Hey Yea Forums why don't people trust each other?

Hey Yea Forums why don't people trust each other?

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Because some people are out to exploiite weaknesses so no one takes the chance

But I've been betrayed, cheated on, assaulted... I mean if you don't deep down think people are good what do you do? Just stay indoors with a penny, a tissue, and a potato chip?

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I take chances all the time... are you just out to exploit the weaknesses of others?

Maybe it's because everyone is a salty shit?

AT fields

AT fields? Like ATST?

ATST ? Those who where used against the ewoks ? Thoses didn't had any fields ?

You're double right!?!?
They didn't have fields and those machines were used against them >.<

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because people are shit creatures, and will always be.

Because of shit like pic related.

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I am starting to think they aren't untrustworthy, but rather just insecure...

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Shitpost aside, I think we can't trust each other because we can't fully understand each other intentions. What may seems "ethical","right" or "moral" for us may be the opposite for other. Since those value are not universal and will surely never be, we are doomed to be mistrustful of others.

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I mean I side with Henri on this one... I never cheated on someone, but try being in a relationship with a suicidal person...

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Of course the faggot does. She clearly established that the guy is not suicidal, just that he has mental issues that could lead to suicide. If she clearly cared about him, she'd help him try to fix the mental issues, and then break it off. Instead the first thing she does is fuck his friend behind his back, and tries to justify it. She's a cunt, all there is to it.

Responding to a shitpost aside.
I completely agree with your statement. I had a debate with a friend at work who believe morality always yielded good, but my position was that morality was a basis of the evolutionary pathway of the species.

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>Morality always yielded good
Did he gave some reason to say this or did he said it out from the void ? Also what did he meant by morality ?

Hmm, so obviously it bothers you what other people see Henri as being correct because rather than just sating your opinion, you insulted then stated it.

I mean clearly you've never dealt with a suicidal partner, and you're just saying something with no background or experience. You might as well have said gravity on earth is 20m/s^2 because that's what you think and who cares about formulas.

He is a Christian, and thus his logic was based on that background. I find people who are religious tend to ignore the reality that there are other species, even if they exist on our planet. They focus on the idea of what the bible states is morality.

I always like to compare Warhammer 40k, and the fact I think Orks would say they are morally good.

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You sir are a man of culture.
I can't really understand religion, I never encountered a truly fully religious person.
As you stated morality depends on the speaker and on the audience. There are no law the only morality is the one you impose on yourself.

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I've been dealing with obnoxious faggots all day today, this guy's no different. Of course I have an issue with this Henri chick, she's a cheater. Literally have no respect for them. I've heard stories of people who've dealt with suicidal partners. A lot of them didn't like their partners once they realized they were being held hostage, but still made the effort to try to at least help with their mental issues. A few hours ago I was talking to a guy who had a girlfriend with mental issues, who he helped to the best of his ability before breaking up with her. And she's doing fine according to him, he didn't have to resort to cheating. Henri over here claims to still deeply care for her boyfriend because "he's a wonderful person" yet STILL goes behind his back, fucks his friend, and doesn't bother, doesn't try to make the effort to try and get him some mental help. If she truly cared about him, she'd try to get to the root of his mental problems before breaking up with him. I respect that she doesn't want to be his partner anymore, that's fine, but get him in a better mental state before you break it off.

Clearly you don't even care to properly argue about this, because you just handwaved everything I've said with "you've never dealt with a suicidal partner, you can't say anything" and haven't even bothered to address the points I've made.

stop posting traps

To add to this: I feel like it's already too late, she fucked up. Because even if she did actually get him in a better mental state, and they broke up, if she just came out and said "oh yeah, also during that time I was fucking your friend", that'd probably break the guy a bit. But I guess she doesn't care for consequences, because she's a liar who only says she cares about him to make herself look good. That's literally what this looks like.

Add meme usage here.
So you think people don't trust because they impose a morality on themselves to not trust?

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Why? Isn't Yea Forums just a gay board for posting traps?

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nah I'm like you i take chances all the time I'm usually the one exploited actually

The statement still stands. Have you dealt with it?

I have, and as mentioned I never cheated; but, I understand Henri. The other person said something without any sort of background and was just insulting.

You're hostage, and if you were being held hostage you do what you can to escape you don't follow the rules.

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The problem is not the morality itself.It's the difference between 2.
For examples, if you have a lack of ethics in your life, you'll be unlikely to bond with someone who has a great ethic to the point of talking of "ethical-superiority"

Hey same here... and people seem to get mad at me for asking personal questions because they don't trust me while expecting me to say everything about myself.

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How did you escape, then

Hmm, but in this case ethics and morality are the same. Definition of ethics is "moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity."

So really you're saying: If you lack morality n your life you'll be unlikely to bond with someone with good morals to the point of taking moral superiority.

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In my case I tricked my partner to visit their parents. After we drove up to see them, 13-hours from where Iive, I got in my car drove back. I moved to another place, and blocked them from all accounts and ignored all mutual contacts. They found a way to get a hold of me multiple times, and I blocked those pathways.

I was stuck in that relationship for 1.5-years and was unable to kick my partner out because if I tried they'd kill themselves with all evidence making it look like I was the culprit.

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I agree that Joe H was being retarded and didn't properly address the issues with Henri's logic. And fucking again, I've heard stories, I have multiple second-hand experience with these things, despite never personally being in one. I can make observations, based on all the information I have, and Henri is one hundred percent in the wrong. I understand people feeling like they're held hostage, but almost everyone who's felt that way had a good way of dealing with it. "Breaking the rules to get out" is a horrible fucking way to deal with it, because it shows how much of a shit person you are. Try to deal with the situation with tact, exhaust the possibilities provided to you, that will help the situation in the best scenario. However, the first thing Henri does is cheat. This just fucking shows how much of a scummy person she is, especially when she lies about still "deeply caring" for a "wonderful human being". She doesn't fucking care, she just wants to justify cheating and still make herself look good. If you instantly go for "breaking the rules", you're a shit person who doesn't deserve to be loved. Try to actually properly deal with the situation a thing hand.

That's the general idea, people who a physche ressembling each other will be more likely to bond. Better example would be with a zealot religious person with a determined nihilist. Their union is really unlikely to succeed since their point of view on live are opposed on all thing.

You handled that situation poorly. The fact that you were okay with severing the relationship in such a non-caring way just shows how little that person's life meant to you. I mean fuck, if anything, it looks like you were more concerned with yourself not getting accused than the other person dying. Sounds pretty selfish to me.

I tend to have a very forgiving and tolerant nature but usually end up getting walked all over. It's hard to stay mad and hold it against people but also very disappointing when you realise how few you can hold to their word. Its human nature to take and survive

so let's go to the extreme. You're a hostage on American Airlines Flight 11 the date is 09/11/2001, do you follow the rules and sit there doing nothing... because you know that's the rules... or do you do whatever you can to escape?

I guess my mentality is that rather than jumping to the conclusion "she is a shit person", maybe think that she is in a "shit situation". I just don't think "she" is necessarily "a shit person" because "she" made a choice you disagree with.

You realize the other person made a choice to keep her hostage right? Or are they innocent in the whole situation?

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*situation at hand

Guess so, but at the end of the day I'm not in jail and am able to live my life. When was the last time you helped someone starving in africa? By your own logic you care more about yourself than those around you... and so do all of us.

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I never really look for someone who has opposing opinions to myself, but I wonder if those differing idea's help us learn more about why we have the morality we do.

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Your hypothetical scenario is awful, and can't be used to apply to this at all. First issue is that me and the person holding me hostage have no connection, we don't know each other, and are at odds with each other. And quite frankly, I don't give a shit about someone who's going to murder a whole group of people. Secondly, I've got to think of my own self-preservation. There is no situation where I can negotiate with the guy, get him to stop doing what he's doing. With a suicidal person, you can make them get help, be there for them. I may have not been in a relationship with a suicidal person before, but I've had suicidal people in my life that I've helped, because I genuinely cared for their well-being. Henri claims she does, but she clearly doesn't. And if I tried to "break the rules" in your scenario, the guy would probably fucking shoot me down. In the suicidal person's situation, if I "break the rules", not only am I risking at putting myself at a compromised situation, but I'm also going to break the suicidal person even further. I'd be a fucking asshole, and there's no way around that. When it comes to the guy holding me hostage on nine eleven, I don't give a shit if this criminal dies. When it comes to a person I know personally, who has mental issues and can't fucking help it, of course I care.

Dude, she is a shit person. At the very least she's a horrible liar who wants to boost her own ego. Like I said, she claims she cares for the guy, but yet she still didn't bother with helping him mentally. And then she betrays his trust, and makes his friend betray his trust. Do you know how much that can break a person? Hurting someone like that make sure you a shit person.

Yes, I agree, she's in a shit situation, and she has the right to happiness as well, but it shouldn't come at the cost of the happiness of someone she claims to care about. She should help him, genuinely try to get him to see therapists (cont)

Make sure he gets in a better mental state, one where he's not depending on her. Then she can break it off. However, as I've said, it might already be too late to properly break it off, because of the guy learns she's fucking his friend, then he'll probably be crushed again. The best she can do is try to make him find a new group of people to be friends with, make sure he's happy and doing well, and then completely cut it off. She should've just stayed in her fucking pants for a bit, before jumping to cheating instantly. But, again, this just goes to show she doesn't care. Is it the guy's fault? No, it isn't. He has a mental problem, that's not his fault, in fact, she even claimed when they got together he was starting to get his life together slowly. He was becoming much happier, because of her. It's not healthy to be attached to a person, sure, but he was trying his best to be a better person for her. If she truly cared about him, she'd help him loosen his attachment on her, and make it so that he becomes a better person for himself. But as we've established, she doesn't actually care, she just cheats, lies about it, and doesn't care about consequences. She's an idiot, and a shit person. She has no one to blame but herself.

Oh! Also one more thing to add, the guy isn't intentionally keeping her hostage. Hell, she's only just assuming that he'll commit suicide. But the guy never actually said anything about it, in his eyes, the relationship seems fine. So no, he's not intentionally holding her hostage. He's living a life with her which he believes is, albeit a tad rocky, fairly normal and even happy.


Bumping again.

I guess my mentality is more on a mutual plain.

The partner is in a bad mental state, but she is in equally a bad mental state. Why would one mental state be better than another.

I agree that the best answer is not to cheat, but the fact we say she is horrible and the hostage holding suicidal person isn't is hypocritical statement. They are both terrible people... It's as if wanting to kill ones self absolves one of crimes.

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Thank you satan!

Sorry I had to go get dressed up for requirements sakes =P

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Back to back trips will keep the thread alive

Because traps are GAY

Ah, but you only believe that. It's not a known fact that it's intentional. It's believed to be because the perception is he is suicidal thus not his actions are not intentional.

We're essentially saying that because the individual is not mentally sound their actions are unintentional, but the reality is that regardless of intent the actions are still actions.

Well yeah, but so damn smexy =P

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Because after the person I thought was my soulmate broke my heart, I don't know how I could trust anyone else. Definitely not going to get married again at least unless it's for business.

Please read everything I wrote before replying. Can't even ask for that much fucking decency? The only reason she's in a bad mental state is because she doesn't care enough to help the person who she claims she deeply cares for. Instead she's periodically fixing the issue by breaking his trust behind his back, and not actually taking care of the real problem. She's intentionally fucking things up for herself. As for the guy, sure, he's mentally unwell, but I've said, he's trying to become a better person. He's trying his fucking hardest, even if he still has problems every day, he's still becoming happier, taking care of himself, but when it comes to mental issues, you need help. It's hard for him to help himself in that regard, he may not even realize he has a problem that bad. It's hard for someone who has genuine issues like that to be able to take care of them alone. And it's fucking sickening that the person closest to him can't even be bothered to help. He doesn't want to kill himself, he's found his purpose his life, but if he realizes the truth, and he loses that, there's a very likelihood that he might be in misery or do something worse. But at the moment, that shouldn't be on his mind, because as far as he's concerned, everything is going well. But she fucking knows this, and doesn't bother to do anything about it, and instead goes out and sluts it up with his friend. She's toxic. And it disgusts me that you think that because he has a mental condition WHICH HE CAN NOT HELP, means he's a horrible person. He has a fucking problem, and it needs treatment. Do you think he wants death? If he loses everything he has, it may just be the only option for him. I doubt he wants to hurt anyone, but he will be hurt badly, because the person he thought cared about him, didn't at all.
Yeah, I'm keeping your thread alive so we can finish this discussion. (cont)

You got married?
I know the game of being cheated on... it's not a fun one =S

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Is this really a discussion? I feel like this is you stating you have no understanding on the alternative side of the situation while I state that your logic is only partially sounded. Your biased on the opinion and thus jaded approach leads to an uneducated assumption on the alternative.

You are reading more into the small amount of text provided than is reality. The fact is we only know what she has provided, and what you're saying is really just made up. It's not included in the text... it's just your made up idea of what you want to be reality.

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Do you know what he's doing intentionally? He's trying to better his life. He's trying to do it for the sake of the person he loves. His actions show how he doesn't want to hurt her. However she has the ability to hurt him badly, and she doesn't fucking care, because she continues regardless. She is intentionally worsening the situation, while he's trying to get better.
Reread the conversation. Everything I've said is based on what she's said. Please fucking point out to me where I'm making these "uneducated guesses" or "trying to be biased". Because all you're doing is simply saying these things, and not pointing out the evidence that proves to it. You oppose me this badly, but yet you don't directly address how "I'm wrong". You merely say I'm approaching the situation wrongly, but yet you're not providing any extra information as to how that's the case. All this shows is that you just want to oppose me for the sake of opposing me. You don't give a shit do you?

>the fact we say she is horrible and the hostage holding suicidal person isn't is hypocritical statement
You're a fucking retarded pseudo intellectual. She is a horrible person for breaking trust and cheating. She has created a head cannon for a justification as to why her cheating is justified. The guy has done nothing but confide with someone he's in a relationship with. Him being depressed or mentally unstable is not holding her hostage, stop white knighting for some cheating bitch. He hasn't done anything besides putting his trust in his partner. Something a faggot wouldn't understand.

This, honestly, I don't know why I bothered with keeping this thread alive. This guy clearly doesn't give a shit, and just wants to argue for the sake of arguing.

I’m about 99% sure my trust issues stem from my parents divorce. I was in second grade and the announcement came to a shock to us all, none of us had ever seen anything close to dysfunctional about the relationship. There’s a lot a research now saying that low-conflict divorces have lots of negative developmental impacts on children, so I wouldn’t be surprised

It wasn't even that I got cheated on, at least not that I know of. Her vagina doesn't work right and she has almost no libido. Looking back, those should have been red flags. But after I got back from a deployment she told me that she didn't love me anymore. It broke my heart and destroyed me as a person. Can't really feel joy anymore. Don't think I could romantically love someone again.

What does that mean

What does what mean?

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>trust someone
>get betrayed
>never trust anyone again

Reminder that OP is a scumbag, and this should've all been part of a feels thread where people actually give a shit.