>bran becomes king
>sansa gets her own kingdom in thw north
>jon kills dani
>drogon flies away with danis corpse
>tyrion lives becomes brans hand
>jon gets sent to the nightwatch
Bran becomes king
The writers should be hunted down and an example should be made of them.
Just. God damn it. They really just fucking ruined the entire god damned series. All that damn work ans time and monry and energy. for nothing. Nothing but a fucking rotting shit ass ending. Aweful.
I haven't even watched it, but what the fuck?!
If Jon was just going to go back to Night's Watch, WHY THE FUCK DID HE SEND HIS GOOD PUPPER BEYOND THE WALL?!
>HBO asks writers pls make 10 seasons total
>writes "meh" we bored wanna make something else thinking we can do it just as good as GoT
>forcefully ends the series abrubtly in one season leaving unanswered questions and making the wrong choices
>as long as shocking its good tv hurrdurr
they should be fucking raped. fans have followed them for 8 years and supported game of thrones and this is how they treat the fans. you started this you end this. properly. 8 years down the drain.
because they didnt think anything through. obviously.
I haven't watched it yet, so basically the leaked spoilers were true all along?
Oh ye he re-unites with pupper and pets him also him tormund and the wildlings abandon castle black and head north.
Yup spoilers true except tyrion dosent die.
no spoiler said that he would, they all said he would become advisor to bran
Figures, now I'm fucking glad I didn't waste a second of my time.
Better yet, what's the fucking point of the Night's Watch since there are no more white walkers?
I wasted too much time watching this bullshit to have the ending ruined with this trolling.
THIS /thread
This was a fucking waste of time for millions of people.
All hail His Holy Grace, Bran of Houses Stark and Tully, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the Peninsula of Dorne, the Iron Islands, and Protector of the Realm.
Winter has come.
And now it is gone.
Long live the Weirwood King.
Yeah I don't understand that either. If all the walkers are dead, the night king is dead, and the wilderings are all past the wall then what use is the night's watch? What are they going to guard against, fucking bears?
Troll harder
Plus, the big fucking hole in the wall...
Also isn't Jon Snow the king of the north? Who's the king now?
Heard somewhere tyrion Would die oh well also quasimodo leaves and sails the seven seas bronn is master off coin.
Sansa gets an independant north kingdom
I'm still not getting how the wall was destroyed so easily by a dragon. Did the night king know he needed a dragon the whole time or just thought hey lets try to break this wall with my dead dragon. And why is the flame blue? So much fucking shit that doesn't make any sense.
worst piece of shit i've ever seen