If you're still liberal after all the things Trump has done for you, then perhaps maybe you should have to spend six months in a boot camp to learn how to appreciate this country's values.
If you're still liberal after all the things Trump has done for you...
Other urls found in this thread:
The first thing you would you liberals would learn is that it is technically illegal to disobey a Standing President's Executive Orders.
And 2ndly, you liberals would learn how to properly manage your money so you don't have to end up on Government Support.
This thread is on Page 7. Unacceptable.
Bumping one more time for main page.
We really need to start reporting those who mock this Presidency at a Time of War.
I am middle class with 6 digit household income. Trump and the republicans new tax plan reduced my refund for 2018 by nearly 2/3s despite no change in my income, employment, or investments when compared to 2017.
The only 1 of 2 major pieces of legislation Trump and the idiot republicans got signed into law did nothing but took money out of my pcoket. Why the fuck would I like that?
Are you sure you're not retarded? My paychecks went up because of the tax reduction and I had roughly the same return when I filed.
What values?
Eat junk food, golf at your own resorts on the tax payers dime, whine and complain about gossip, lie about the most easily verifiable shit if it flatters yourself?
Take no responsibility, blame everyone but yourself if a project you start goes awry, bully anyone beneath you, go out of your way to right things in your favor?
Trump is an empty sack of shit, and him being elected showed the world for the garbage culture we actually perpetrate.
nice dubs
you all took the bait
*to rig things
>replying to obvious b8 while thinking a serious post is b8
Trump will convert you Libtards.
Subpar bait. Don't post again.
fax my nigga
>replying to obvious OP while thinking a bait reply is serious
Yes - I piss away money just to have argument points on Yea Forums....
What I said was facts and I have had a stable situation for the past 8 years with little change in my financial portfolio. I am happy you ended up with more but I did not and thus I am not seeing much benefit from this so called great tax plan. As fair as I can tell the ultra rich get more money, the national deficit continues to climb, and our infrastructure continues to rot in this country.
Is it bait still if I am just killing time?
That's the Democrats fault.
Good. White people are the stupidest. We need less. A lot less.
Is it just killing time if you're replying to bait?
Das right
(((Trump))) is useless.
Liberals will continue to have power and exist for ever as long as we relly on Trump/Reagan types.
We need to become much more radical.
Like all the farmers getting subsidies due to Trump's trade war...
Actually after enslaving blacks for over 400 years, whites should have to function as slaves in society for roughly the same period of time.
Losing weight and moving out of your mom's basement is a radical concept.
To be fair, I can't really tell the serious republicans from the trolling ones. They all sound like retards to me.
Don't believe the news. I'm a farmer and my handout gets smaller and smaller every payout cycle because corporate farms are getting the majority of the moneys!
Anyone who says they benefited from the Trumpcuts is trolling. It's that easy. Billionaires benefited, not fat smelly faggots with maggot-ridden fleshlights.
>I'm a farmer
switch to weed
big bucks
Even the union reps are laughing at the niggers. Doesn’t matter, the bigs will run out of political money soon simply because they don’t fucking work anyway and they get money through gangs and drugs. Let them cry who cares.
I'll never plant that devil grass. The bible is pretty fuckin clear about where we should stand on that issue buddy
It is noteworthy to mention the People didn't and still don't want your stupid President lol
Good goy,we will totally win on the long run with Trump/Reagan types.
I'd mention that the Bible actually sanctions "every herb bearing seed" but that never works with you christfags.
Enjoy complaining about the corner you've painted yourself into lol.
user speak English. Very few of us buy into your stupid /pol/ faggotry.
Very few.
Post your taxes and prove it
if you are still a liberal with even a brief contact with reality there is probably no hope for you
listen buddy your spewing fake news bible never says that and besides you dont now nothing about the farming industry what do you now nothing about my bible neether!
Charolltesville wasn't specifically about racism, and many in DC repuked Trump for his lame, suspiciously noncommittal tweet.
Ignoring them is best. You don't want them to start posting their chart catalogue
Seems to me he's sitting most of the time, usually in his golf cart, sometimes in meetings.
We need young revolutionaries,ready to go on a radical political change,not Jew shills.
Which country has Congress declared war against? Otherwise your ridiculous assertion does not apply.
Yes it does, shithead. I quoted it verbatim.
You christfags are literally wastes of oxygen.
This is an obvious troll thread
>sage goes in all fields
I would have praised defense of Confederate heritage and condemn Black Crime Matter and Antifa extremists trying to remove statue of a General that ironically never owned a single slave
t. muslim libtard
>durr jew durr durr
grow up faggot
you've been trolled
>all the things Trump has done for you
He loves the poorly educated
great argument, on par with most 6-year olds
Doesn't matter. I win.
I fucking love Trump
guess i should be wearing a pussyhat and screaming NOT MY PRESIDENT?
you literally can't
Why do you frogfuckers like him? You realize he's ultra liberal and believes in full social diversity as I do?
>It's not the Jews
OK,this people on image are Russians,Iranians, Venezuelans, Chinese, Cubans and Assad.It's not the JEWS.
Are you happy now?
Kill yourself. Trump has done NOTHING for us. He's a subhuman retarded criminal maggot.
ALL the positive numbers in the economy are those of Obama's trends. the only things that are Trump's are the results of his failed as fuck trade war, i.e. the complete destruction of the Midwest agricultural industry.
>implying going through boot camp in the military will make you realize and make you became a real man of the country
more like, spend six months in boot camp to be a political pawn for someone's pocket.
Hello. I am Jewish. Stop spreading hate and disinformation about my people.
Women are the ones who are going to put a stop to all this.
Because men can't.
The first thing you should do is learn how to construct a sentence
if you think trump is a conservative let me refresh your memory for you.
1. his abortion views line up with liberals.
2. he secretly allowed illegal immigrants to enter the country since december. over 180,000 have been relocated from detention centers to texas, california and florida.
3. bump stocks made illegal.
4. gave social welfare to farmers.
5. would not engage iran after attacks on oil tankers bound for the US.
OP is a huge trump cuck liberal.
One of the most important people for American foreign policy got that job without a education or experience about it.
I wonder why.Did the Jewish Mafia blackmailed Trump?
I think the US could use more socially-engaged intelligent Asian-Americans.
>diversity is our strength!
Yep. You're dumb
That's what i thought. How's that wall coming together btw?
nazi dogfucker
Stop mocking my people
Kill yourself. This is not a suggestion. Do it.
What a fat, useless, braindead, bloated sack of criminal shit.
>White genocide now
>sign being held by white people
>white people
>believing a word FOX says
Why do you have to "prove" it?
You dumb white people are being bred out. You brought this on.
And the tiki torchers chanting loudly "You will not replace us" in regard to (((Jews)))?
Fucking kike lover
>different booking photos = conspiracy
you're fucking stupid m8
>done for you
nobody here makes enough money to have tangibly benefitted from Trump's policies. NOBODY.
How? Are they not Jewish?
the bible says as much too, what's your point?
>different countries
>different criminal justice systems
>makes comparison anyway
wew lad
god he looks like he's deflating
Better go and watch the (((news)))
Trump isn't a liberal or a cuckservative.
He's just a criminal grifter.
What a fucking idiot you are
>implying trump supporters who shit on the 2nd ammendment are any better then liberals
>being hailed as a hero
more like a total fucking idiot that won the darwin award
No shit dude, she looks way more interesting than those random normies
do you even understand the media
>executive orders
oh,so obama was a tyrant for this.and trump gets praised for it,this shows you how much of a shit country america has turned into
What a dumb bitch. I wouldn't die for a Jew or a Muslim. They both suck ass.
It's pure accident that 95% of rapists in the UK are Black or Brown.Pure accident...
Many idiot White dames are murdered by their Bad Boy Black loser. Taxpayers always stuck with paying to raise the mulattoes even if Black boy doesn't end up in prison. Black boys do not pay what they cause. The many that do end up in prison are on the taxpaayer's dime. Negroes... America's Bane.
>Trump isn't a liberal
>Mr Trump said he was against abortion except in cases of rape, incest or a "serious health risk" to the mother.
Trump represents everything that is still wrong with this country...I am glad he is drawing you all out so we can all see you in the light
Is the Jewish Mafia controlling our Judicial system too?
>It's pure accident that 95% of rapists in the UK are Black or Brown.Pure accident...
They were framed by racists.
Maybe you should take the cock outta your mouth son, you're dribblin
trump has done literally not a single thing.
In their minds, it's just a slight to the 'alt-right' and not actually real. Joke's on them I guess. It amazes me white leftists think they will somehow get a pass and not be looked at as race traitors that sold out their people at the drop of a hat, by their precocious PoCs.
>Liberals pretending to be Republicans pretending to hate Liberals.
Politics is nothing but LARPing faggots.
Trump has done nothing but enrich his cronies, betray our country to foreign powers and make the US the laughing stock of the world. Still liberal.
he's spent $100,000,000 of taxpayer money to go golfing in Florida most weekends.
>trumpie average IQ: 75
Trump is an absolute parody of a president and the fact that people think he is doing good (or anything at all) is proof no one is really paying much attention.
Open borders for Israel!
he's probably a Trumper like that fat faggot that was caught posting WP leaflets and then scurried off like the untermensch Trumpers are
Nothing wrong with this assessment.
It's the white supremacists' using it that polluted it. THEIR FAULT it has negative connotation.
These guys know how to perform. Great.
Upper pic: boring old blokes. Not so great.
If the advance is on account of the orange president, then take my compliments, Sir.
Else sod off.
Yes, because that's who controls Kikepedia, NOT the Jews.
Just like how the Buddhist Manji symbol and how it was used for the German army in WWII, only they flipped it horizontally and tilted it 45 degrees.
You think your safe just because you are in Israel? Just asking...
SPLC is evil. Send them all to military tribunals. Determine of any of those within are traitors to the USA and/or the citizenry. Life at HARD-LABOR would be a good punishment for the guilty.
You think that's liberal?
Here's liberal: Free, accessible abortions and contraceptives up to the 7th month of gestation. No questions asked. Up to the 9th month in matters of mortal risk to the woman. Woman holds more societal value than the fetus. PERIOD.
Stop mocking my people. This is your last chance or you will be reported to JIDF.
British People more like it. They're the cause of everything bad that ever happened to the third world.
stop posing, basement dweller.
t. stormfags
The chosen ones will never work, that's why Hitler put them in resorts instead of workcamps.
If you're white you too will be enslaved.
I'm Jewish. Stop mocking my people nazi dogfucker.
You see it correctly, because Trump is fucking everything up. His minions are too stupid and/or blind to realize just how far his orange micropenis is up their ass, because it’s too small to feel.
>I'm a jew
Congratulations. Get your nose out of my face.
So, you aren't saying they are inaccurate or wrong, just that because they are true, that somehow I'm a bad person. Got to love that Kike logic. Keep it up Rabbi, i'm sure the goy are still listening to you.
if you’re still a trump supporter after all he’s done for you then maybe you need to go back to elementary school because you’re just plain stupid.
They are 100% retarded. Not genetically, but by choice.
Trump never laughs
Why is that
Can't have the goy finding out the truth in yet another one of your fake threads. JIDF must work you Kikes like dogs.
No. Stop persecuting my people. Now.
Sad thing is that the fat negro lady is right.
Think about that.
Pic related: more fuckable negro female
Not the brightest bulb in the room
I acknowledge only that you are stupid homophobic racists. That's all.
“America First!” (Unless your billionaire son in law is a Jew)
And your point is...
Or what? you'll throw shekels at us? Humans have been persecuting your people for thousands of years, what makes you think suddenly today all of that will grind to a halt?
Europe, prepare for total war to prevent a New Dark Age from descending.
Then enjoy watching the US up its foreign aid to Israel as stormfags like you confirm that there are those trying to kill my people.
>implying i'm a wehraboo stormfag
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
>I anyone I don't like is Hitler
Ironically your Islamophobia will result in an actual Dark Ages without technology and society will be reduced to warlords and situational morality.
I see the Kikes have posted images of their nigger slaves obeying their orders to rape white women. Can't wait until we knock down that wall and open up Sub Saharan Apefrica to your lovely little pile of sand called Israel.
then shut up
don't defend stormfags and you won't get caught in the crossfire
I am Jewish. Stop mocking my people.
Patriots, know your enemies. A day of reckoning is coming.
We won't forget Ebba, nor any of the children or the traitors who allowed this to happen.
I can do whatever I very well please. Meanwhile, all you're doing is being a phony soyboy
you poor fuck. I'm a britfag so thank fuck i have nothing to do with Trump (fucking brexit is shite). I love how the other comments have called you a retard and a muslim libtard... They are blind.
You're finally going to announce when you move out of mommy's?
Fine. Then you will continue to be regarded as the apologist for Stormfront as you appear to be.
People like OP need to be shot as soon as possible. Maybe their families too, for good measure, cause they're likely as subhuman as OP.
question that still stands here is, what do you plan on doing about it? sit on your fatass and bitch about it? or actually giving some effort in the change you want to see? Didn't think so.
Just being right is enough. Full social diversity is the only answer.
>being right is enough
Doesn't seem all that effective last time I looked.
Try harder.
It's triggering you pretty hard. That's enough.
>hurr ur trigger'd durr herp
ok kid. whatever helps you sleep better.
If it triggers a fake liberal like you, it's a victory.
Next time we will get your asses
lol. just.... lol
enjoy your "victory" that yields absolutely nothing in return
This is your 4th post assuring me that you're not triggered by the comments I've been making. It should have been only one reply, user. One.
laughter is connected with comprehension and intelligence--Trump has ZERO of either.
hamas uses children as literal human shields while firing with automatic weapons and firing RPGs from hospitals and schools.
Fuck you
Only racists and retards like this nigger
Shit for brains hasn't done any but made worth $200K less due to his tariff bullshit.
Imagine being a liberal who constantly is in support of Jews but condemns Trump's declaration that Jerusalem is Israel's capital. No matter how you feel about Israel or Jews, this is contradictory.
>hasn't done any but made worth $200K less
what the fuck are you trying to say soy boy?
Ben Garrison cartoons are fucking retarded.
>Jerusalem is Israel's capital
you must be 18+ to post here
Never be proud of something you haven't accomplished.
Jesus Christ is the lord and only one worthy of king.
Indeed. Fund better public transportation around the country. Too bad trump doesn't do that.
hahaha you posted that
We'd kill him first.
2020, more like the number of girls joe has molested
Their government is stationed there. Israel says that's their capital. Jerusalem. Is. Their. Capital.
Or do you believe New York City is America's capital?
And get someone who's even more antithetical to your values in power (Pence)
Pence IS slightly less of a giant retarded criminal though.
>all the things Trump has done for you
such as...? All he's "done for me" is raised my taxes, given that money to billionaires, and made it easier to charge me out the ass for everything with what little I have left. He's the enemy of anyone who makes less than 7 figures.
with what? you people get triggered at the mention of an ar-15 (see what i did there?) not to mention wanting to ban all guns and repeal the second amendment, come at him with anything else and you'll not get far, good luck with that
I'm sorry, I thought we were dealing with facts here, not conspiracy theories. What's next? The earth is flat?
Fox watching retard detected
criminal? show me one conviction with jail time that makes him a criminal, pro tip: you can't, you people are laughable at best
Completely obvious. He's a criminal and he does it all in broad view of everyone.
- two illegal meetings in the OVAL OFFICE with known Russia agents
- NRA laundered money to Trump from Russia.
- Russian agent working to link GOP donors and representatives to NRA money as well.
- betrayed top secret intelligence channel with allies to Russia
-has used Russian propaganda in his rallies and tweets
- Intelligence Community has determined the Russians spent tons of money and resources working to make the Republicans win.
- Russia hacked some states' elections.
- Russia attempted to hack every state's elections.
- Russia received "leaked" voter registrations the GOP "accidentally" left online in filesharing sites.
- Trump shits all over UN allies like Putin wanted him to.
- Trump takes Putin's word over international intelligence agencies.
- Trump Tower Moscow
- Trump wanted Russia-owned steel for his wall.
I can also list at least 10 complete instances of Obstruction of Justice and another 3-4 instances of criminal witness intimidation by Trump as well. Then there's the Emoluments Clause....
I mean, take your fuckin' pick. Trump is a goddamn criminal and the ENEMY of this nation.
We'll see in the end. Trump won't escape criminal charges. We will see to that.
oh wait i can do that too, cnn, msnbc watching retard detected, you're a joke, go away and play dress up
Someone please decapitate OP and post it on Youtube.
>doesn't deny it
Kill yourself.
is this letitia james?
If you are calling for Impeachment of this President, you should be charged with Treason.
can you blame him?
neither did you, you go first
Liberals are currently working on this by making it ok to say anything bad about white people without repercussions. Next step is being able to do anything bad, like rape/murder/etc.
So Americans who are enjoying their 1st Amendment rights should be charged with Treason... You are either a Russian shillbot or should be a Russian shillbot
Just like you can say nigger anyone else can call you names you softdick faggot. When you start advocating violence or criminal acts then you start running into risky legal territory.
He looks like an old lesbian
It's simple. Stop being racist and embrace full social diversity.
imagine ivanka with a thick 8 incher
>hurr durr Russia is satan
You regressives are against true diversity. If you were truly anti-racist, you wouldn't hold non-whites on a pedestal and just treat them like the humans they are.
It's actually illegal to Criticize this President.
Less racism = less white people. Diversity means get rid of white people. Yes, we get it.
Announce her name to EVERY college kid currently attending school her name and it is very likely that not ONE of them will knew what she did. Stupid worthless deed by a brainwashed leftist idiot.
user the fact you're making this about "white persecution" only bolsters my point.
All you have to do is back off, shut up and allow for full social diversity.
Except there are zero social repercussions for saying all white people are evil, or should be enslaved or murdered. The next step is obvious.
She wanted to die for a group who wants to murder her and was killed by a group who wants to enslave her. Ironic.
Diversity actually means you acknowledge that all humans are your equals, user. You might go see a doctor about your paranoid tendencies.
Society is already 'diverse' - what the left wants now are penalties for white people, IE penalties for hiring them, allowing them into school, etc. Soon there will be white-free areas.
But why does the left perpetuate preferential treatment for minorities then? They obviously don't want equal treatment.
All you have to do is stop trash talking blacks and other people of color and accept them as your social and intellectual equals, user. But I've yet to see you do this here itt.
Because of institutionalized racism, user. Once that racism is marginalized, those additional protections will be rolled back.
So me=everyone in this thread? Funny to watch the leftist mind at work.
No, they are a power grab and will only get worse. The left wants to see white people at the bottom of the food chain in every aspect because of white guilt.
You guys are retards. Neither of those are true.
I just butted in your conversation, I wasn't the one who mentioned white persecution.
It will only be a power grab if the antiquated white racists controlling this society do not willingly cede power per the power of the people, and yes it will get worse if they ignore the demands for change.
With an attitude like that, you are at the bottom of the food chain.
>everyone in this thread?
Starting with you
>the leftist mind
steps in when yours fails
your ideology isn't working user