ask an active antifa protester anything
Ask an active antifa protester anything
Other urls found in this thread:\invite\zSyp9sX
Keep on with the fight comrade
What do for a living
Do you realy believe everyone with a different opinion is a nazi?
How big is your asshole?
Why do you cover your face and remain anonymous? If you aren’t proud enough to reveal your identity, why do it?
Why do you protect leftist/sjw types when they are the most oppressive towards minorities?
does cum make you gag?
How much does anal hurt your butt hole?
Can you poop normally without surgery?
What does cum taste like?
What is like to have no agency as a human?
Why are you all so fascist?
Isnt violent protest with political motive fascism?
Isnt violent protest with political motive fascism?
What's it like to be on the same side as the people you purport to be fighting? Go fight to have your rights taken. The wealthy people you're supposedly fighting are fighting for the same socialist laws you are. I'm sure that doesnt bother you at all. You are driven purely by emotion, never rationality. If your enemy is supporting the same things you are, something shouldn't click.
How far did your parents drop you as a child?
Lol I have nothing to ask you, other than to please kys. You are pathetic
Shoot yourself and post it live
Fascism means "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"
Forcible suppression is only one of the elements that makes up a fascist ideology. That's like saying shopping carts are cars because they have four wheels.
when did you become an antifa protestor? 2 years ago when it got popular in the us?
seems like every hipser calles himself "antifa" these days
Congrats, not even a single sentence of your post is even remotely true. You're on best way to become just like your president.
What's it like to be a gutless pussy?
How come you don't see what an obviously ridiculous inconsistent coward you are OP?
Why don't you engage people in debate rather than gang up in a group of anonymous cowards and chant at them and/or assault them?
Why don't you speak to someone who has actually lived under communism and who knows how much it sucks?
you tell us
HOW MANY dicks have you sucked?
kek. this rustled a lot of jimmies. well done op!
When did you turn into a gay pussy?
Why are you breaking heads for the Bad Guys?
get a fucking life
marduk rocks
Which one are you?
how can i be like u?
>ask an emotionally unstable, violent pussy anything
Bet you're a skinny faggot too who has to prove himself that he's tough by breaking property and shouting like a queer at some "protests".
I'm pretty much a full time protester and community worker. I cook vegan dinners in a squat diner for poor people and everyone that doesn't have money to buy food. I live there too.
No. But more than you think actually are.
Regular I guess
We need to do this to protect us from alt-right/neo-nazi to find out who we are, giving them the oppurtunity to harass us irl. Also it doesn't matter who we are behind the mask. We are antifa, all of us. We have the same message.
I don't get this question, explain.
(and some other posters)
I'm not gay if that's what you mean.
They never literary dropped me but they we're pretty conservative. They wouldn't let me go to punk concerts etc. They're both dead now.
First of all we only use violence as a means to protect us from fascism. We will try to silence irl nazi/fascist groups by making noise, blocking their paths etc. but if they start to attack, we'll attack back. Violence sometimes is inevitable.
If you mean violence against 'property', we don't see that as violence. We'll destroy symbols of capitalism (like fancy cars, multinational company buildings, trump property etc.) because we don't believe in private property. Same goes for setting fire to banks, prisons, political buildings from fascist governments etc. Thats a part of destroying the system.
I'm with antifa for over 10 years. The movement has grown over the years and so are these so called hipster protesters. They never stay that long. You can identify them easily because they flee whenever there's a battle, never on the front line, don't know what they're talking about or what anarchism even means
Yeah debating nazi's worked out well in 1933
I'm an anarchist, not a communist.
Learn about anarchism. Join one of our casual meetups. There are political meetups but also just for fun concerts, vegan food party, watching relevant music etc. There's always antifa people around who can awnser your question.
Then join one of our protests. I'd rather have you know what you're protesting for/against than one of these earlier mentioned 'hipster' followers.
What does being vegan has to do with being an antifa?
>we don't believe in private property
Fantastic! You won't protest then if someone comes and take all your shit away from you then? Or smash up your car, the day you're old enough to get one?
thats if he can afford to move out of his moms basement
Thank you for being a warrior for national socialism!
I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not 'Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy'. My motto is 'Destroy him by all and any means.' I am the one who will wage the war!
-antifa creed
>Not understanding the difference between private property and personal property.
Why haven't you killed yourself?
You are contradicting yourself then with your mentioned examples. You're a halfwit, which makes perfect sense.
>I'm not gay if that's what you mean
Nope, you're a faggot. There is a distinction. Hopefully you're tranny faggot, so you can join the 40%
Legally define what makes them seperate
y'all taking applications?
what is antifa
How is your new divsion working out? And what will you do when there is no more soi?
Do you eat nigger shit to prove you are not racist ? Niggers are racist against white people, but this is a question from your perspective. Ya know
dat antifabitch ass tho
>I'm pretty much a full time protester and community worker. I cook vegan dinners in a squat diner for poor people and everyone that doesn't have money to buy food. I live there too.
So, basically you don't have a real job?
None of them do.
>I'm pretty much a full time protester and community worker. I cook vegan dinners in a squat diner for poor people and everyone that doesn't have money to buy food. I live there too.
gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
looks like a beaner to me
You are a terrorist and think the best way to combat fascism is with authoritarianism
My question, why have you not necked yourself yet?
you can live a happy life without a "job". I don't have a traditional job and i don't want to pawn my ass so my boss can profit from my work. Instead i seized the means of production for myself and work as a well payed freelancer. Antifa is still scum though
Fun Fact: The ancap freelancer does a better job, deconstructing the capital, than any antifa kiddie activist. grow up and act instead of screaming "muh capitalism"
why are you gay?
How does it feel to have the whole world laugh at you, and not gain any respect?
Have fun raising retarded children
Lol what a loser
*Have fun raising degenerated children
My kids will shoot your dumb fat kids in the face
what made you choose to protest them? what do you think caused them to be mentally ill? TDS?
>We'll destroy symbols of capitalism (like fancy cars, multinational company buildings, trump property etc.)
and that's why nobody likes you. You're damaging your own cause you dumbfucks
Why are you such a shitlib?
Why do you like killing our children?
Why are you such commie fags?
So you're a fascist who hates other fascists. Great, go kill yourself.
You know real Americans keep their guns loaded
ha jokes on you. i don't want to share my wealth with a family. That's why i'll never have children.
>inb4 muh you might have children, even if you don't want
no, i only fuck with condoms
Condoms are for butt fucking faggots
What does an antifa do exactly?
Does your mom's basement have good wifi?
When they're not discussing what gender they are today they're loitering and bitching
it's not 1933 you fucking retard. Debate them, don't fight them.
Why weren't you aborted before we all had to deal with your obvious retardation?
Kek he can’t.
Spoke like a real nigger. have fun raising a family you didn't ask for.
was supposed to respond to this my bad
what do you think about your faggot comrades getting rekt by patriots? go live in a gulag if you hate freedom so much.
kek, this
Why do non contributing members of society always think they can change it?
You sound like a terrorist and if whatvyou say is true you are a threat not only to the government but everyone else as well.
because fascists outlawed abortion, because it's murder
I genuinely asked to know what it means but after reading your comment and watching few videos you make total sense.
nah he sounds like he's b8ing
I make my gfs get contraceptive shots. Time to grow up kid
Glad I could help. Also their leader is a hobo who roams the world
>trusting chicks
pic related
how can you control they really get the shot?
Protip: You can't
Same with the pill. Some chicks will tell you they're on the pill, while they aren't and BOOM you got a child you didn't ask for.
I watch them get it dumb dumb while I hold their hand for support
Not him but its fun bait for once tho
I think you antifa guys are terrorists.
You call yourself anti fascists, but all i ever see is you guys hating on the white race and causing mayhem in the streets.
resist resist resist!
resist what? our economy is growing, employment rates are up. What are you trying to change?
Why are you such a faggot, OP? Is it because your daddy was tough on you as a child? Or perhaps he wasnt around to show you how to be a man??
whatever dude. I'm sure you'll know what you do. Still i think this is pretty stupid because you only got one life. Why ruining it by taking any chances?
Why do you get your rocks off from being a foot-soldier of the establishment?
Their imaginary enemies. They want their imaginary genders to be heard
Have fun wrapping your dick in rubber faggot
I don't agree with the autism but we do live in clown world. I blame social media and the internet
Do what you want m8, didn't even wanted to offend you. All i wanted to say is that antifas don't necessarily breed retarded but degenerated children for sure to get back on topic.
Look at its hands, thats a man bby.
Id have to agree, its just an echo chamber of triggly puffs.
when will you realize that the only way to liberate the workers is ancap?
>forces ppl to work together or everyone starves
>considers the natural human greed
>gives the means of production to workers
>fair day pay for fair day work
>NAP protects us
>Government control b gone
>Voluntarily organize as you see fit. if you want to found a stalinist community go ahead. good luck finding any supporters
>basically do what you want as long as you don't hurt anybody
>ask an active antifa protester anything
Dear extremist.
Please explain your goals and how your "protests" can move us towards them.
No part of your explanation may be a question mark.
this. OP answer or kys
why are you dumb corporate whores?
Meat is murder. Most prominent antifa are vegan and/or also animal right protesters. You won't find any real antifa events that serve meat.
I don't own much.
Property should be useful to a community. Your 100.000$ car isn't. Our 1000$ van we share amongst 10 people is.
I fight for a greater cause. ALso I'm not depressed or anything.
You can call me that, I don't really care.
A political movement that is needed to stop fascist/neonazi groups from spreading their hate. Basically what we do is protest against fascism, counter protest extreme right groups, protest at prisons/refugee prisons/camps. We jelp house refugees (no one is illegal). We inform organisations on the fascist agenda/history of their guests on 'debates',. Gather intel and expose their leaders on the internet. Spread info through flyers, stickers, music, diy clothing, workshops on squatting techniques, help people with legal rights/attourney costs.
There are no official divisions. Everyone can call themselves antifa but we will distance ourself openly if we disagree with protesters under our flag. That very rarely happens. But to awnser the question: Me and over 200 people in my network (counter-)protest very often, at least once a month. I also give out information about squatting(rights) at special meetings every week. And as I said earlier I'm in the cooking team.
Female objectivication and sexism will get you kicked out if you ever join us
I do undeclared work from time to time for a shady construction company but only if I REALLy need money. I also get some money from charity organisations when I help them with the refugee crisis (i.e. I spend some months in Greece helping out).
OP prob necked himself
goddamn you are exposed as more and more of a fucking loser with each answer. keep it up , this is comedy gold
>Female objectivication and sexism will get you kicked out if you ever join us
please explain how admiring a nice ass is objectification. I've never seen a thicc couch or any other object with a nice ass.
do you know that there is a really big difference between fascism and national socialism?
vid related
I grew up on hatred towards fashism and 20 years of soviet "propoganda" and indoctrination. At some point even wished I had an aportunity to join antifa. I cheered every time your organisation would send white pride to sleep in brawls even if it was by a sucker punch. Because I had compassion for the weak and mistreated by the atrocities. And had respect for victories of the former generations and what they stood for. I still find some of right wingers dispikable. But here I am since yesterday. Reading, listening, researching for myself. Truth is for example in Russia when you join a group of active "protesters" for the first two months you dont even know weather it is left or right... young hot heads are used. Just like you are now. Doing the bidding of the jews. Never believed it, till a link on here to a video of jews pulling islamists out of water onto european land. I was fine with you bashing heads with swastikas but you do that to ppl who you disagree with now and that is not the same. Im tired of saying no to niggers sellint fake bags, tired of being harrassed to buy a lighter and tired of having to carry a knife on a date, tired of seeing cops in packs of 12 and tired of literally stepping over nigger shit just outside my B&B in Genova in district literally called getto. I want clean and safe streets however that is achieved. And will participate for the good cause call it what you want, even if you stand in my way.
thanks man now i got a couch fetish
Let me guess you're white and in your teens or early 20s?
I was in German Antifa 19 years ago for a short time. Fighting Nazis then meant fighting real fucking Nazis, that ran around with SS tattoos not normal people disagreeing with 60 different genders. I have never seen Nazis who would not proudly call themselves one.
Antifa today is a complete joke and I cheer when they get their face bashed in. (The same I'd cheer when real Nazis get their face bashed in)
>we don't believe in private property
I don't see your appeal in anarchism outside of feeling edgy and rebellious. If the world worked your way you'd have niggers raping your gf and stealing your food.
if you want a good example how anarchy is like, just take a look at somalia or any other failed state.
Do you know wii sports dont count as "active"
So you're some kind of...super advanced homeless person?
Phase 1: silence fascist
Phase 2: their ideas do not get spread (as much)
Phase 3: less fascism
More people support us than you think. We get a lot of donations from people you'd consider normies. Not getting 'respect' doesn't matter that much to me. Whenever we succesfully silenced a fascist group irl we won. These people that don't respect us have not been subjected to hate speech because of us. It's for the best of them too.
What protest are you talking about?
Pic is just a random I picked from google.
>you're a fascist
I'm an anarchist. My goal is to free us all from state oppression, ACTUAL fascism, border 'security' (I strive for no borders at all and free travel for everyone), hatespeech. How is that 'fascist'.
I awnsered this question in the last post.
Because history can't repeat it selve?
I don't want to contribute to toxic capitalist society. I want to overthrow the system. Being part of that system would not really work huh.
We use violence against people only to protect ourselves, destroy fascism.
>our economy is growing, employment rates are up. What are you trying to change?
The idea that that is considered is a good thing.
LIke said before I'm not a communist.
Capitalism has proven to oppress most people again and again. My ideal of anarchy also let's people organise as they want. If your group wants some sort of hiearchy, do what you want. Just don't force anyone to be a part of your system.
I see you ignored my post.
Your silence only proves me right. If i see any of you cucks blocking a road and terrorizing innocent families. im not stopping im stomping on the gas. see you in hell.
If you make yourself homeless by choice then it's less embarrassing than knowing you failed at life when trying your best
>Just don't force anyone to be a part of your system.
so you're basically ancap but with killing ppl.
Remember that communism only exists because the west needs cheaper labor, and anarchism has failed every time it is tried. Now get fapping!
I stand by what i said, You guys act like you only defend yourselves, but there are hundreds of videos of you bastards attacking people who have different views than you.
You block roads, and prevent families from getting home. or to hospital, you block emergency service vehicles and harass the innocent for your insane quasi gender socialist bullshit. I dare you to roadblock in my line of sight. you wont kill more innocents by preventing them to get emergency care.
>I strive for no borders at all and free travel for everyone
So what happens when large groups of superstitious religious/uneducated citizens from poor countries flood America?
Why can't they stay in their own countries?
Why don't you go live there?
Why is it fair that America should burden these people when their own countries let them down? That's not your countries responsibility.
okay you didn't answer to my previous question
i've got a new one. what is your opinion on this so called normalization (brainwashing our society with this type of cancer) of the pedophiles? i think that this issue will become our daily reality if we don't do something about that, and it would happened for about 5 to 10 years max. just ignore "and then for no reason at all . . ." it's a repost from someone else
pic related
intruiging but highly disturbing
Why didn't you quote the ENTIRE definition of fascism? Odd how the part you failed to quote (obviously an innocent oversight on your part) defines your actions as fascism.
You mean terrorist?
>i work
>full-time protest
Best part is I'm a Democrat and i hate these idiots
Later chapters are more vanilla, but I can post something else after if you'd like?
Fuck off
Post a loli comic
nah thanks but i'm not into hentai. Feel free to flood this thread though
I'll finish this and get to the lolis
Nah bro more ss
how many cocks do you suck per day?
I'll do some shota after the loli.
1 less than you
That still sounds pretty gay. You should work on your comeback game.
OP, you and your ilk are using the same tactics that Big Brother used in Orwells 1984, qnd you dont seem to think theres a problem with it. You hate those who think differently than you, and you unironicly say that youre fighting for the individual. Well guess what, individuality in its truest form means individuality in ideas too. Even those that differ from yours. You have no problem using violence to get your way, youre a pathetic neo hippy indoctrinated into a fascistic mentality masquerading as marxist bullshit.
You and the rest of Antifa would be happy seeing all of humanity living in caves, but without eating meat in some sort of neo caveman monarchy disguised as "freedom".
Fucking pathetic pox upon civilisation. Go jump in a bath of acid.
Fucking Jew controlled faggot you guys will never ever win against facism
And one day you all will be wiped out
why do you hide your face?
This based and redpilled
damn, you're probably right
I thank you for your service!! I love watching you pussies face get beaten in when you mess with the wrong crowd! It’s a great comical relief when I see those videos! Well I’m going back to work ... something you guys don’t know
Didn't mean to sound like a dick btw. Just had to be said.
Loli next. I'll post source when later.
Sounds like a start to a gay orgy ya dirty faggot
One day I tell you we gonna get you all like we did to the polish Jews
nah, its ok! i get it..
If you're the official mag carrier for your weekend warrior militia group then cargo pants will work better than those stupid skinny jeans.
Infecting the population with atrazine, mazel tov.
Gonna slow a bit. Resizing issues.
This might be a stretch, but by any chance is OP a white male in his 30's who uses a bike as his primary means of transportation? My roommate does that shit too and he's "anti-fascist". Funny thing is he also changes the definition (because there's no single concrete definition) of fascism every-time he tell the story. He also claims to be anarchist too and a Vegan. Funny thing is he's communist- anarchist like OP but he's never actually read Marx. Since neither of you nearly illiterate nitwits have read it, let me tell you what Marxist-Anarchy looks like: EAT THE RICH, everything is perfect and utopian, then the government spontaneously dissolves. Note SPONTANEOUS. He never mentions running around throwing rocks at the "class enemies" or preventing students from studying on THEIR campus. At the end of the day Antifa is for immature, emotional, impressionable nitwits who have totalitarian tendencies. Anarchy is inherently free speech- no bs definition needed- so stop wasting your time with tin pot philosophy and get a real job/join society. Build, stop destroying
Because hes a pussy
Where did you find the english translated ss bro?
>antifa protester
no such thing
antifa faggots are nothing more than
you guys see the parallel with the KKK right?
recently defeated masked democrats attacking republicans ...
>M&P 15 Sport 2
lmao those pieces of shit literally melt after you put a couple of hundred rounds through them.
The one I posted? Here's links. The artist also has a pixiv.
Mother, it has to be you!!!
Mother, it has to be you the sequel
Mother it has to be you ~Summer Holiday First Part~
Mother it has to be you ~Summer Holiday Last Part~
The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
Join the server because the server is pilot of SHIT
Why the FUCK you not there yet , why you did'n'?!'t joined this server yet?
Flat earth server for flat earthers(me u and US), You can even bring on your Jenni pet...
Copy this link to your browser...Literally EZ PIZII, EZ...NO-RULES, no wild-yannies only pet-yannies
ADCOMPAIN_ID: adfy0u52ng
Shitpost with us and share your flat earth believe's with us
I was just curious in general. Colorized, english translated SS with a decent story is hard to find. Western ss is even more rare.
He's Japanese, but his stuff looks unique. Try kuroneko smith
I love how this went from annoying spam to copypasta real fuckin fast.
i know, i was just trying to bait the pussy. they should be treated as a terrorist and unleash the military spec ops community on them.
in captalisim youre free to start a social commune and proudce your own means or whatever you bitches say
in socialism its illegal to capitalize on a talent or resource or idea.
basically throw out your phones, take your untalented loser friends and start a farm. stop bitching at the happy capitalists.
Resizing done. Back to full speed.
Cool man thanks. Have some Anastasia Lux titties
OP is gone
How was it that your faggot parents failed so badly with you that you never could get smart enough to think past the surface layer?
The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
The earth is FLAT
Join the server because the server is pilot of SHIT
Why the FUCK you not there yet , why you did'n'?!'t joined this server yet?
Flat earth server for flat earthers(me u and US), You can even bring on your Jenni pet...
Copy this link to your browser...Literally EZ PIZII, EZ...NO-RULES, no wild-yannies only pet-yannies
ADCOMPAIN_ID: stcbn3au1k
Shitpost with us and share your flat earth believe's with us
Capitalism is on the way of eradicating extreme poverty, why do you not want that to happen
Gonna be a minute before I post shota.
He's fapping
what did you do to him you monster
(pffffaaaahahahahaaah haahah aha aaa)
Only cause he's a lefty, ancaps just nuke the nigs
If you actually gained power, would you create camps to put fascists in, along with anyone else who didn't agree with your progressivism, and kill/punish those who resisted?
>Female objectivication and sexism will get you kicked out if you ever join us
Oh that's right, I forgot. Only faggots are allowed in antifa.
Here's your shota.
Thats a good question.
OP, history has shown that anarchism inevitably leads to it's own end, since hierarchical communities conquer non-hierarchies. By that logic, shouldn't you need to deal with the non-anarchists?
I'm good, but thanks for the offer.
Why do you cover your face like a punk ass pussy .
Have you always sucked dicks, or just when you started doing antifa?
You realize you're the actual fascists that you claim to fight, right?
Your tactics are basically Nazi-german brown shirt tactics, and the people you claim that are fascists are trying to protect their country from an invasion.
You're fighting on the wrong side, pal.
History won't be kind to you.
Why do you guys never get violent in states that allow gun ownership with Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws?
Because you'd all be shot.
Pretty sure he's reading.
oh good thing this shit is spammed with shit.
in case op is still here, youre a lil faggot and every person with a brain hates you faggots. die you motherfucker. you´re just as worse as REAL retarded nazis. but there are not that much. fuck you nigger
That was a pretty good one, but I imagine you could've read it before. More loli next
Why are you gay?
No that's terrorism
Last story.
Would you kill baby Hitler?
What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: wa8pa0rb7jk
You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX
Why are you gay and why are you a nigger?
>wealthy fighting for socialist laws
What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: h0avcchh8
You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX
Mother, it has to be you!!!
Summer Vacation Memory
Kyoudai ni Okeru Seikoushou no Kiroku
Lost Article
Thank you for reading. I'd be happy to give some recommendations for other mangas.
kys faggot
What an IDIOT why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: u4lp0e9tx9
You're non less then a literal nigger, faggot.\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX
Why don't you kys today, utopian traitor of your people?
The difference between real property and personal property is extremely well defined in law.
Heil Hitler!
Are u still around, OP?
You realize you are literally the fascist, right?
>harass us irl
So wearing a mask in public is to prevent irl harassment. I knew you fags were a bunch of larping college kids with nothing better to do.
Fruedian slip...
Antifas in my neighbourhood are usually lazy fagg0ts with no job that the only thing they do is drink beer and smoke weed in the park. From time to time they go occupy some bank, do a demonstration... But the thing they like the most is spraying the whole hood with shitty graffitties. Once they menaced a family for hanging the national flag on their window for too long. Bunch of assholes.
>harass us irl
Bullshit, you use it as a way to hide your identity so you can commit crimes without getting arrested. It's hard to find someone in a crowd when you look alike.
That's why /pol/ loves to scour every little photo, so we can find you and bring you to justice.
keep up the good work OP
fighting fascism with fascism, seems like a cool thing to me
What does it feel like to not make a difference at all? What does it feel to support shit nobody literally fucking cares about except shit like you? How does it feel when you look at the success of Wall Street and big business knowing that you'll never be apart of any of it? Sucks balls knowing you've been played your whole life by the rich, doesn't it asshole?
are u gay?
you people know you will be the first to go, right? i mean, everyone within a ten mile radius that owns a firearm will use you for zeroing in their sights just to make sure they are on target, you all know this, right? just making sure you are aware of this
way to vindicate antifa in one post
Yeah and not to mention if given the order, military can just snipe you from anywhere within a 3,000 foot radius. Maybe that should happen. Maybe congress should just take away your citizenship, brand you as the enemy, and boom....the end of antifa. Fuck it, why not? You're just antagonist without jobs anyway. Do any of you fuck wits even pay taxes? Doubt it.
>"active" antifa protester
Must be insignificant cause I haven't heard about any antifa protests in a while.
tell me the antifa secret to avoid paying sales tax