Need advice: best starter vibe/toy for a really tight young girl?

Need advice: best starter vibe/toy for a really tight young girl?

Attached: 04DCD79C-F6DC-4790-84B3-5B9EA9455E5C.png (750x1334, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:[]=stan:383&products[]=crash:397&products[]=blaze:5&products[]=spitfire:1726&products[]=tyson:289

Muh peen

Any XL Bad Dragons you can find.[]=stan:383&products[]=crash:397&products[]=blaze:5&products[]=spitfire:1726&products[]=tyson:289

Those are real-size btw, just adjust the size compared to the credit card.

Point is not to scare her away from sex...

Are you the girl?

holy shit, bad dragon has a bad web developer.


Nope. Little sisters best friend.

Age & pics or gtfo

I got this for my friend. Good apparently.

Attached: Screenshot_20190401-202339.png (1080x1920, 340K)

how old? how small are you/ she?

First pic is related OC... do you really want to know age?

Attached: 8D9C3714-70C1-4441-8A76-D820E9F65086.png (750x1334, 1.58M)

Attached: image.jpg (298x300, 10K)

Attached: image.jpg (398x398, 17K)

She’s small. 4’11, maybe 100lb? Very tight. Want to get something for her to use to start getting a little more used to having something in her. Ideally something with app remote play possibles, but all those seem to be pretty girthy. She has a hard time with one finger some days, and two is her max. Tried three once and made her cry...

Vibrators are illegal here.
The terrible shock of orgasm easily warps or snaps the weaker minds of women and children.

Get a Hitachi massager, or one of those egg vibrators on a string that you can insert

Or no joke, an inflatable knotting dildo. They start out super small intentionally for the inflation effect.

That's for men

Still want to know age

You need more foreplay and lube

Are you a pedo OP?

Nah. I like girls that are developed and not going to get me in jail. Of course that can vary depending on where you are...

my dick haha gotem

We use plenty, and she gets wet. Just super tight and she’s impatient when she’s on her own so need something that she can use pretty quickly


Pic related...

Attached: 98A43139-2A7A-4331-8D21-9652673DB969.png (750x1334, 1.77M)

How old is she then?

Let’s say hypothetically 18 but super shy and lives with grandparents...

Underage obviously

So you are a pedo then. Grow up and find someone your own age you nonce


Legals legal. Don’t be jealous.

Jealous that I can actually pull girls my own age and I'm not a sad little fag who has to be a pedo to actually get any?

>hypothetically 18
>post nudes

Enjoy the ban m8

What ban? Hypothetical means just that. You fill in whatever you want in that blank, doesn’t change reality at all.