Cute asian thread

Cute asian thread

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posts a girl that rivals a waffle iron

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one and done
fuck's up with her eye op?

these are note cute asians!

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>fuck's up with her eye op?
did not quote OP
what did you mean by this?

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half asians fair game?

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Why not?

sounds good to me. should i strip her?

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Thank you for introducing me to her user

No problemas user, got more?

aren't you her OP?


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Nice, how do you know her? Who is she to you?

A childhood friend

wow really? How old is she now? Any stories about her?

Look at those dubs

She is 23, she was unpopular with girls because guys loved her a she was the type that preferred to hang around with men than women

And around high school time i heard from friends she was whoring around giving heads to anyone how requested her, but never got to know if was true or not, wanted to keep my frienship as it was

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She seems really cute and innocent though. What do you think about her yourself?

She was a funny girl, always making jokes. But sometimes she can get physical in her jokes. she would ask me if her tights were getting bigger and put my grab my hand in between her legs. Or chellenging me to kiss her

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how do you feel seeing your childhood friend grow into such a slut?

So yes, i could see her doing this kind of things, and thats why the rumor spread really fast

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Really weird to think she developed in to a slut, but they have to come from somewhere. ,aybe it develop from the girls isolating her and shealways being a popular girl between guys. It just develop naturally

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you think she's a slut too? do you like her?

Not 100%, but is a possible scenario that with the guys she was going out with and how fast she was cahnging partners that all the rumors were true. i would love to go and ask her to give me a bj

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she has a lot of partners? do you think she's still a virgin?

Ceratinly no, had friends that had one night stand with her and she shared some experiences with me

Would you date her user if she said she’s been in love with you but she just didn’t tell you ?

shit, random guys are fucking your childhood friend and the most you get from her is just her telling you about it

Hell yeah i would

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Why don’t you try ? Even tho she’s kind of a slut she seems like a cool girl . Ask her if she’s ever felt anything

By childhood how young do you mean ? Like what age were you guys when you met ?

Im almost at that point of nothing to lose, i dont really care of she being a slut
We became friends when we were 7

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its not fair, user. random guys have seen her naked and even got to fuck her and you cant even get any action as a childhood friend

whats a korean girl doing in brazil?

Is not about being fair, maybe she as conflicted as me or just not attracted.
Thats a great question user, do you know her?

I think you should just shoot your shot . You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take . I think you should take your shot and let the Yea Forumsros know how it goes

I will thank you good user

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Korean girls in brazil? Im down for that

Bumping for korean brazilians

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Does any of the anons know her?

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I might know her enough. Keep telling us about her

that sucks man. you're her childhood friend and she doesn't give you any action?
Are you close to her? You still talk to her now?

Really, what do you want to know? Did you date her?

I dont know if misinterpreted some situations or she really gave me a chance. Yes still talk to her

Where do you know her from user?

You're the childhood friend, you're supposed to tell me.

post her nudes

No nudes user im just her friend

Just asking what you know user, so i can confirm if she is the girl


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Nice any nudes to share?

yes this is the same girl we're talking about. Just asking you got any more stories of her to share? How is she, what is she doing, her lifestyle, etc

It looks her... not sure, where did you got this user?

Unfortunately not

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She is doing good, but if you know her you should know whats happening with her...

its her face for sure.
Really, you dont know your childhood friends has her nudes online?

Well she never told me about, but would not question that would be some around

Have some more? Never taught i would find it in b

Shit i know her, do you have more pics of Je?

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how do you know her? share what you have

Anooon dont leave us

I have it in my desktop, but nothing special, dont have nudes

user doesnt have nothing, probably just trying to get more info on her OP

My girlfriend

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user why did you delet her nudes?

god bless you user. if you have more i share some of a girl i know...pic related

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saved before he deleted it

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you're getting me quite obsessed with her. pls post her set

Please do sahre

how do you feel posting her online and letting us save her pics?

Good job user, do you think he have more? I was about to repost it to

Well just sharing what i have with b/ros

Suoer cute

no idea. question is why he deleted it. if its not fake then maybe he had second thoughts about sharing her. if she is a slut like the other user said, there are probably tons of pics of her somewhere

But im impressed of finding her nudes here

sorry selected the wrong post

Maybe she was more of a slut than i taugt

Willing to tarde

Finally top tier korean girl

at least you got one to fap to. dont tell her anything about it. but i agree with what someone else said....try to fuck her if she is single. get balls and ask her out. i am an introverted fuck living in Japan...needed some time to ask out some girls i know for a couple of years. in 2 cases, it worked

nudes for nudes man

but she's your childhood friend, you dont wanna protect her?
maybe you secretly fap to her too?

Yes i secretly fap to her, but i dont know if telling her will do any good, and lets be honest we are not certain if a photoshop or not

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not her friend but...why protect her? she is already a slut. he should have tried it when he heard the rumors about her. now its too late for that. the only thing he can do is try to stick his dick inside her like everyone in his neighborhood

never tried kik

Anons still interested in more pics of her?

Thats my point

her expression and hair is the same. its shopped guys

Yes please!

You're a horrible friend haha. You enjoy posting her here too to let others fap to her?

do you even have to ask? yesss

Yes i suspected that

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are you the childhood friend?
if you're someone else, how do you know her too?

you should still go for it. maybe someday you will regret it.
saw a girl in my country one day on a train but was too shy to go talk to her. my buddy sort of forced me to talk to her and said i might regret it if i dont. she was taked at that time but i texted her 2 years later when i saw she is single on FB. Texted her, got closer to her, and went to Taiwan visit her a couple of months later. best week of my life

Childhood friend

Dubs for truth, thanks user i will talk to her

good luck man. wish you the best

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is this her when she was younger?

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Thanks for all the support anons, ill keep anons updated

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Do you know her?

hope to hear good something positive

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Like I said, I know a bit about her. Probably more than others here.
She needs to post more pics though

got more? share some of that one night stand stories you were talking about

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