Arya went west, Jon went north, Drogon went east, and the show went south
Who else is really disappointed?
Arya went west, Jon went north, Drogon went east, and the show went south
Who else is really disappointed?
That they spent millions of dollars on a failed show.
nigga go to tv with this shit
Arya became Sandokan
I'm not going to those diehard fans. They go too deep. I need my porn in my thread from time to time.
I think you meant:
>a failed show made millions and millions
I feel like i drank a boot full of warm piss
>and the show went south
6/10 and checked.
Made me chuckle.
Till season 5 it was great. As soon as dumb & dumber had no writing material and had to come up with it themself it went south.
They should just wait for the books to come out and re-do the last 2 seasons.
The one true king was sendt North :( His place was as the ruler of the SEVEN kingdoms. Now he will die, lingering his fate alone...
Oh hey! I saw le thread on reddit!
But seriously, who wouldn't want a series of Unsullied pillaging Sothoryos
the writing was terrible. But literarily everything else was incredible so I don't wanna take all that from them!
>Jon went north
100% this is how the show ends. Jon is a political prisoner and exiled. But the show fucked it up because Grey Worm forgot (or never knew) that The Wall is in the North...which is its own kingdom now. So Jon could say "fuck that" and the Starks would be like "welcome home!"
Dumb and Dumber indeed never understood why the show was good. They thought it was because of the shock value. Season 8 is so bad that I acctualy signed the petition to remake it
>100% this is how the show ends
lmao meant book
What are some good spoilers I can make some annoying acquaintances angry with? I don't care about GoT, but I want to fuck up his day.
the fast forward button gets hit several times.
Martin is the lowest of whores. He had plenty of time to finish the books but instead he'll use criticism and plagiarized fan fiction to do the job for him. Half the work and probably double the profits when fools run out to buy the books with the "good" ending
Wasn't the new season only like 5 episodes? I don't watch the show but you think they could have had a longer season instead of forcing everything to come to a close in such a short period of time.
>the red keep has to be redesigned with accessibility in mind
because they ran out of shock value and characters to kill off.
Rushed the last series. Went all SJW. Actually turned off 2/3 of way through.
Biggest disappointment was Sansa didn't get naked!
>be me
>be attracted to a girl who plays basketball
>think I can beat her
>she crosses me
>I break my wrist after falling
>lost my chance with her
Why am I like this?
If you guys eally think GRRM had NO input in where the story went after season 5, you're kidding yourselves
The backlash against the season 8 is borderline incoherent.
>Why am I like this?
>Posts his sad story in greentext in a random thread
I think you know why
>thanks for making us rich you fucking nerds lol
seems season 8 was just for setting up the spin off's
>spin off
No one wants to see the hunchback of winterfell
but u know its still coming
I do, I would marry her
That might well be possible, if the spinoff we know about weren’t set to take place about 50 years before the events of this show.