listen to me iphone warriors in world wide poiverty stricken hermitage is belive the picture and see the truth 2 plus 4 equals 6 6equals 7 7 equals 8 equals ending the eternal control of hyper fucker sissy boy prostate gods and Latino cream king slut warriors forever look at the numbers flying into your eyeballs and ingest them through the intense and out the sphuncter of eternity into your brain waves reverberating world wide into 4 billon people globally into pure stain gold poverty forever culminating in free market systems equals eternal peace and liberty for all should and essential cuckhold and steely dans enormous man pussy all microbe blogged in the ever watching eyesight ear zone of tv iphone mana casts liveing surrounded by the lie of gigarette cash truth youth exo crimans written onto the parchment of our mind souls bodies conciesnus but the end by the enron oil international playboy vice lords mommitee of logo boner lords computerzed sex lords triumpth endlessly in the hills of your dreams death life free market and damntainons running trought your veins into the deadly liveing wourld sound sight robot sonspiracy of pyramid steam ultimate hell worlds death crime rip babes from the arms mother while nursing the erectiomns of ultamate hell world super king cock socks asshole feeding tubes deliver perfect poison intervenously well paid spokesman belch rhyming
What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies GO GO GO MSG_ID: 0wo7aojys CAN YOU FUCKING TELL ME WHY YOU'RE NOT HERE YOU SILLY MOTHER FUCKER DONT READ KIKE COPY THAT SHIT TO YOUR FUCKING BROWSER You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.
What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies GO GO GO MSG_ID: w9qq9mppuv CAN YOU FUCKING TELL ME WHY YOU'RE NOT HERE YOU SILLY MOTHER FUCKER DONT READ KIKE COPY THAT SHIT TO YOUR FUCKING BROWSER You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.
its funny how black people have to idolize a fantasy world in a movie because 99 percent of the countrys and places they are majority in turn into a pile of shit