New Passed out thread. Starting with my wife

New Passed out thread. Starting with my wife

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my sister passed out after i roofied her

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why do they call them roofies when you end up on the floor?

Holy shit I figured out where Doug is at

It comes from the word Rohypnol, but i used temazepam.

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Black Doug or White Doug?

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19 yo gf pretending to be asleep while i felt her up. That still counts right?

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would still fuck.

any pics of you using her after?
how did it feel to rape your sis?

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where did you get this pic it legit looks exactly like my boob and hair to the point I asked this question, I have been lurking for about 10 years never posted here before

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any chubby girls?


that would be posting pic of my crime, and i´m not black.

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well i guess if you blacked out at home recently you may have been fucked by your bro...hows that feel? haha

have you done it to her before? post more pics of her anyways sure :)

on it

yeah for years, temazepam really works wonders. I use to just get her black out drunk, but i was always to afraid to actually fuck her then. When she is drugged you can do anything, and it is a muscle relaxer it helps with putting her in certain positions.

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here is proof, I dont know if this pic does it justice how much that pic really does look like my boob

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...ignore that its upside down I guess

can you do a full body shot for us like our friends sister in this pic for science an all that :)

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nope I'm not her look nothing like her, I am 5,4,weigh 200 pounds and can bench 100kg. I am sort of unique looking

>Bob Marley

Coal consumption confirmed. Abort. Abort.

she has never been blacked, if that helps.

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White Doug of course!

fuck more

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moar! any close up of her asshole?

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show us her pussy

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I'd fuck her asshole until she couldn't hold her farts

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Gf drunk

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Somthing like this?

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whats wrong with her butt crack?