I’m tired of life

I’m tired of life

Should I?

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Livestream link first.

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Please don't. And if you decide you are, for gods sake dont use a gun

What website

Have you fucked a trap yet?

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Nah. We all get tired of it all from time to time, but every time I've decided against ending it I've eventually concluded it was the right decision. There's still some good stuff, right? Like looking at tits?

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Nope. Just 18, only 3 girls. Have lots and lots of problems

Nah man, someone out there will miss you, an old classmate, a colleague, a family member.

Not worth putting other people through it. Plenty of help out there if you ask for it.

>I'm 18 and I can't take it anymore ;_;
wew lad just wait, you'll wish it was that easy in just a few more years.

How about a timestamp?

That’s literally the only thing stopping me. I went to prom yesterday. Was fun and all but life just went back to being regular shit and I’m doing ass in math which could stop me from graduation

Yes. Don't think just do.

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Think about the Lolis.

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If you have been in pain for longer than 5 years, then go ahead, if not, wait till 5 years of pain or fix.
The love of my life left me for social prejudices, just crawl to the light i guess.

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Legit ask your teacher for help. Tell he/she you’re struggling and they will help you. Don’t fuck around on getting your diploma.

I’m 43 and if you think life is hard now, it’ll suck even more when you’re older. Get shit done now in your youngass life instead of later on when it’s three times as hard.

Even the loli posters want to see you blow your brains out

Shoot me with it first.

This dipshit is going to try to kill himself with some low brass birdshot.
Do us all a favor and use a cliff or bridge jump.
Gonna end up another mangled vegetable living off our taxes.

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Suicide is the big gay.


Math is useless, concentrate on getting a job and make money, you can literaly do whatever, get out of your parents house and rent a place...

Why would anybody shoot themselves when they can shoot muslims instead?

Just write no homo on your suicide note idiot

Where u from op? Usa?

Yes sir

Like i said in my last post, just get whatever job man, you get to meet more people and it will be fine..

Not with a shotgun. You are making some poor dude clean up your brain matter from everywhere.

Put a garbage bag over your head and use a 9mm to the temple.

Go skeet shooting? Fuck yeah! That shit's fun as hell! Go get yourself a 6 pack and a friend and shoot come clays. That shit always perks me the fuck up!

Go outside and take a walk, and if you still feel like you should, then I guess you should



Get a job
Get out of parents house
Meet peolpe
If you live in the usa you can make good money working in anything

I wanted either lawyer or election like my dad. Lawyer is gonna take a lot more school and electrician has a lot of dirty work with idiots. I don’t know anymore

I think this is legitimately the worst timestamp I have ever seen.

post a selfie op, the council will decide

>Should I?
You should build a remote control lawn mower.

I’m using my phone and it says “POST CANNOT EXCEED 2 mb” so I have to zoom in like a retard for less space

Yes. But not with a gun.

I don't need your worthless coward ass fucking up MY life too by adding to some dumb ass statistic.

On god this is my face reveal.

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Take some jews with you.

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Food industry is great, im a doctor (boring) but if you work with food you get to travel an get meet people

well yr not the brightest of bulbs but I'm sure youll come out okay.

Should you start trainig marksmanship as a hobby? Certainly.


all of my...

just take a screenshot if your phone can't resize.


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Attention seeker no one cares about your sorry ass life man up.

Put pencil in pooper


At least take some jews and niggers out before you kill yourself.

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what are your such big problems that you're posting angsty pictures of a shotgun on b?

That’s a 9 you libtard

suicide is selfish and weak

Are you serious? The 9 and 4 look totally different.


I’m insane in the brain brother my thoughts are completely wack and I’m screwing up my future through high school

Op is fake and gay

You shouldn't procrastinate

B& for underage.. good job idiot

Have you ever tried table tennis?

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Wow with a 2 3/4 birdshot round. What a joke. go big with 000 buck.

eh its just hormones. You'll grow out of it. Try and stay the course as best you can now.

Ur probs fake and gay but give us the live stream link first


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So will there be a periscope link or what?

Go to your local nigger infested town and kill some. At least do something useful befor you off yourself

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OP is a fagget and nothing ever happens.

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I was in the same boat a couple months ago Yea Forumsrother. I decided I'd drop out of uni and quit my job instead, just to test the waters. 'Starting over' was the best thing I've ever done. Right now everyone thinks I'm depressed or whatever for making the 'wrong' choice but fuck them. I'm happier than I have ever been in my life right now.
I hope you can do something similar, user.

It’s not installing

get the fuck out of here.

Nope...life is a struggle...good times and bad times...you need to soldier through it...

Honestly user, this.
A way better video than you blowing your brains out would be fucking packing up your car and driving off to start a new life.
Or walk into the principals office and tell him to smoke cock.

My principle is secretly a nazi

like a literal nazi, or just a guy you don't like?

Use twitch user

And if I don't?

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OP of here.
Seriously man. If you're dead set on doing something at least give that a try first. You have nothing to lose. Worst comes to worst then life is still shit and you can off yourself just as easy then.
>If your life sucks, then one of two things has to change; you, or your situation.
That's the one thought i actually remember from months of being a depressed POS laying around gaming and smoking weed all day. That's also the one that made me decide to make those changes, as with everything YMMV, but you might as well give it a shot right?

I didn't ever expect a frogposter to do anything intelligent.

OP have you heard of our lord and savior Sky King?

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Yea Forums thinks my link is spam


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Of someone trolling on Yea Forums?

the periscope link? put spaces in between dots

do a barrell roll

shouldn't you?

Not trolling, I want OP to shoot up a nearby mosque.

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don't do that

better yet: OP, become a soldier and go kill some real terrorists, and not be a faggot who just shoots his brains out

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Was considering but rather be dead than disappoint parents

Take that gun to math class and have some fun before you go.

No you absolute mong
Go browse /fit/ /adv/ or some gay reddit sub where people are more likely to help you

I like my teacher and most of the kids there. The problem isn’t the class it’s me being so depressed that I can’t study or get any shit done

Dont do what

Im 41 and barely got to mess around with a trap a few months ago.

You need to do that before giving up

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You're not doing it anyway, you're a faggot who will whine about his shitty life until he's old

just do it faggot

Post the link now op we are waiting

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fuck off incel

No. Don’t.

this in general. be creative. throw down with a friend, i mean real friend, someone who will be just as much of a weirdo as you, on a small apartment. find a secluded ass spot within 20 minutes of your place, and build some shit. building some useful shit is one of the best things someone can do. you have a new *insert* that YOU made. gets you some time with your friend. something to do, that's not too strenuous, costs less than buying *insert* and you get some new skills

Op post link

t. tranny that needs legislation to force faggots to put their dick in your axe wound

I fucked my first trap at 30. It changed everything, I'm far happier and fulfilled now. Everyone needs to fuck a trap before they die!

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look everyone, an autist incel in his natural habitat

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stfu. b urself bshit does not work and the multitude of robot streamers fucking proved it.
he can't be creative, useful or otherwise helpful so he's decided to become an hero. that's end of it. he's either going to do it or not. that's the beauty of free will we possess. we either end it, or not. we win against the natural instincts of self-preservation or we do not. that's the bottom line. he's free to off his brains and make all of his family sigh with relief, leaving them to the mess as a final huzzah in his miserable, and nonsensical life. he's better off going all out on his walls than go get help. he could become a soldier, a policeman, a volunteer, even a hobo, but he decided to make life easier for everyone else that needs to listen to his sorry crap and end it. he's "just" going to do it. he's going to own it. because there's nothing his lazy ass can do. not even go out and look for any job in any other city or country. Earth is so small, after all. no place for him on it.

If you feel that way, you have horrible parents.

Op is just juggling 2 shells in the live stream and saying racial slurs

where's the live stream at?

Twitch @jackoffjackson

>go kill some real terrorists
which ones, the same ones that disagree with your opinion?

who's the middle guy

Please don't shoot yourself with 7.5 birdshot. You'll just end up like Dick Cheney and need a heart transplant.

Anders Breivik

go back to pleddit, kid. netflix isn't a history channel.

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Are you fucking kidding me user.

wow, such saltiness. how's it like knowing you get pissy from such mere words?

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how's it like being manipulated on a daily basis like a blonde being raped by a thousand muslims?

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how's it like making up facts and bullshit to make your argument sound somewhat better?

You know that you can retake the class, right? Like, if you dont graduate with your class, yeah that's crappy; but you can still retake it or even go for your GED.
You're seeing graduation as a win/loss condition when it isn't. Keep trying at life and make us all proud.

how's it not being able to check for facts and arguments in an era that is called "information"?

As a parent, son the ultimate disappointment would be for you to throw your life away.


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Yeah I’m well aware but they keep acting like things are worse than they are and won’t stop beating me

still waiting

I'm not going to act like I know everything about your situation, but people can lie. Yeah, retaking a class will make your overall GPA lower, a GED may not get you into stanford, but it sure as well get you into the local community college.
There you can learn a lot of cool stuff:
>Automotive Engineering
And after getting a degree from the local community college, you can go to uni if you want a bachelors degree: they'll look at your college transcript for that, not High School.

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Dont be a pussy and let the women win. You need to travel to ASIA where women still treat you like a king in your own house. Just sell your shit here and move there and have a great time. You wont regret it.

Man up and stop being a quitter.

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find a xan dealer bro, that shit helped me alot when i was going through tough times

Holy shit kid seriously from what I'm reading just wait a few years
Normally I'd tell you to go ahead but holy fuck dude, do you do this shit everytime you get depressed from bad grades?

Will OP deliver??

No stream? weak

Take some xanax and smoke some weed, that shit helped me out during my early 20's

Awwwww :)

Shoot up your school. Make them pay before you go. Beat Vtech Cho's record. We know you can do it!


I really don't care. If that's what you want to do it's your choice.

this is entrapment

uhm, 12ga at close range, birdshot or not, the back of that head is coming off.

Aim for the chest, record it and stream it on a streaming service and donate your brain to science so it can be studied and no one else goes through this shit.

I have that same shotgun and it's sitting right next to my bed. That would be very messy OP.

FR though please don't op

fucking do it already fag