What would happen if aliens made it to earth? Would they be intercepted by army? And what if they landed on the ground...

What would happen if aliens made it to earth? Would they be intercepted by army? And what if they landed on the ground, would aliens get arrested?

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Well let's assume that their biology is entirely different then ours. Even small changes of for instance average ph level of the air would result in our air being really fucking toxic to them, so they could never leave their suits. If they did they'd die.
So if we ignore the technical aspects they would possibly be escorted to some scientific lab in the middle of nowhere for "questioning". That would essentially mean detainment, but that would be the only way to be in control of the situation. It would take a long time until communication would be possible, the movie Arrival explains the basics nicely. Once some sort of communication is set up people would obviously ask what they're doing here. Depending on the answer the preparations against an invasion are sped up or not. (They're running in the background anyways.)

Well, that all depends are they visiting or do they want to live here ? Cause if they want to live here they need to do it legally.

You're talking about a species so far advanced that it has the ability to make it to earth from wherever it came from. I don't think they'd be very concerned about being apprehended regardless of what their motives are. That would be like humans going to the moon and worried about getting arrested by ... .rocks and dust.

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Well if they have tentacles we’ll just send them to Japan.

Well we do have the technology for space flight, even theoretically for deep space flight. It's just that nobody wants to spend the horrendous amounts of shekels to do so. There are also many unknown factors about it.

Or send them to my asshole

A global massive economic crisis probably leading to World War 3.

WW3 would probably happen before anyone or anything would make contact with us.

They’d probably get bombarded with ‘Ayy LMAO’ honestly.

ayy lmao

As a real question, and not a sci-fi question ...we don't have shit on a species that's already mastered space travel. Even with copious amounts of spent shekels we're still a fetus, hardly even in our infancy yet when it comes to tech. We haven't even sent a human to our neighboring planet yet, which is a relatively hospitable and nearby place. Whatever advanced civilization/alium gets here is 100% guaranteed from another solar system because we know there's no alium travel going on around our own solar system. Now, even the nearest solar system is Alpha Centauri Proxima. It would take humans, right now, 80,000 years for us to get to Alpha Centauri. Eighty thousand years. If space niggers are here or eventually get here, I'll wager to bet they didn't take 80k years which only exemplifies how advanced they MUST be (if and when they arrive). Humans will seems as advanced to aliens as slugs and ants seem to humans. If they want to wreck us we'll have no defense, if they want the planet they'll take it. I doubt they'd want to say hi. Why would a human stop and say hi to a slug as he's walking through the woods?

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If they would land in west europe or east asia they see they can make a hello meeting. But if the aliens land in africa arab or usa then small misunderstandings lead to a fullout war which i would gladly see aliens fucking extinct these shitholes like usa or sub sahara for good. Aliens would most likely land either in western europe or east asia for good rational benefits. Fuck usa and fuck drumpf piece of shit moron will mess it up

Honestly I’d try to fuck it .
That’s it I’m a simple man and everyone fucked a woman before but a Alien that’s unheard of

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They can travel space, but can they stop bullets? We’ll see.

>everyone fucked a woman before but a Alien that’s unheard of
Speak for yourself ;_;

Well almost everyone fucked a woman before

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Prolly. Humans are so fucking anxious....

Bave you ever heard of the chosen ones? These humans who are the smartest and who have contributed 99 percent to mankind? If aliens should be interested in making contact then it should be with the most powerful most developed kind of humans. The jews, because nobody else deserves it but the chosen ones

Maybe it did take them 80000 years and maybe they don't live by the same concept of time as anxious humans. You ever think outside the box?

kek. I bet that 2000 years ago there was a roman who said "but can they stop my sword?" and 20,000 years ago there was a savage who said "but can they stop my club?" and 200,000 years ago there was a caveman who said "but can they stop my stone?". I have a feeling they'll be prepared for your cute little primitive projectiles.

Id they are at a point where they can travel at the speed of light to even get near earth then chances are they can also observe and or kill us from a range of 1,000,000 miles away.

>ever visiting the one place on the solar system where retarded ape creatures kill each other over retarded shit.

OR they could all be cucks that traveled through space to have their alien women bred by a superior species because their is facing extinction.

If they behave anything like we do, I'd be very surprised, and also disappointed.

>You ever think outside the box?
No I never do.
>Maybe it did take them 80000 years
Did you ever think that's likely NOT the case, since a species that has discovered tech, uses tech and relies on tech, probably continues to improve it's tech. Why would you assume that they are at where we are at technologically? That's absurb. We happen to be at the same advancement curve but they've mastered space travel and we're barely just starting? That's hardly possible at all.
80k years is where WE are at, in our theoretical infancy, not THEM. They are already using it. Remember, the assumption here is that an alien race has come to earth. They've got us beat by 10,000 years. At LEAST. Whatever their perception of time is is irrelevant.

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So they are coming for the negros? Shaniqua's gonna be pissed...

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>80 thousand years
Nah let's calculate a bit shall we?
It's 4,367 light years away
>165,000 mph (266,000 km/h) which is 73888.88 m/s roughly 1/4000 of the speed of light
Let's assume for simplicity the fastest man made speed is the most we can reach, so we'll need 4000 years per light year, so a bit more then 16 tousand years. It would take some years at the beginning and the end to speed up and to slow down again, but when we're talking about tentousands of years it wouldn't really matter. In any case we'd get there in under 20 thousand years and that assumes that no new technology goes into the project.

>Why would a human stop and say hi to a slug as he's walking through the woods?

I have done that before.

What an asshole you are.


Coming for negros? They can have them all.

>If they land in Western Europe or east Asia they would make a hello meeting.

Western Europe and east Asia are just soooo rational.

AAahhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!

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