doing tests and i missed it

Ok, so, i actually need /b opinions on this. I have been with my gf for a year, she is a 7/10, but sex havent really totally been great imo. Recently ive started being interested in trap porn ( not CD or anything ) and just out of curiosity ive messaged an escort that i saw recommended on a forum. After talking to her a bit and she asking for a pic of me, she actually said she really liked me and would do it for free. It would be tomorrow, this is her ad .What do i do? Im confused as fuck. I really like my girl, but she was the first girl ive ever been with and it feels a bit like im missing something, mainly in the sex part and all

girl obv

Are porno chicks really that loose?...shit even the petite ones can handle the huge dongs.

Or do they warm up with da dildos?


Watched my brother (18) participate in a gangrape of a passed out girl when i was 10.
he never knew.

the girl was our 15yr old neighbour

Do it.

Porn actresses really don't care about cock size that much despite what videos have you believe, they're doing a job first and foremost. Many of them hardly even talk to the guys at all outside of shooting

I've showered with my 9yo niece quite a few times

and just say fuck it to my relationship?


how did u meet the married ones, and where would u fuck them?

uhm, ok, one vote for that than

are you seriously that retarded?


If u have to ask then u are just as retarded

i know he's retarded i'm just trying to get him to self evaluate

why though, im confused af on what to do, and yes, prob retarded

yeah, um, me too

how many took part and how long did you watch?

think about who's advice you're asking

idk, im asking everyone in here, i literally need any opinions that could help, im 100% lost and dont have anyone to talk about this

i say don't do it but i wouldnt have any experience in any of that sort of stuff

I take BBC up the pussy

Does your parents know and why do you hate your father?

but would you stay with a girl that you dont really enjoy sex that much?

I had a sugar baby through her college years, and I got so attached and fell in love with her that after she graduated I didn't want her to go, so I proposed to her. She said no, unfortunately, and cut off all contact with me after that.

Not much of a story, yeah.

I watched it all.
My brother was having a house party and me and my sister (We are twins) saw two of his friends carrying our neighbour up to my brothers room , so we went out the window on our room and on the roof of the attached garage which gave us access to his window.
Those two guys started it and over the next hour or so 7 or so guys rotated inn to have their way with her.

He is my (adoptive) father :)

story time...

also anal?

Have you tried talking to her about trying new things with sex?

>Take it from a guy who did that kind of shit at the time

Um.... care to elaborate?

nope. never fucked a dude.

Good to hear it didn't ruin things between you two. So long as it's not actual penetrative sex incest isn't really that bad.

He tried anal but it hurt to much.

i mean, i dont know if thats really the case, like, it isnt much of what she does in sex, its how she does it, the way she does to feel pleasure doesnt really do it for me, i feel it is more like a connection thing that doesnt really add up. not sure if that makes sense

I lost my virginity when I was 15 in a girl's bathroom at high school, to a 16 year old girl who was also a virgin. No condom, it was a bloody mess and I also cummed inside her. I don't know how the hell I was so lucky that she didn't get pregnant.

dont be a pussy.. let him get another shot

maybe she was menstruated, couldve helped even make it bloodier than it was

His dick is 13 inches and I’m super skinny. It’s just not worth it. It got stuck once.

time to post pictures..

discord gg /KjKZgd3 Super sexy edition

Fuck no

how did they fuck her, like what position was she in? how did they leave her and where?

did you sister get horny?

why not?
you know the rules right?

okay, i dont know what you should do. decide wether youll regret this in the future

>be me
>be there at the birth of Internet porn
>go on mission to find the full spectrum
>get into beastiality videos
> want to see a girl get fucked by dog or horse in real life
>ten years go by
>know my super kink is too off to every bring up
>going down road with wife
>she knows i watch beast porm but also mixed in with everything else
>comes out she has fucked my dog 8 times without my knowledge
>get super excited
>it's actually going to happen for me
>she agrees to do it again for me
>she does it three times and stops cold turkey
>vows never again
>still bumbed about 8 times without me

Don’t care nobody, I know in real life knows about this I’m not just going to post pictures on Yea Forums

yeah, i guess, shame there arent many people in a situation like mine that could help kek

Based advice

just tits and a timestamp.. no face. no nothing just tits

You look like an annoying irritating whore.
Dress the part too.
Noone thinks youre good, dumb cumdumpster.

rules don't apply in these threads. only applicable if girls want to get something out of a thread.

You only live once, just do what feels right!

I reply to spam mails straight up begging them to take my money.
Literally never gotten a response, which is baffling. What do they want?

>>be there at the birth of Internet porn
you'd still be waiting for that picture to load


Annoying and irritating are the same thing, shitweasel!

You love bbc but hate bwc?

You love bbc because bwc was your adoptive father?

at first she was prone on her stomach, but they moved her around, eventually ended up on the floor on the carpet.
My brother cleand her up a little with a wet towel and put her clothes back on. she was put in a hammock in her back yard (summer) and just left there. her parents were away anyway.
dont know when she woke up or how she reacted.

and i cant remember my sister reacting any special way to it.
shes mentioned it a lot later in life about how fucked up it was

user must know cause...

When did I ever say that?

Use to save images on 3 in floppy

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That doesnt mean I hate bwc...

And loud

I bet you're a Babylon 5 nerd

You wish

>Broke up a while ago and we gave each other our stuff back in a box.
>Gave me my condoms back
> 2 extra condoms missing from how many I had used

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Fucked my freinds little sister

Soooo you just like big cock... Then why make the paramteter distinction of black in op?

any anal?

I want a guy to train me to drink his piss straight from his cock.

you guy or girl?

All I said was that I take BBC up the pussy

I am struggling witu masturbation, I wanna end it but I like it so much

fucked my sister, 5 of her friends. and one cousin.

I always report CP

I bet you charge 1 dollar for blowjerbs.

Unironacly dumb cunt

Hey, use some more makeup and dye and tats.

yes. one guy was obsessed with it and came back several times to attempt it or do it, im not sure. and one dude just walked in slid it right inn and had his fun.
think the guy that did it multiple times died in a motorcycle accident last year


And also white... I'm guessing by your objection.
It's just an odd parameter to add that isn't a limiting parameter.

Example "i eat red food!'

"Don't you like green food?"


"Then why announce you like red food?"

"i lIkE rEd fOoD."


how old?

Because I thought you guys hated niggers

Don't say that word little girl! Did your older brother tell you about this website?


Not that guy
but i did it when she was were 10 together with another friend. they are engaged now

There are definitely worse things than watersports


n-no... he did not

Lol I always kill threads with my dumbass posts.

My cousin called me a couple years ago. She asked me if i remembered the games we played when we were kids. We would spend all night doing things with each other till we were 14 or 15 and the adults kept us apart. As it turns out, we aren't related. My aunt confessed to finding her on a doorstep 30 years ago. Some random woman or girl left her there and my aunt found her. My uncle met my aunt a few months later and just said he was her father. It's hard to get angry. My uncle died, which led to the confession, and my aunt couldn't just leave a baby out in the cold. The best part is my cousin and i can fuck our fool heads off any time we please though. All those wasted years.

what was your post?

god i wish this was me

We hang nigger for free

If your names holly then i swear this is funny

What? Why?

What the fuck?

What does that name have to do with anything?

Why would you think that?

Add me on kik and ill explain moose9917

Why is the name holly funny to you?

hmmm I'm starting to think your name is holly.

I don’t trust you

Last name start with M and your boyfriend is Troy?


I want a stalker but I don't know how to go about getting one and am probably not interesting or cute enough for that to ever happen

Don't put glass in your but

you frantically replied 5 times lmao


She has to be hot to not realise how uninteresting her comment was.

tell us more.

I spent the night at my sisters house while she was out of town, i went in her laundry and found one of her thongs. i wrapped it around my cock and balls and jerked off to pics of her in her room, then used the thong to clean up my cum. threw it back in with the dirty laundry

Shes local to me, cheats on her bf often dispite they've been together for years. I honestly love that about her and have secrets i can expose. All im saying till she responds

So? I want to know where you got the name from?

Why do you say that?

I let my 10yo cousin touch my dick every time he wants

Not telling until you message me on something.

Scan the thread


can you reveal full last name?

When is was in sixth form there was an extra credit programme to mentor and tutor troubled/struggling kids in year 7 and 8. Due to a problem with the numbers I was paired with a 12 year old girl. Sufficed to say I ended up teaching her more than Maths and English.

Not exactly proud but I have some fond memories......and footage.

She better reply to this

You have never done that


Nah I'm not sexually attracted, it's just nice to be touched

If she doesn't dm me or reply ill post her FB lol

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When I was like 13, my 12 year old girlfriend would occasionally go fully nude around the house and sun bathe like that. She'd sometimes go out onto the balcony to masturbate and I know for a fact she was seen by the neighbors. I remember once time she was taking some "pics" in the kitchen with the curtains open behind her, and she joked how she was giving the neighbors a show. Shit still gets me diamonds. I almost gauruntee some perverts have creep shots of her out there, and lucky lucky them.

post it?

Told ya i would lamo

Attached: Screenshot_20190521-000203_Facebook.jpg (443x1080, 278K)

You were the one who got to fuck her dude.

been fucking my friends big titted mom for about a year, since he moved out of town for college

True true. Still, there's that weird voyeur factor. It's good to know others got to see her, especially when it's taboo af.

Dude seriously? I do have a few pics lurking around tho....


When I was in high school, I shared with my little brother nudes of my girlfriend, who was in a few of his classes. I wanted him to be able to look at her every day and think, "I've seen you naked, and there's nothing you can do about it." Know for a fact he jerked off to those things often. No regerts

Nice try fbi

Well it's certainly got me going. What's it like fucking a 12 year old for those that have never had the exquisite pleasure?

Awesome big bro award

yeah got some

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I decided against it now bc read rules.

Attached: 15.jpg (987x1313, 151K)

This one is probably the safest to share.

Attached: FB_IMG_1558097302684.jpg (480x640, 37K)

LOL you were seriously considering uploading it?

You got kik? I just wanna chat about it now lamo

Bait tho

Cash money. We were at that experimental stage where anything goes, and we did anything we could. Nice, tight, cute little thing that was kinky as fuck. We'd go like rabbits, round after round, swapping holes. Terrible girlfriend, great lay.

Lol Hillary in the background!

i fucked my cousin

Care to elaborate?

Thank you, thank you, I try

Consentual? Also any tips for other wannabe cousin fuckers?

Nice dude. Not the best looking, but passable. I'd do it too for the taboo

i stuck pee pee in giner. alcohol was involved.
man i sure hope so. she didnt say no but she didnt really say yes. my tip? dont do it.

Just ask me anything on here.

Ok ill just rape my drugged sister instead. Care to say why i shouldn't? I really like my incest fetish

my dream is to fuck her while she's on the phone to her son but not sure if thatll happen.

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Any pics of the little minx by any chance?

Don’t discount my shit because you’re too big of a pussy to do it yourself. If guys like me weren’t out there doing it there wouldn’t be such an attempt to keep it from happening.

because eventually you have to see them again and its really fucking weird at family holiday get togethers because you both know what you did.

Id just stay normal, i don't see her often anyway

Nice try Mr. Hansen, sadly no, hard drive failure is a bitch. All I have now are stories and memories

I really wanna find friends in real life to trade nudes with, but I have no idea how to do it

I’m fucking a married coworker i don’t feel bad

Kik me: moose9917
Ill help you out

I dont like chocolate milk

What about salty milk?

You mean pussy licking? I thought that was salty coins?

the one being gangraped or the one setting up the friend?

Being gangraped

Sisters know best!

Kik? Can make it happen

need to make an account, drop yours?

Kik here too pls want to be part of that rape

I stole nudes of my friends phone and sent them to myself. Posted them online and now a reverse image search shows her on like 20 different sites... I jerk off to it all the time