ITT: we discuss the Second Amendment (2A) of the United States Constitution (U.S.C.)

>ITT: we discuss the Second Amendment (2A) of the United States Constitution (U.S.C.).

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>2A says nothing about your right to purchase a firearm. Peroird. Ban gun sales. End of story.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Constitution says nothing about the OP's right to suck cocks, but lo and behold he bravely practices civil disobedience.

Kek. My fucking sides.

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You've found it! The magic bullet that will end all gun violence! Congratulations! I'm sure it will be so easy!


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so what do we do? just give them out for free?

Thank you, comrade.

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Oooh another loophole! Oh no, your plan was so perfect!

Banning all abortion clinics in state is unconstitutional because it infringes on the right to get an abortion. The same logic would be used for guns, regulating so far that there are no gun sellers would not hold up. But you could regulate sellers so much that they are almost non-existent, just like many southern states do with abortion clinics.

Please don't make this about abortion it was only they example

Naw, enact a licensing program to purchase firearms. Like a driver's license program.

>Classroom time
>Range time
>Different "classes" related to the weapon
>10 year renew

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Sounds like infringement to me. Bet the scotus would agree.

Why? What problem are we having that this would solve?


Don't think your analogy would be applicable.

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I agree, it's infringement to me. The courts will not see it that way though

guns laws don't affect criminals

Why is it not applicable, I wouldn't put it past the courts to bring up that exact example. Not in the way I did though, of course.

>If we make everyone criminals then the laws will affect them and everyone we disagree with can be jailed and silenced
That seems to be the "logic" in this.

For me, it's idiots having guns. If ya can't properly shoot a gun, you shouldn't be able to BUY one.

Don't care if you keep them tho.

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The Revolution would never have succeeded if not for the French assisting us militarily and with supplies and the fact that Britain was heavily stretched for troops and resources and barely interested in "the Colonies" at the time.

And no, the US militia was a fucking joke in the Revolutionary War.

No laws affect criminals, that's what makes them criminals. They don't follow laws...

Get rid of all laws you get rid of all criminals.

>First Amendment (1A) of the United States Constitution (U.S.C.).

Text:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

>1A says nothing about you right to have a tongue. Peroid. Cut out all tongues. End of story

People are upset at gun violence, but the new laws they want to pass wouldn't have stopped any of it.

May as well just make the usa another of the queens realms. Her serfs want it to happen pretty bad.
"OI MATE GUV yeah nah please be just like us"


Don't post pictures of that retarded faggot please.

That doesn't follow, gun violence drops when countries ban guns.

Becasue weapon ownership is explicitly a right in the Constitution that has precedent. Limited precedent, but its there.

The question would be, how does a case get to the Supreme Court related to my suggestion?

Again, there's not a problem here. Idiots passing background checks and buying guns aren't the problem.

>the US militia was a fucking joke in the Revolutionary War

Truth. I lol'd when the nigger said the militia won the war. It's that very reason why well regulated is in the amendment. Framers knew what a shitshow they were during the war.

Name one free country that banned guns and experienced lower violence.


But what about God's law?

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Cruel and unusual punishment.


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That's not my point.

But they are.

If you banned the sale of guns, a lawsuit would be brought against the government by firearm manufacturers or other groups saying it unconstitutional. Their argument would be a ban on the sale of guns would amount to a ban on the right to own guns. They could use the argument that it has been shown to be unconstitutional to ban abortion clinics because it is an effective ban on abortions.

How many of those countries always had access to guns, have massive amounts of gangs, and over 300 million guns?

Answer: zero

Banning them would be a slap in the face to everyone who never misused theirs (which is almost all.) A civil war would quickly ensue.

My God says I own all your stuff...sorry dude

Got a ban on the sale of guns.

Kek, I submit, take me from behind.

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>Not a ban*

still don't get this pussy shit. "keep us safe giverment!!" it's not their job to keep us safe. it's the wild west out side. fucking go out and enjoy the insanity all around. and be a fucking man and know how to protect your weeb ass in case someone wants to hand it to you.

What is u saying mongo?

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There's a romanticized idea that "Gun owning civilians and militia can defeat an organized army." As far as I know, it has never happened and even those fighting in the American Revolution knew that. Militias were for defending towns and skirmishing. It was the Continental Army which was doing the heavy fighting for the Americans and eventually the French and Spanish joined to help.

The idea of the 2nd Amendment is not that civilians can fight the military on an equal footing, it's that they can defend their homes & families, protect against invasions, and apply pressure to corrupt/tyrannical politicians up to the point of violently overthrowing them if necessary. In any kind of civil war, it would be two main sides and they would be fighting as regular armies. Rebelling forces would be of citizens, militia, but much of the firepower and skill would come from military defectors. That's how it's always been and will always be.
Still, private firearm ownership serves a very valuable purpose in American history and society.

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"Shall not be infringed" covers all that. That is the meaning of that sentence.

Besides, you're not reclaiming all these guns and if you try you will make me very rich. Also everyone you want to protect from being shot will be shot anyway. I appreciate you don't care about the 90% of black people shooting just other poor black people so I guess I mean the 10% of shooting your politicians, your officials, your police force and, well, you.

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Every country is different, nice point...

Every country in the world has gangs. It maybe more difficult because there are more guns, but that doesn't stop the possibility.

Fantasies of a civil war over guns is just that a fantasy. If done slowly with ramping pressure and rewards for gun owners to turn over guns. There would no violence if done over a decade or two.


What about barter for weapons using cash

People have a right to sell their property if they chose to, it doesn't say anything about selling guns because it's an intrinsic property right you fucking kike.

So steal all guns never go to jail?

You’d make a horrible lawyer.

It's about cost, also visible force. Pictures of people being shot with water hoses won black people their civil rights, nothing else, it was the self-relection from literally this photo.

So, you can't just roll over a resisting, armed population without a warcrime. That's the point. If we were unarmed we could all just be disappeared into "facilities" and then the truth is whatever they say it is because there was no conflict to cover, no time for anyone to interevene. In the end it's just to create a delay so the press can get there, if they even fucking would anymore. Well, the alternative press would, and the press has been destroyed and reborn from it's "alternative" many times now in the US. We're not just enduring a continuation of Yellow journalism, this a return to The Party Press and it's end will probably be justifiably kind of violent.

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What "Shall not be infringed upon?" Cite the passage


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I forgot to post the photo, but you all know the one.

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>never happened
we wanna talk about Vietnam for a sec or what

Not in America homo. I promise you there will be at least some violence if they try to strip that right.

>intrinsic property

Agreed you can have a gun. Just not buy them!

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Like how you can sell body parts? ( It's illegal btw) If something is made illegal to sell then it is illegal, but guns are protected by the Constitution and the supreme Court would view as infringing on the right to bear arms. That's why the Constitution should be amended to make all firearms illegal

Why the fuck would people that adorn images in wooden trim be so self reflective after the revolution. Where on earth did you red that?

There’s a place called Vietnam you should have a little look at.

Sorry your promises don't have any backing

>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It's quite clear, sorry.

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If you think that u is dumb.

No, abortions are not a right. Roe v wade was a dumb fucking ruling. I'm pro abortion (gotta kill those nigger babies) but I hate the ruling. 5th amendment does not have a privacy clause and it doesn't extend to your body. They literally pulled that shit out of no where. Further, if women can get abortions then I can kill myself. My body my choice


Good. We'll get them guns. Don't worry.

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It doesn't matter what you think is right, the courts say it's a right. Just like with gun sales bans...

Oh, you'll get them guns alright. The business end.

>"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The full context of that line gives a better idea of what they were getting at

... (anti)federalist papers, CC debate notes, and the state laws and debate that shaped the 2A. Real dry reading.

So where is the word "buy"?

It's cannot be illegal to sell your own property because that would make it so that it is not your property. It's not illegal for me to cut off my finger and then sell it, it would be mine to do with as I please. Cite the law you fucking kike. If a constitutional convention to add such an amendment even begins, that's when you all start taking bullets for free.

I've never understood this argument. Say guns are outlawed, and then outlaws get guns. This now means that if they're searched for some reason and a gun is found, then they'll be arrested (or whatever) for violating the gun ban. This also then makes one paranoid while carrying guns, which serves to make that search more likely. Or, if a crime is committed with a gun and the criminals are caught, then the gun possession magnifies the offense and the punishment.
It's like people who present this argument never bother to think that laws are, in fact, enforced.

They had military support.

not an argument.

they have the backing of more than 50% of the worlds firearms.

I found historical evidence of your point!

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He was making a joke that you misspelled farmers.


Under the federal National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) -- found in Title 42, section 274e of the U.S. Code -- anyone convicted of buying or selling human organs in the United States faces a five-year prison sentence and/or a fine of up to $50,000.

#not all body parts

Photo is at ths NRA Head Quarters. Tells all you need to know what they think.

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It's not needed, because outlawing sales would be an infringement.

The court is fucking retarded and roe v wade should be overturned. Liberal judges think the constitution is a "living document" which is bullshit. Basically means they can rule whatever the fuck they want and make up dumb bullshit to justify their rulings.

If you're referring to the Viet Cong, they were a guerilla force operating in South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese Army was doing the real fighting of the war and they were backed by the Soviets and the Chinese.
So yes, I would like to talk about Vietnam because it supports the point I made that militias/guerillas do not win wars alone. The Viet Cong got their shit pushed in when they actually tried to mount offensives. They were good at sabotage, spying, and harassing American forces, but they were not defeating them in battle or taking land. Which is how you actually win.

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Sure kid

My bad meant to reply to this post as well

Guns don't make opposition.


Too bad no one cares what you think and the laws set the you loose...

>the right of the people to keep and bear arms
"as necessary" does not limit it to what is "as necessary" it just specifies that it is "as necessary"
>shall not be infringed

SEEMS pretty cut and dry which is why they have been struggling to change the definition for over 70 years :)

a well regulated militia
us army
national guard
you want a gun? sign up.

You are really misunderstanding how engrained 2A is in the USA. Maybe in your safe space NY or CA echo chamber you think "eww guns icky they trigger me", but everywhere else people like them, and they won't give them up. They will just "lose" them. They'll fall off a boat, get "sold long ago", "damaged". Do you really think the govt. will, much less CAN go house to fucking house, searching every god damned inch (violating the 4th amendment in the process)? The United States was built on guns, and they are in the very fiber of being an American. The point at which the govt. goes all soviet on its people and starts collecting others' property, they are already violating every other ammendment and the citizenry has the RIGHT, the RESPONSIBILITY to resist, violently if need be.

And don't even start on duuuurrr army will drone you hurrrr. They can't. They can't kill the people they want to oppress, they can't obliterate the infastructure that they need to maintain control. There aren't enough cops on earth to even come close to the number of gun owning Americans. There are over 300 MILLION guns officially in the USA (it's closer to 600 million). One beinhd every fucking tree and street corner. How do you oppress that with violence? You can't. You would have an insurgency that would make Iraq look like a fucking picnic. You really underestimate people who are pushed to the edge, and that's a huge mistake.

>"living document" which is bullshit

Not sure that's a road you want to walk down.

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Why don’t you faggots go to England where you can be arrested for a butter knife & leave us alone? That’s the world you want, isn’t it? To call the authorities to send a responsible government agent to supervise you every time you want to make a PB&J?

not counting the sheer number of government and military deserters as soon as some dipshit decides to go full Stalin

You're a fucking kike and the real burnt offering is coming. You will not be able to argue semantics at that point.


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Nah, because I know I'm correct. Cry about it more.
What is it with you guys and your constant revisionism to suit your needs? You should probably just kill yourself.

If the police doesn't press those people to give up their guns right away then that won't happen. Do you attack the police and risk dying or being imprisoned if they give you a $50 fine for not turing in your guns? I hope not and I'm sure many people would refuse the fine payment as well. Its all about the right amount of pressure, like I already said. It will take a couple decades to errode those entrenched people.

That's honestly what the 2A means. Is for the Nat Gaurd to be allowed to have guns.

States fared the federal government could strip their rights and tyranny would happen. It's all quite clear when you read the historical record.

Guns are inanimate objects, they don't do anything unless they are used by a person. So why outlaw them?

>answers all 3 of his questions in one posts
>ignores it to ask the same questions
yep we got a live shill
communism is trash and you should kill yourself you pathetic faggot

See that's not true though. You don't have to take the land. You poison it. You make the govt. twitch at the slightest shadow. They never know when the next bombing will be. Who's the sapper? They can't lay waste to the lands and cities, they would have nothing to rule. The insurgents will sit there, decades long (as they did in Vietnam) if they have to. It will NEVER end. Every day, shit blowing up, your civilians scared to go out side. The enonomy will shit it self. All you need to do is destabilize. YOu don't have to take land. You make it so costly that they eventually give up (which is what happened in Vietnam). You seem to think this is a conventional war. It wouldn't be, it would be a generations long nightmare, and portip: the govt can't last as long as the insurgents. None of them have. None. Name one country where an active insurgency was completely wiped out (another portip: Afghanastan and Iraq are incorrect answers). Insurgents ebb and flow like the tides. You can't stop it, only endure it.

Question is, how long can you swim?

Right, you don't know words.

The NRA is a terrorist organization.

Haha the agruement boiled down to he doesn't agree with the laws that uphold my argument. But the laws are what we are talking about, so I don't know what he wants. Change the laws then argue your point?

You want to die? Try to take them.

So all inanimate objects should be legal? Is that really your argument?

Might is right and gun owners, now stay with me here, own the majority of the guns.

Wrong. Militias are citizen volunteer soldiers mustered in time of need. To be mustered quickly you needed, and still need, to have easy access to your weapon.

Standing armies (which is what the Nat guard and other branches are), are not, by definition, militias. Militias are for defending against the tyrrany of state actors, foreign and domestic.

If anything, the laws against 2A are unconsitiutional, and need to be peeled back even more. You really aren't grasping what natural rights are, are you? Defending yourself is a natural right, and the way you do that in modern times, is with a gun. The laws that violate this natural right are invalid. Come at me.

No, my argument is that people should be banned because guns can't work without them. Checkmate.

Might is right? So if I rape your mom I'm in the right because she wasn't strong enough. She should have had a gun and if she didn't she deserved it. Even if I sunk up on here and she couldn't reach it.

That arguement is disgusting, no morals at all.

It's exactly the argument you are making, kike. What gives law it's power and authority? You already know this though.

Haha I'll take that as a win c:
Thank you

You are the one who doesn't know words. Just because it doesn't specify "buy" doesn't mean you can't buy a gun retard. It's kind of implied in "the right of the people to keep and bear arms."
How else are they going to get them? Make them themselves?
Get the fuck out of here with this weak ass bait, kid. Don't you have school in the morning?

God, I don't want to have to explain democracy to in summary the collective people give it it's power and are responsible for shaping it into what it is

It doesn't matter how you take it. Even if it's in the ass daily.

No you cocksucking faggot, violence determines reality. No military no matter how advanced or devoted can subjugate an enraged populace. See EVERY failed occupation in history.

Bundy Ranch proves violence or its promise, not threat is the final arbiter of what will or will not be.

Proclaim all you like bitch, it makes for an interesting distraction as you rounded up and shot into a ditch with your fellow faggots.

The hilarious part is bitch whores like you think it's all gonna stay a debate. Do what you claim is to be done. We're still waiting on your bitch ass.

And how is that enforced?

it's ok. this is what america considers a very important female with a vagina. don't forget that we'll have 2 million more illegal retarded brown people in a year.

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C; you're cute when you're mad

Haha go back to your bunker you doomsday prepper

I'm cute when I'm not mad too. Want to sit on my cock?

and that's how we know you've completely run out of points.
Scurry on now little faggot.

It's almost like you don't use your brain and think only guns are used to kill people.

You should go get a filet knife and use it to slice into your jugular you retarded faggot.

You want me to say police and thusly force, but that isn't true. People only follow laws if they believe in them...

No amount of force will stop all crime

Well, yeah, without the proscription from the international community to not slaughter them we could have just attacked their civilian centers and forced them to mount an unsuccessful defense. If they cowered out of that they would have been cut off from supplies and have been rooted out much more easily. We only "lost" because of rules forced by the international community. As far as I'm concerned nothing after WW2 counts as far as America's "honor" goes because we're just basically not allowed to actually win. We're forced to draw this illusory, non-existent line between the civilian population and armed forced that realistically doesn't exist in the target. They're the same, one comes from the other without real expenditure or effort, our focus of attack should have been the civilian population. This is true of all engagements after this, we only won somewhat in Iraq because their defenses allowed an excuse to just crush the whole city. Ironically the best defense against western power is being really poor and eurofaggots bitching up a storm because they want whites to lose and die and blah blah blah communism horseshit.

If if I were in charge I would just firebomb the entire enemy nation leaving nothing but scorched earth, I would kill every man, woman and child who belonged to the resistant ideology to destroy it totally. Anyone left alive would be impressed into military service, their name change and any mention of their history shamed and deleted until they were nothing but Roman and their children could remember nothing else but being Roman. When the Romans stopped doing this they got invaded and died.

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Haha flirting is not your strong suit. Also no into dudes. Cute like a hamster in a cage. I don't want to fuck that hamster, just like how I don't want to fuck you.

And no force at all will not stop any crime. It is true, you know this kike.

So you've never read the USC?

Check out the pea brain on this nigger. Good luck

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lol, how it goes with most of them. Just complete rejection of the facts.

You have no problem sticking that hamster up your ass, so why not my cock? Come on baby, it will feel good.

No you just think the world will collapse with these changes. People dont want to give up comfy lives to fight in a revolution just for the right to own guns. No matter what people say slight pressure for change will get a slight reaponse

Debate on this subject is the mewling and cursing of eunuch bitch boys.

This subject is rooted in blood, explored in blood and settled in blood.

Both of you, nut up or shut up.

But not fer nuthin', I bet the cocksucking government loving gun grabbers don't win this... Especially you city bitches.. In a protracted civil conflict, every American city will be turned into an open air death camp.

Tick tock ya fucking cunts.

You don't think better education will reduce crime? Statistics don't support you...

Typical not knowing what facts are

We only need a small percentage of those people, luckily we have enough who have been correctly indoctrinated, Rabbi.

Oh it's "implied" let's see what else I can "implied" from the Constitution.

> abortion is legal
> universal healthcare is a constitutional right
> food stamps are constitutional right
> free College is a constitutional right

All implied by the Preamble and Section 8 Article 1.

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That's just it, most of the gun laws on our books aren't being enforced. Prosecutors usually drop any charge relating to guns, in trade for a guilty plea on other charges.

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

you can own, and carry firearms, the government shall not infringe doing so in ANY way, that means no interference, no limitations, no licenses, etc..

you don't like me having firearms? too bad faggot. try to prevent people from purchasing them? firearms are extremely simple tools. a tube with rifling to direct a spinning projectile. anyone can make their own guns at home with simple parts from a hardware store.

don't believe me? you can make a shotgun from 1" iron pipe. for under $10

i can use my defense distributed CNC machine to mill as many AR-15 lowers as i want, LEGALLY. if it were illegal, i could still make whatever parts i want with my CNC. and so can anyone else with basic tools.

you will never prevent people from obtaining, or simply making their own firearms. give up faggot, your cause is hopeless.

It may, but that doesn't matter. Ultimately all power only exists through force. Again, you know this kike.

Bu-bu-bu-but my friend said he read a post on facebook that a co-worker of his posted from this former [insert blank's] blog and it said that according to this other person [insert make-believe fact].

Where dose it say you can "buy" a weapon?

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It doesn't need to say it, in fact, even if the constitution was amended it would still be a right because the constitution is not the grantor of rights.

You're done faggot. You lost even by the watered down bullshit standard of your initial argument.

Plus you'll just get shot if you actually try to implement any part of your moronic ideas..

So what's it matter faggot?

Only a fool would fall for such bait.

I don't think I've ever met a more retarded OP than this. An user literally gave you a chance to argue your stance and you make yourself look look childish. Grow up, OP. Learn how to defend your ideologies in a coherent way if you want people to take you serious and not make blanket assumptions on the types of drugs you permanently damage your brain with on your dick sucking benders.

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like Napoleon.
>leave home 450k deep
>FF 4 months
>come home 40k deep
>how'd that even happen- everyone
>well, basically, they burned the grass -napoleon

Not just Bundy Ranch. Look at the Battle of Athens in 1946. Armed US citizens took up arms against a corrupt local government and won.

Article I Section 8 clasue 15 &16
> To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

>To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

And what milita is being talked about there?
>PROTIP: State.

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Have the guns. Stop the sale of bullets. their is no law saying you have the right to them.

lol imagine being this deluded
you're probably young too
I used to be really scared of guns too but then I stopped and really thought about how necessary they are to free people in order to remain free.
It makes me wary of anybody peddling a gun control agenda by default. I guess the reason you communist faggots are pushing for a gun ban so hard is because you know you'd never get your communist dystopia here without first disarming the very armed population.

>Bundy Ranch

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i don't think it's about buying. it's about producing.

any government that wants to control things only cares about distribution. they only care about who is sharing torrents or CP or selling--or 3D printing--guns. they need to control production or at least, importing to the marketplace.

in 1999, i used to go to the convenience store and get a pack of camel wides for 2 bucks even. now it's like 10 bucks. 10 years ago, the government added a $25/lb tax to loose tobacco. i was getting tobacco for years at $13 a pound, and suddenly it was $38. they kept it as cheap as possible, but still. then, they got smart and started selling it as "pipe tobacco". you 23 year olds might wonder why it's called that in the retarded head shop. it's because it uses a different TAX CLASS of L or J; whichever one is for pipe vs cigarette tobacco.

the government are dumb assholes, and obama's were really lame assholes and got fucked so easily with this silly loophole.

Think again real hard. Then when you wake up from your commie socialist jerk off wet dream, guns will still be here and you'll still be a pussy curled up in a corner.

You act like what happened at the Bundy Ranch is just a fluke...Go read up on the Battle of Athens and then come back to attempt to refute the points made in favor of the 2nd amendment.

not every country or state is a barren wasteland in the winter.

Ownership includes purchasing, retard. It's just the transfer of ownership

Start with me first plz. I've got a large amount of steel core to donate to your face.

>Learn how to defend your ideologies in a coherent way if you want people to take you serious
> types of drugs you permanently damage your brain with on your dick sucking benders

Pick one.

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I'll gladly water that tree, with the blood of us both.

Duh, judicial review is. This is the aurgment for the law saying need a license to buy firearms were gonna pass.

Once it gets challenged in the courts the argument will be the Constitution does not guarantee an inherent right to purchase firearms but only an inherent right to keep firearms.

You can keep your guns IDK. I'm about stopping niggers from buying guns faggot.

Suck a baby dick nigger. Post your address and I'll come take yours pussy. I beat you're suck a cuck you won't post it.

> keyboard warrior

What's the address faggot?

Prove it.

When a gun is used for a violent crime it is much more likely there will be fatalities. It's funny that you think knife crime and gun crime are equally bad.

In other countries with gun restrictions (e.g. UK) knife crime is higher than gun crime, and violent crime deaths are WAY down.

No. Rights are natural, granted by the creator and defended with force.

Agreed. I'm for licensing.

Prove that you don't actually want my dick in your ass.

Show me where is says that in the USC.

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No right exists until others agree it does. Society is a construct and rights are a facet of society. Life, for example, is not a right in the natural world: you earn it by doing the things necessary to survive.

God has nothing to do with rights. God may or may not even exist.

seems like most of the states where people would be the most "actively engaged" would be available for this

Durp, show me a photo. Bet you're just a tease. I'm a homsex bottom.
>jokes on you.

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>excuses and bullshit
knives are actually more likely to lacerate the circulatory system

want to try again?
Poison is way more effective (and more painful) than a gun.

The constitution doesn't need to say it, but it does say it in the Declaration of Independence.

You can't stop tons of drugs from being produced domestically and smuggled in, what makes you think a black market in munitions will be stopped?

If it's black market, why stop at simple ammunition? RPG's, grenades, explosives, rocket artillery... All will come pouring in, all will find ready markets.

Push gun control and we'll have the largest black market arms market in the U.S. within days. Some people know what to do with simple things like asphalt and woodash...

You. Won't. And. Currently. Don't. Control. Shit.

You guys are the 7up of power and control: Ya never had it, never will...

I love anal. So where's the joke? Best hate fuck you'll ever have.

>shot to the face

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What's the relevance of the Declaration of Independence again to this aurgmemt?

You got nothing cocksucker... Look at you getting all butthurt. Did your daddy not use lube tonight? Awww...

Show me he cock daddy.

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I called your bluff stfu.

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Supreme Court & countless case law precedents clearly state that Americans have the protected right to own firearms. Sorry, OP - the far left extremist authoritarian dreams of disarming Americans & bringing about a nightmare oppressive government will never happen.

>shot to the face
Your head is small compared to the rest of your body.
We could go on and on about this but the sum of it all is that in a shootout you're probably just going to be going for what's known as "center of mass"
those are fatal but not always.

It's the true founding document of this country and was written by the same people who wrote the constitution, showing their beliefs and intent with the Bill of Rights.

Society is always a tyranny. All tyranny must be checked and eventually destroyed. Much like your ass in all of this.

>you might might shoot me goy, however....
No one ever claimed you kikes weren't funny.

>Implying that I'm not a highly-skilled operator and have extensive Close Quarters combat training.
> implying I don't do failure drills (2 to the chest 1 of the head).
>implying I don't dead check.

Think before you speak.

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Second amendment wasn't made for civil disobedience. We didn't have a standing army at the time, we had systems of militias to defend ourselves. Around the time after the civil war, we stopped doing that so much and relied on a single standing army. After some years of legislation it was converted to apply to personal usage of a firearm for self defense especially on ones own property. It's never been meant to allow for civil disobedience officially, and wouldn't be effective enough against the federal forces. Dont bring a gun to a drone fight.

But it's not. Virtually no historian agrees with what you just said.

first of all faggot, you don't understand how the bill of rights works. the bill of rights / constitution does not grant people their individual rights, it merely enumerates some of them, while proclaiming or guaranteeing that the government will respect those rights. in other words, the constitution and bill of rights is not about defining or limiting people's rights, it is intended to limit government interference of people's natural rights.

to understand the bill of rights, you have to understand the concept of natural rights which the founding fathers subscribed to. natural rights are human rights which exist prior to any law or written documents. all humans have the natural right to defend themselves with whatever means they choose.

quite frankly, it doesn't matter what laws are passed. the real men in this country will continue to own, carry, manufacture, and TRADE / SELL firearms as they see fit. they don't give a fuck what you pansy, faggot motherfuckers think about it. because they know you are too much of a pussy to every do a fucking thing about it yourself.

those of us who own firearms will always be a superior force to the wimps who clamor for disarmament. the most you cucks will ever be able to accomplish is getting your own kind shot the fuck down if you push your bullshit too far.

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You called nothing but your own foolishness for all to see.

You cannot win this, you likely even know this. Are you even in the U.S.?

You should know you assblasted commie. I'm upstairs pumping a warm sticky load of freedom into your mother, son.

>you earn it by doing the things necessary to survive.
What do you think 'defended with force' means? Fucking retard, you might follow the rules for radicals but you're too stupid to do so effectively.

>muh jewish authority argument

yeah because everybody's a crackshot
video games have really given people the wrong impressions of their own abilities
you really should take your own advice btw
it's pretty clear you haven't even done a cursory google search about firearms.

You should understand what you're advocating against before you advocate against it.

American educated system is so fucked up that they are still afraid of communists and believe all the fucked up things they are told.

There's no saving America, all we can do is keep enjoying the shit show. Pretty sure we're up to the final season by now, can't get much crazier than this before they cancel.

You sound like you have something you're overcompensating for. Also you don't know con law.

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So you've got over 300 confirmed kills? I bet ya do, ya big ol faggot.

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>more guns than people
>shocked that those guns are used in murders instead of other objects

Oh yeah and statistically speaking, those numbers mean absolutely fuckall.
7000 in a population of 300m? That's some fucking societal restraint if I ever saw it.
Oh and what you're conveniently leaving out is that most of those homicides by handgun are by people of African American descent.

LOL! It's almost like you want us to ridicule you.


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Your words are meaningless. You're going to die if you try to take American's guns, end of discussion. It's been fun. Ta-ta faggot.

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Somebody sounds sad. Need a hug?

No but I do have a handful

I don't want to take guns

"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials."
— George Mason, in Debates in Virginia Convention on
Ratification of the Constitution, Elliot, Vol. 3, June 16, 1788

"The militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves, ... all men capable of bearing arms;..."
— "Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic", 1788 (either Richard Henry Lee or Melancton Smith).
"Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom? Congress shall have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American ... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the People."
— Tench Coxe, 1788.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded sense of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse... A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares about more than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.” — John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), “The Contest In America,” Fraser's Magazine, February 1862

Because botany is easy. If ya fuck up weak drugs or if ya fuck up an burn down your house. If ya fuck up making explosives there goes the town. Any way trying to acquire and mix and assemble the materials is so much harder. You cant just grow gunpowder or lead or brass.

Nice Glock. I have this old thingy

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>when properly formed

What dose propertly formed mean?

What dose militia mean in article 1 section 8 clause 15 & 16?

You just supported the aurgmemt for "well trained" state congrats.

lobbying government to prohibit further sale of any / all firearms will be interpreted correctly as an outright ban on firearms, and an unconstitutional, treasonous attack on people's rights. you have absolutely zero ability to accomplish this, but if you someone magically increased your iq above 70, and somehow gained large political sway and managed to do so, you would undoubtedly become a target.

No. The Declaration says CERTAIN rights are inalienable and god-given. It does not say ALL rights.

I use to habe a 34. Was gonna start comp shooting. Need to get back on the range. Wut version is that?

you are retarded. apparently your reading comprehension is zero. there is no hope for you.

But which is it? Are they natural or are they earned?

Not what I want to do either. Read the thread. Thx.

And yet, no such thing as a natural right.

So you're just not gonna answer the question that's convenient.

the dick on that thing

You are a butthurt retard and it's hilarious.

And yet, stabbings are less frequently fatal than shootings. Sorry buddy but a knife is not as lethal as a gun.

Per the FBI / ATF joint task force report for 2018, there's 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the United States & at best estimates roughly 18 trillion rounds of ammunition in possession of US gun owners. Given that there's only roughly 5 to 6 thousand homicides / murders directly related to firearms per year - and the majority of those are perpetrated by career criminals / gang members who utilized an illegal firearm - Seems the REAL problem are the left's pet criminals not being reigned in / controlled.

If legal gun owners were the problem, there'd be a far more staggering body count since roughly 2/3rds of U.S. citizens directly own a firearm, or reside in a home with a legal firearm owner.

>stabbings are less fatal than shootings

lol I know this is bullshit because most handguns are low caliber rounds. They're in, usually out. Sometimes they're SO low velocity that they can actually just get stuck inside of a person.
They very rarely result in severe hemorrhaging and lower rounds can even bounce clean off of a human skull! Imagine that.
Knives, on the other hand, are actually far more readily available than guns and are even more difficult to control.
Look at Britain; do you see the kind of weapons people make in the absence of heavy firepower?
They kill each other just the same.
You've definitely not convinced me and you're not going to convince anybody else because head's up: a lot of people who start out as pro gun control end up anti-gun control.

A well disciplined trap, being necessary to the cleanliness of my balls, the right of OP to wash and tongue my sack, shall not be infringed.

That is to say, because my balls need cleaning, OP has the right to suck on them. The text does not mandate that someone wash my balls, merely that OP has the right to do so and that the law shall not infringe on said right. If my balls no longer need washing or if OP is not in fact a convincing femboy, that doesn't impede or validate attempts to impede his right to suck on my balls.

Also, all citizens should be issued an AR-15 and given infantry training as part of their schooling.

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You ramble often? No one is talking about taking guns.

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Does this number matter?

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You also lack any understaing of the facts about gun ownership and deaths.

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>Also, all citizens should be issued an AR-15 and given infantry training as part of their schooling

That's my point nigger.

Since you were posting nonsense thought I would do the same.

Not him but you're posting numbers that aren't material to the discussion at hand.
Muh active shooters literally don't matter.

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OP literally just talked about doing just that in a retarded and round about way you spasdic mongoloid. Holy shit you're retarded.

>Or, if a crime is committed with a gun and the criminals are caught,
The thing about using Guns in a crime is in either case if you murder someone you are still fucked (regardless if by using a Gun you get an additional 5 years to your life sentence).

the funny thing is conservatives started gun bans with felons.

thus there's legal precedence to ban guns, thanks to the veryhipocrites that wrap themselves in the flag with their burning constitution. fuck them, most refaglicans are deviant felons anyhow, ban guns and infuriate them. trump almost banned guns, and the retards didn't even know (he was attacked at the NRA convention).


Nothing more needs said on the matter. This user just obliterated OP's entire argument.

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EXACTLY! Gun owners aren't the problem. It's the left's favorite "victim" groups that perpetrate the most annual homicides with illegally procured guns.

those are all right wing whackjobs in 2017, the FBI is "very concerned about white nationalism". thankfully they're also using the patriot act to "surveil all suspected white nationalists in these United States at this time".

Thank you. Finally someone points out the actual problem.

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durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr guns don't shoot people!11!
trees shoot people!11!

You do know it's well documented, just gun ownership aloan drastically increases your odds for premature death.

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Gen 3 G17

The Second Amendment exists because the bougies of this settler-colonial state have traditionally relied on whites to be an unpaid militia to keep blacks, Natives, and Hispanics in line. However, us commies have been subverting the hell out of that ever since the Black Panthers armed themselves and made Reagan utter those words to defend white supremacy against its own ideological creation, the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment is a relic of the protofascist system we are going to use to crush capitalism in our lifetime. America's lax gun laws are going to allow us to arm ourselves, which is why communism will be able to come here first. That is, assuming the liberals don't ruin it with their utopian do-gooder bullshit.

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Whotes commite more rapes and mass shootings then blacks.

Amen & Amen! Stripping gun rights from law abiding citizens makes no fucking sense. It's the Democrat's beloved ghetto trash that commit the most crimes with guns.

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Welcome comrade

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Regulate guns like abortions - don't regulate either, but give them out to anyone who can't afford them. Arm the workers with guns and free healthcare.

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This. So much this. Why do the left wing nutjobs think they continue losing support when they talk about stripping law abiding citizens firearms when one of their left wing constituents murder more Americans with firearms in the US annually than ANY other group? Look at the FBI's homicide database - most occur in Democrat controlled districts. Seems more like we need to ban left wingers from owning firearms.

Glad to see you out here tonight doing Stalin's work. I'm here to help for a few minutes.

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>be founding fathers
>million years of oppression, almost slavery.
>need to be a hippy freemason faggot over this bullshit
>in your infinite wisdom throw guns everywhere every man woman and child and dog is armed to the teeth.
> whew this won't happen again. I hope they're not such retards to ever shoot a gun. And if they are I don't give a fuck. I'll write some shit you take at face value with a grain of salt about ongoing forever revolution against a tyrannical government and tyranny just to show my point. They won't take it the wrong way. I don't give a fuck either.

I don't want to hear you discussing politics you leave it alone.

This nigger knows what's up.

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fair enough. this would be ideal, but conservatives only want white southerners owning guns, and to regulate all abortions. Conservatives aren't free-market anything, they will regulate what they want, and only have a free market on what they want. free speech? LOL trump wants to jail the media. they're the biggest hypocrites on the earth.


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33 hollow point rounds tends to warn someone that they're fucking with the wrong person.

>liberal nutjobs

Liberals aren't leftists folks. And leftists themselves are useless to the degree they take liberalism seriously. That's why anarchists and socdems and Trots won't ever succeed in the long run; they're utopians buttressed by a self-interested petty bourgeoisie that wants free ponies without working for them.

Trust communists, specifically Marxist-Leninists, to tell you the truth and do the right thing. We're the realists of the left, the ones that do the hard work, because we ARE the workers. The others are just bored college kids who will end up working for their dad's law firm when they grow up.

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You said it better than I ever could have. OP & the far left lunatic gun grabbers wanna start tackling the problem of gun violence, they need to start with their voting base since statistically it's Democrats in Democrat controlled areas the account for the most gun related murders. Makes no fucking sense penalizing law abiding Americans for the actions of left wing Democrat career criminals in urban areas.

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Yes comrade, trying to convince these dogs the State should start training and equipping the youth with guns.
>That way capitalist will have done the hard work for us.

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The average Soviet citizen had a gun, and the training to use it correctly.

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and that's 100% the TRUTH. best summary of the issue I've seen.

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You are incorrect user.

My plan is simple.
>gun ownership is not infringed upon
> everyone gets to still keep their guns
> must have a license to buy new guns
> licenses will consist of class time and range time
> issued every 10 years
> gun training will be incorporated into classroom curriculum
> State weapons will be issued

Very simple.

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Das right mayne

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Murder is against the law too.
But if you try to ban guns? We are still going to shoot you in the face.

Imagine being this much of a retarded nigger cuck. You deserve to have your mudhut raided and burned down so you can't pollute the world with your stupidity.

Conservatives are just the working class driven mad by capitalism. Conservative ideals are dumb, but conservativism is really just applied tradition and paranoia. And it's not really paranoia if they really are out to get you. The conservative workers are brainwashed by false consciousness, but they do know on some level that malevolent forces are out to fuck up their lives. They just don't know enough to attribute it to capitalism.

The way to deal with conservatives isn't the smug style of liberalism, not to look down on them or patronize them. You just make yourself look like their liberal bougie tormentors that way. No, the way to handle them is to apply the mass line. That is to say, appeal to their self-interest using language they understand. Commies hate liberals too, so bitch about liberals. They'll understand that. Support gun rights. They'll definitely understand that. Complain about welfare queens stealing our money, and then explain that their boss is the biggest welfare queen of all.

My parents are Trump voters and I've got them... not quite there. They're saying nice things about Bernie, which isn't really where my commie ass is, but it's much improved from where they were. My dad even made a class analysis about fast food the other day; I was pretty proud of him.

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no licenses faggot. you don't need a license to exercise your natural rights. you can offer free voluntary training curriculum .. many would attend of their own volition, especially if a state issued weapon was an incentive. most firearm owners like myself invest a lot in training. i have a private range where i've spend hundreds of hours and many thousands of rounds training. most state mandated training, for example that required for a concealed carry license, is minimal / mediocre at best. state mandated training / licensing imposes a cost burden, which could be prohibitive for low income individuals.. there are states trying to pass draconian licensing schemes where people must spend thousands for a gun license, licensing is potentially another backdoor infringement. so, NO.

What facts? They trigger you thay bad?

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Once in a blue moon, the Libertarians strike gold (and confuse it for the ideal currency). I recall some Libertarian recently called for arming the homeless. Solid idea.

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Is that why they (Soviet army)had to go 2 men with one rifle until the guy with the rifle shot another enemy? You forget Soviet war history you fool.

Still pushing the back door gun license bullshit eh? Never going to happen. Sorry to shit in your cereal, no I'm not sorry actually.

Sorry if you can't shot a gun, you don't need it. It's that simple.

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No, that was because of a lack of resources, not a lack of gun rights. After the Great Patriotic War, gun clubs and workers' militias were a common feature of the Soviet Union. Reread the Marx quote in the OP, there's no legitimate ideological basis for a communist to grab guns from comrades.

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So as long as I don't buy a weapon I can own one as long as I have the ability to produce one. Thanks.

This is how you become a cuck. Next step is to just cut your dick and balls off to become a fucking eunuch. What a sad faggot you are.

Citizens' militias are what saved Maduro from the weakest Yanqui coup in history two weeks ago. Well, that and Trump's absolute incompetence. God, if I knew this guy was gonna be so bad at imperialism, I'd have voted for him twice.

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Friend please do not apologize, we should be friends. Whether or not you approve of the plan the day will come when the proletariat takes back its dignity. We can do this now or we can do this later. This plan is just merely to do this now. You should join us.

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Says the classcuck.

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What facts is right. There's nothing factual about that shitty graphic. Keep trying you faggot cuck.

These seems fair.

Still infringes. Nope no more compromise after Sandyhook. (The media published names and address of gun owners violating privacy and placing them in danger).

If you like Zero gun policies? There are plenty of other places to live. The USA shall remain Constitutional.

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>a broad range of ideas that have mutated over centuries is nothing but a paranoia claptrap for the religious working class. GROW UP SHEEPLE
christ alive lol

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I'm mean let's be real here user. The Constitution went out the window decades ago. See

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fuck your communist bullshit. individuals have individual property rights. we own our own bodies, and we own the fruit of our labor. we have natural rights, individuals are not subservient to their society, or any majority. get rekt, faggot.


A fucking leaf. Thanks for the chuckle you useless syrup farming faggot

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user, please why do you accept to live off of table scraps? You deserve more, and the ones who exploited you will be examples for others.

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I'm American

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Fuck that old wannabe Santa Claus motherfucker and you too. Go hang yourself with a rope made out of your commie socialist shit stabbing fantasies.

The material conditions of America suggest it won't be a revolution that establishes socialism here, but a fascist counter-revolution. Allow me to explain.

The last time the relationship to the means of production was modified in the US, it happened because a milquetoast abolitionist (Lincoln) was elected promising the mildest restrictions on extending slavery past its current states. There had never been an abolitionist of any kind in office before though, and the Slave Power had been getting its way for the last decade running up to it, so they seceded and the Civil War happened and those racist losers fuckin' racist LOST, and the weakass abolitionist Lincoln had to agree to end formal slavery altogether in order to win the war, because the further your economy moves away from absolute capitalist extraction and towards socialism, the better it works.

Well, we've got a weakass socdem, Bernie, who when he inevitably gets elected will be America's first out-and-out "socialist" of any kind. This will prompt a counter-revolution, because in our material conditions of bourgeois democracy, a socialist revolution AGAINST said bourgeois democracy is bound to fail, like it did in the 60s. But by electing Bernie, we will end up prompting another Confederacy to form, as the liberals beg the fash to protect their means of production by force, like they did last time. And because fascism and liberalism are weaker than conservativism and socialism, the next Confederacy will fall just as hard as the last one did. And then we will change the relationship to the means of production from capitalism to socialism, by having established an alliance with the working class currently under the false consciousness of conservativism.

Bernie is a reactionary in socialist clothing, but he's a useful one. And he will implement real socialism, not because he will want to, but because like Lincoln, he'll have no choice but to go all in to win the next civil war.

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I think we all deserve better. But is there a way forward that doesn't involve burning down the earth to find where the wealthy buried our treasure?

Fuck your lame faggot rally and go shove a niggers dick in your mouth you asspie fucktard.

Has it not been the case that in every country in history, the clergy have been a prop for the capitalist ruling class? Creflo Dollar ain't exactly a comrade, dude. Keep clutching your pearls, you're just liberal and wrong instead of wrong.

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>individual property rights

Okay, what do you really own, other than what you can defend? What's the best way to defend something: by yourself, or if you and your comrades get together to defend all y'all's stuff together?

Individualism is weak and cannot defend itself against collectivism. "Individual property rights" is a liberal fairy tale.

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u mad

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Posting a leaf protest flyer. You don't have to lie to fit in here faggot. You can admit you love being a cuck.


The Constitution is a deceleration of human rights it can only go out the window if we allow it to.

Keep trying though maybe you will finally win after folks like me die off.

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You seem upset.

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Shall not be infringed? Is that a fucking challenge?

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Not even. I'm actually getting a good chuckle out of the marxist horse shit you're shoveling. Nobody gives a fuck about it, vlad. No go be a slav cocksucker somewheres else ya hear?


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Commies HAVE to be for gun rights, because if we're not, then what? We just let the cops have guns? But who's gonna shoot cops if that happens?

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Sorry I triggered you, snowflake.

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Intreasting, but if Sanders wins and no war?

Ypu seem sad because nobody showed to your gay pride march

LOL, good luck with that capitalist joke you're holstering.

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the only TRULY sustainable basis for a society is one which respects individual liberty, individual rights. history has proven that all societies which deny individual rights, to serve collectivism / a majority, have failed miserably in total collapse. many empires have died in this way.

so what is the answer to a truly sustainable society that can perpetuate indefinitely? the only way that individual liberty can be ensured is in a voluntary society. in a voluntary society, individuals can still cooperate collectively, in groups, but they choose to do so voluntarily.

as soon as any group attempts to impose their will on the individual, by force, fraud, or coercion, they inevitably sow the seeds of a future collapse. all societies which resort to force, fraud, theft, or coercion, inevitably collapse because their basis is fundamentally flawed.

the primary mechanism by which all former empires have collapsed is via taxation. taxation is theft, and it is always established under a collectivist ideology. but the centralization of power and treasure that results from taxation inevitably is seized by those motivated by greed. there will never be a communist society where resources are collected ( TAXATION ) and then re-distributed evenly / fairly. those who control the system will always corrupt it for their own benefit. the centralization of power is fundamentally flawed, and without it communism cannot be established, so it too is therefor fundamentally flawed.

Jump if you feel froggy, nigger. I'll be ypur huckleberry.

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Why such a bad attitude?

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Clutching pearls isn't in the same category of concern trolling as simply voicing general concern about the feasibility of the Yea Forumsloc party implementing or even cogently describing, in your own words, any agenda for the working-class.

My skepticism isn't directed at your ideology in general, but you specifically. How are you going to fix it, Yea Forumsloc-head?

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The only thing you triggered was the tampon that slid out of your anus while talking to an alpha male like myself. Sorry if your asshole got juicy, I kill faggots. I don't associate with them.

Then the Party picks candidates to run on the Republican ballot line in blue states and sooner or later we start winning, and we follow the same path to power that the conservatives followed between the New Deal and Reagan - relentlessly hammering liberalism and asserting the rectitude, decency, and fairness of our moral economic system against liberal utopian bullshit. Keep hammering away at it until we eventually break through.

Hijacking the Republican ballot line should not be confused with joining the Republican Party. We'll organize as our own separate party, but America's unique in having only two ballot lines viable everywhere. The GOP's is particularly vulnerable (I mean, Trump's the President despite a concerted GOP establishment effort to stop him) and it's not controlled by liberals and it has the workers we need to reach, so.

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>A N A R C H Y
>in the U S A
yes yes
yes yes yes

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Where do you live user? You sound nice. I would like to meet you.

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AK's are amazing, but you're a fag and don't own one.

Do you have anything but kneejerk homophobia to disguise your latent gayness to throw at me? Because those burns just don't land when you have a girlfriend and don't consider being gay to be a bad thing.

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muh niggaaa.jpg

Cuban revolution. Of the 82 men who embarked in Mexico 20 survived. This is important because those 82 had a chance to covertly train, locally recruited guerillas were most often given a gun and shown how to fire it. Out of that 82, there was a single WWII navy veteran with formal training, and the Castro brothers were the only ones with combat experience, if you can call the failed attack on Moncada barracks that.

They won over a US-puppet army that had trained tankers, pilots, and ofc. military vehicles and plenty ammunition.

Militias and untrained fighters won’t win a conventional war, but they don’t always need to fight one. Read Che’s Handbook of the guerilla (or similar title). He discusses the tactics they used and how they were able to win battles without a single casualty just by affecting the morale of a numerically superior, better trained and entrenched enemy force. He also writes about the prerequisites of a guerilla war, since their tactics obviously don’t apply in every situation. E.g Bolivia kek

Or maybe, just maybe, individual rights and all the rest of that liberal bullshit you're spouting is what caused the collapse in the first place.

Capitalism multiplies inequality. Don't take it from me, take it from Winston Churchill: "Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings." When inequality gets out of control enough, empires fall. That's the real law of history. Get a master's about it if you want to argue the point with me as equals.

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Ill give up my guns when the police aren't carrying. Hell why don't I keep my gun and the police become unarmed?

I'm in the next room having a smoke after fucking your whore of a mother you dumb slav. She let me fuck her for a chocolate bar that's going into your hot chocolate tomorrow morning before you leave to school.

LOL, you need a scope. Does that thing have a USB charger port? A flashlight? Does it do your taxes for you too? Decadent capitalist.

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The certainly would work when you look at the support Marine Le Pen gets in France. Yes she is a neo-fascist, and I do not support her complete ideology. But her voters and some of the far left voters and France are very similar.

What would you call the party?

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You're completely wrong about conservativism not being simple-minded bullshit to keep the proles in line. That's literally the function of it in every capitalist society on Earth, and you might as well be a flat Earther if you want to argue that point.

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>>those burns just don't land

Says the queef who probably looks worse than Freddie Kruger

My God, I can just READ how tiny your penis is. The internet tough guy is the flip side of the white knight. I hope you talk this tough in real life.

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Europoor or just poor commie slav who can't afford decent gear and just mad because you don't own jack shit?

Choose one.

No, that IS the point, Fucktard Birdbrain. Remove the ability for anyone to defend themselves and the gangs shall rise. Chicago for EVERYONE!!

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Keep thinking that, lol.

All these conservative tough guys that think they're the only ones who ever owned guns or talked about fighting the government have clearly never met a Native in their entire life.

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You talk a lot of shit for a rock tossing communist. I bet you're broke ass has never even held a gun much less shoot one.

I bet you read the veins on your boyfriend's huge black dick like a road map

capitalism is nothing but the free market. "the unequal sharing of blessings" is cronyism, and when the inequality becomes great, oligarchy.

inequality can certainly cause societal upheaval, but it is a symptom of a deeper problem. inequality comes from an unjust society. the basis for an unjust society, is one where individual rights are not upheld. the primary means by which individual rights are infringed, is through the state. governments create a monopoly on force, centralized power and control is what truly causes inequality.

the solutions to these problems, is a society based on principles of morality. morality must begin with a basis in individual rights. there is no coherent morality of a collective, only the individual. decentralization is key, this is established naturally when the individual is respected.

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Actually we did meet the natives. We moved their dirty lazy asses down the road. It's called the trail of tears. Get rekt bitch

Vietnam did the same thing. But in both cases, the guns weren't the decisive factor, although they were important. What was important was organization.

An organization can kill a military patrol in an ambush and steal their guns. A dude with a gun who doesn't know how to organize is just an angry bitter weirdo on Yea Forums getting schooled by commies.

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commies aren't the only people who can organize dumbass. in fact they are pretty shit at it, considering history.

ITT: ANTIFA fails at attempting to instill fear and socialism into Yea Forums through gun control/confiscation.

There's several out there already, but lemme go down the list:

-SPUSA is the biggest, but too petty-bourgeois and "woke"
-CPUSA is like fifteen cops LARPing Lenin
-RCP is a cult
-PSL is kinda Trot
-PCUSA is small, but has the correct line on everything and will probably end up being the vanguard party, because the correct line leads to correct action and correct actions lead to success and success leads to growth

So it'll probably be the PCUSA doing this in the long run, if a President Bernie doesn't kickstart the counter-revolution.

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