Dirty snaps?
Preferably OC.
Dirty snaps?
how are you ripping snaps without a notifying screenshot?
My workaround is to hit the minimize button or whatever it's called where you can see all the different apps you have open and screenshot from there. I've had other people tell me they got caught doing this but I haven't, which is I think a function of phone type?
ah damn.. clever, but iOS blurs snapchat when you touble-tap home. shit.
my current workaround is to airplay to my desktop, open the snap, screenshot on my pc.
I'm not always in front of my pc though so.. blah.
also no spare camera/phone other than my webcam which I could try..
Samsung Note can screenshot with the s pen. It doesn't trigger the screenshot thing. No idea about video though.
Yeah but the advantage there is you can actually save videos
More of her?
I'd fuck that
This is so cringey
This bitch fat. Fuq that.
I'd fuck the shit out of her. She looks like Trinity from the matrix
Never had a slam piggy before?
Fuck that's hot
Kek wtf no she doesn't
Hot damn
Keep posting?
some ass
That ass is fucking fine
More tits and ass?
here we go
This one shows up every now and then.
I get my wife to send these to some of my good friends for fun. Weird? Anyone else do this!?
don't have 1
Time to tap while not contributing
Miss this one
Mmm fuck that's hot
Where are her ankles?
Kik? Lasmontanna
I want that ass smothering my face
She knows how to take it
Non existant
I think they call that 'cankles'.
it is a hell of an ass to be smothered with
Love to see it riding
Fuuuuck she's thicc
God damn man don't stop
More tits? Topless in thong?
More thong?
Fuck I wanna cum all over those
I use a screen recording app on android
Goddd yes
I'm fapping
So many good asses in this thread
Fuck dude yes
I wanna cum on them
So damn fuckable
Got kik or discord?
Yeah my kik is anon33anon33
I want to bend that ass over so bad
Hnnng perfect
Add me: Burtmacklin20
She sells some pretty bomb nudes and has a few lewds on her story
Kik me to trade op.
who says op isn’t letting them know?
do you have more of her?
IQ 50000 and take a photo with another camera
She's cute, any more?
Jesus fuck
Oof more?
Kik me to trade OC
any more?