Hey Yea Forums, today I ate my first pussy and I almost throw up like four times.
How was first time user?
Any advice?
Hey Yea Forums, today I ate my first pussy and I almost throw up like four times.
How was first time user?
Any advice?
That will happen if they don't care about their feminine hygiene. For real
What's it like being such a fag?
I got bored my first time. Tasted alright but I was like, when the fuck is this gonna end? We did it for like 30 mins.
Mine went well. idk what she put down there, but it spelled good. The taste was... acquired.
That's why you 69
>Any advice?
Don't eat dirty pussy.
First chick I was with was acceptable, but only happened a couple of times. Second one it smelled so bad my dick went soft and retreated back into my body. Third I couldn't get enough of it. Fourth was fine as long as she had showered just before. Fifth was absolutely amazing again.
All depends on the girl, her diet, and her hygiene.
But that’s what we were doing. I just wanted to fuck.
When you grow up and learn that it’s not about you, maybe you will have a better experience. Until then, beat off.
Sir how old are you?
Lol someone sounds like an angry woman.
Women are literally living onaholes.
Nice, I ate my first pussy at like 17
How are all your cats and depression Karen.
I did at 15 haha bitch
Do not reply to this b8. Learn from my mistake
Nobody cares
Welp time to kms
I know I just want to talk to people and that all I have on this topic
I’m gonna help you out there OP.
It’s really simple.
Tell her you have a kink, that you want to take a shower with her. Then wash her stank puss while you’re foreplay finger banging. If you’ve got a detachable shower head use that and spray her clit then when it’s all fresh and clean. Dry off quick toss her in bed and chow down.
If she still stinks then get out of there.
next time shower with her first and make sure she's clean wash and finger her pussy and ass with a little organic soap
Was 14, she made me, since she gave me half a bj, I didn't want to. Did not enjoy it.
hive mind bro posted without even looking but this is the truth
get used to it
it's a human hole and it doesn't taste like strawberry shortcake
use different parts of your tongue, the back and the tip of the tongue work best
lastly, don't be afraid to stop after 10 mins, or better yet, be a man, pull out your dick, and tell her: your turn
Good advice
My first time was alright. Girl had good hygiene, trimmed her bush and washed well. Didn't taste like anything or even smell like anything but skin. Licked her as long as she wanted it.
I was really relieved actually, was terrified in the beginning that I was going to retch or something but that didn't happen. I enjoyed it. Bitch ditched me the next day though so I guess she wasn't impressed. My first time tho so I don't stress it.
Well my first experience was seeing a full bush that makes me back off from going down, kinda kills the mood but still pump it in without eating.
when you first go down, most girls will usually have a slight smell and mild sour taste. that is normal. once you get some fresh juice flowing and everything is drenched in saliva, the taste and smell goes away and it's neutral for the remainder of the time.
but if you go down and it's full on fish market, or she got some froth going on before you even start, ask if you want to take a shower together to freshen up.
I ate my babysitter's pussy. She was 13 and I was like 9-10.
Here, have two (You)s
don't listen to this faggot
sex is for you
it is something a woman gives to you
eat pussy only if it's your kink or if it makes sex better for you
Why get used to? Last 2 girls i had smelled and tasted awesome.
Just dont hook up with dirty bitches
Rip skyking
That's unfortunate, pretty much every pussy I've eaten has been fine, fun even.
she was on her period
told me I had to do it no matter what
try a snorkel
I did at 5. It was your mom’s. I trol u
Pussy owner here. How do I become one of those amazing girls? I shower obviously do i have to eat lots of pineapple or something?????? Thats a lot of carbs. Those 'feminine wash' sprays may smell good at first but what if they mess up my 'microbiome' and then Im fucked (but not in the good way) its so confusing! what is your advice
first time I ate pussy I loved it but that girl didn't like sex in general
last girl I was with honestly had some ripe pussy but I still loved eating it. nothing like making a girl convulse using just your mouth
Trim hair and wash thoroughly with water, repeat until no smell left.