Cucks have destroyed America. Prove me wrong. Mass nigger cuckoldry started in the late 90s just as white culture died...

Cucks have destroyed America. Prove me wrong. Mass nigger cuckoldry started in the late 90s just as white culture died. White culture used to be great in the 60s through early 90s and then whites turned into low testosterone demoralized cuck bitches.

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I've seen too much already.

white race is finished

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>he didn't even get hurt
>the nigger got arrested

he shat his pants

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and the nigger got arrested

despite what you NEET faggots want to believe, nearly no couples live a cuck life. Even in the kink community, which is a very small subset of society (I know, I am in it) most are not cucks, and over half stick to their own race.

Survey after survey proves beyond a shadow of doubt that white women overwhelmingly prefer white men. As do Asian and yes, even black women lean more white than black.

Also if you went to the gym often enough (LOL you people working out, ever. LOLOLOL) you would know that the "black guys always have huge cocks" is not the actual case. They are, by and large, the same size as white cocks. Also, black cocks are not growers. Meaning they are nearly the same size erect as hard, usually. So when you see a limp 7" black cock, its most likely only about 7.5 when erect. Whereas a white cock that is 7.5 erect, will likely be 2-3" when flacid.

In other words, you are an autist who lacks any outside world life experience. THAT is why you get no pussy. Its your shitty personality, your lack of a job, your need to bathe, and your refusal to actually leave your room and participate in the world.

>no one does it
>it's all over the internet
is it all cgi or what? how delusional can you be?

Are you really that retarded?

Porn industry, stupid.

lol its south africa he is a hero & can run for president meanwhile crackers are being eliminated from africa hehe & soon from US also huehue

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The porn industry that women and everyone else nationwide are influenced by, retard.

If whites are being eliminated in South Africa then how come he wasn't eliminated when he was just there?

Jesus christ you really are that stupid aren't you.

he was targeted for termination but the kick landed on his back instead of his neck...he will be back tho

you are really fucking stupid if you don't think women notice all the nigger dick propaganda porn claiming that every black man has an enormous penis and every white man is a cuck faggot

he thought the nigger was just a fan that bumped into him, you should've heard the sound of a nigger hitting the floor like a sack of shit.
hell, arnie barely even moved. that's what decades of core training do for you.

black Africans sound really shitty at eliminating people

Cucks are just a meme. 99% are just larping to get their rocks off. Cuckolding doesn’t functionally exist.

black africans are the same people that kill eachother with sticks and rocks, whilst giving eachother aids and ebola

that's why it's everywhere on Google...

What is "white culture"? And what aspects of it existed in the 80s that are not still around today?

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Hair metal, new wave, punk? Movies were way better in the 80s too.

Yes .... that is the whole reason why the word Google on the page is multiple colors ON TOP of the white background! Clearly a symbol of their plan for other races to dominate whites. Or maybe you're just batshit crazy.

and why you always see cuck vids and incest on the first page of porn sites.
how the fuck can somebody be ignorant to the cuckery that schlomo is pushing?

Jews literally come out and admit they want to destroy the white race and still you cover your ears. It's amazing how fucking pathetic and sheepish people are.
This is from fucking Harvard.
This is a Jewish Harvard professor.

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Will you also claim the downfall of disco? The decline in the popularity of opera and classical? Maybe musical tastes just change over time.

There's no doubt it is being pushed but it does exist. Many white men have been completely mentally destroyed and demoralized to the point they will literally let niggers fuck their wife to get off to and film it.

fucking everything, clothes, filmography, music, politics, family, food, drink, etc. you retards don't even know the definition of culture. hood rap, sitting on porches and busting caps is not culture.

>Jews literally come out and admit they want to destroy the white race

>jews are suddenly a hivemind that all think alike
>using shmoloko jpg.'s to prov your retarded piont

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The Jews are pretty consistently far left.

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Yeah, I'm going to say I've never heard of this guy so I can't comment on anything he says. I can, however, say that 1 batshit crazy person doesn't equal "everywhere on Google". You do know that the more you search for a subject the more links to it appear, right?

i'm guessing it's part white guilt, part menorah and all the female hormones in our food and water.
the fact that you can't go a day without seeing a cuck thread or equivalent on Yea Forums is sad, seeing as you'd get ridiculed for that sort of shit a few years ago.
i'm a newfag (2014) but i'll tell you i've been here long enough to say that there were no shitted or cuck threads back then.

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>The Jews are pretty consistently far left.

Attached: billy boy shabbos goyim.jpg (320x222, 25K)

>"We Jews are going to be part of the throes of that movement... and Jews will be resented for [that].

Most Democrats support Israel. Support for Israel is not a partisan issue in the United States.

"Fucking everything". Ok let's go one by one.

Clothes - keyboard neckties are gone. So are parachute pants and 8-ball jackets. Suits are still in. Jeans are still in. Fashion changes. Get over it.

Filmography - Seems like there are more comic book movies today and fewer epic drama's. That is due to what sells tickets.

Music - Musical trends change. Note that disco is dead and classical/opera is rarely listened to in popular mediums.

Politics - Aside from reality tv stars becoming President, what aspect of politics is really different?

Family - Did yours leave you?

Food/Drink - You can still buy most of the food you could in the '80s. There are even some additional choices. Is this because Jolt Cola is gone? Is that what you are upset about?

It seems like you don't understand that as time passes things change. You really should take a ride on the Disney World Carousel of Progress.

>Most Democrats support Israel. Support for Israel is not a partisan issue in the United States.

that's what i mean isreal saudi arabia and the US empire are all part of the western imperialist agenda.

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>It seems like you don't understand that as time passes things change. You really should take a ride on the Disney World Carousel of Progress.

>not understanding the commodification of culture and how this process destroys culture for profit

How about the fact that men's testosterone levels have fallen by 20%?

Imagine how upset folks were when sarsaparilla was basically eliminated by Coca-Cola. Do you think people called it the "death of white culture"?

Do you actually have a credible medical source?

i'm not american and i have little to say about american culture because americans literally have no culture, just niggers and wiggers. look at germany, oktoberfest for example. they still wear their liederhosen, eat traditional bratwurst, drink beer, folk music, etc. amerimutts cannot have culture because of how diverse they are.

>Imagine how upset folks were when sarsaparilla was basically eliminated by Coca-Cola. Do you think people called it the "death of white culture"?

us lefty boiz call this commodity worship essentially deu to aleination the western public has become so desprate for any sence of identity they will latch on to anything hence why you get SJW's idpol other forms of cancer like white pride ect..

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The average levels of the male hormone dropped by 1 percent a year, Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues from the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, found. This means that, for example, a 65-year-old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65-year-old in 1987. This also means that a greater proportion of men in 2002 would have had below-normal testosterone levels than in 1987.

Just think, at the time of WWI the Saxons hated the Prussians and felt they had less in common with them than they did with the British. Countries are formed by people moving around and living in the same area's.

White Americans have every European culture here too. We have Oktoberfest here. German Americans are the largest ethnicity in the US.

>White Americans have every European culture here too. We have Oktoberfest here. German Americans are the largest ethnicity in the US.

yeah the thing is that just like african americans your disconected form your culture american culture nowadays has become a bastardized version of it or nonexistant.

Tea is a big part of british culture, they have been drinking tea since the 17th century. I do not see that changing any time soon.
Eventually as technology advances all culture will die out, and you guessed it, whites have made more technological progress than any other race.

That's how culture works. It evolves.

Culture does not evolve, it goes extinct and everything that you've said proves it.

>That's how culture works. It evolves.
it evolves naturally however american culture is being socially engeneered artificially to boost profit as you can see clearly nowadays culture is becoming more and more commodified and shallow all deeper meanings taken out and replaced with cynicism.

Animals can both evolve and go extinct. Why would culture be different?

That being said, a huge asteroid is headed in cultures way right now and it's not far away.

How much fucking tea does the avg brit drink each week? I'm guessing around the same amt of coffee that the avg American drinks. Does that make coffee a culturally significant item for the US?

It seems that way to us outsiders, when I hear America, the first three things I think are guns, Ford and coffee.

There is no white culture if you try to compare it to "black culture." The only reason they have it is because black americans lost their tribal identities so all they have is the collective black experience. White people on the other hand still have their ancestral identities whether it be English, Italian, German, etc.

Okay nihilist faggot.

Do you even know what nihilism is?

when you don't believe in anyone but yourself

Wrong, and that's not me. I know you're an intellectual but it seems you've been watching a little too much Rick and Morty.


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