It's impossible to talk to you pro choice fucks

It's impossible to talk to you pro choice fucks.

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its hard finding retards at your intelligence levels outside of dumbfuck churches, yes

>Thinks he's sounding intelligent

Imagine having such a small, pathetic life you actually give a shit about women getting abortions.

It's funny that both conversations on this OP image sound like opposite spectrum of the pro-choice side.

Why do you care about dumb skanks killing their worthless nigger babies? Life has no value until you do something with it. Therefore, unborn babies are literally worthless.

>dumbfuck churches

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aRe YoU gOnNa aDoPt aLL tHoSe bAbiEs???

No, it's the responsibility of the parents to raise them

>the problems of rape and incest don't matter because they haven't happened to me

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Then stop trying, you underage moron. You're not going to get pregnant.

an abortion saved my life. karla, you did me a solid and you deleted the fetus, then we finished college, got jobs, broke up, and didn't have to fucking raise a child neither of us were ready for

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Yes, a 16 year should drop out of school to raise a kid, a poor couple should just raise theirs in poverty and people should sacrifice all their time and money to raise a downsie if that's what the woman is pregnant with. Because apparently a fully formed baby just appears the moment sperm and egg meet. The absolute state of Christ cucks.

Like I said, impossible to talk to.

Yes a 16 year old should take responsibility for whoring around. Don't have to be a christfag to see that a child is not at fault for whatever happened to the woman.

Lol fuck babies
every animal has its own form of killing its child after the baby is born so be thankful we can still kill them when they are inside

>a child

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It should be a mother's right to off her child at any moment before they develop sentences

>fuck babies
The absolute state of what libtards think of living human beings

If they want to act like adults they can deal with the repercussions of being an adult. I'm sorry how much is a condom again? Versus the price to get an abortion? If stupid asses want to fuck without protection & are surprised when they get knocked up fuck 'em for being stupid.

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Could you imagine that some people start threads like this with simple bait so retards keep bumping the thread while you have a proper discussion with some smart anons?

Scientists have proven what? Since you have such perfect evidence then drop it here.

That bill was passed democratically or do we only support democracy when it suits us? Just move to another state.

How is damning yourself and a kid to a life of poverty the "responsible" thing to do. And you can't kill something that's unable to breathe on its own and can't survive outside the womb.

Imagine all the nigger kids we could get rid of, hell mulch up all the babies into a paste and feed someone starving with it in some 3rd world shit hole

The world's human population has doubled in less than 50 years. If Thanos snapped his fingers right now and killed off half of us--3.57 BILLION humans gone in a heartbeat--we'd only be back to 1971-3 range. So let's stop whining about abortions and start giving small cash prizes for them. Maybe T-shirts.

so when does the proper discussion start

A child shouldn't be used as a punishment for bad choices. Children should be wanted and taken care of.

Ever heard of condoms? The pill? Plan b? The list goes on and on...

ShE ShOuLdVe KePt HeR lEgS cLoSeD

So Plan B is okay?

People in third world countries need to be forcibly sterilized.


Have a gameshow where mother aborts their child in ridiculous ways and hand out a mass cash sum for the best-voted abortion, imagine the keks, imagine the revenue generation from just viewing.

When these right wing fucks teach abstinence only sex Ed in schools how exactly are kids supposed to learn more about using contraceptives?

Kikes did that to ethiopian jews. Perhaps the only right thing they have ever done.

How somebody could have prevented pregnancy is irrelevant once they become pregnant. And no birth control is 100% effective. My sister still got pregnant on the pill.

it would be cheaper to just club the babies when they came out and let them eat the wasted nutrients

Contraceptives and whoredom go against Christian values. They should be banned.

though titties. there are SO many forms of protection that if someone doesn't use them it is safe to consider them a retard.

Yeah when they're only teaching abstinence only in sex Ed class how exactly is a kid supposed to know condoms are a viable option? Or are they supposed to stay a virgin like you their entire lives

Don't know, but i guess as soon as anyone who's got a strong opinion on the issue attacks one with opposing ideas.
I'm not quite decided on the issue; On the one hand i enjoy the idea of killing children, but on the other hand it gives women a choice.
Tricky issue.


Your own fault for not keeping your legs closed you whore.

Don't give them a choice and let some white guy be the judge of which children live or die.

christianity was invented by jews so please elaborate

But raping people, incest and pillaging the weak don't. Fuck outta here with your dark ages bullshit

I'd crowd-fund that.

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The overpopulation comes from third world countries that breed like fucking rabbits and need to be forcibly sterilized. However, white people in first world countries need to breed more.

imagine thinking "pro-life" (read pro-unhygienic and life threatening back alley abortions) retards use science instead of religion to back their idiotic arguments up

I once fucked in a church so I'd be closer to god when I came in her ass. Some about roman's torturing a jew get me hard af

No, they unironically do not. Read the Bible for a chance you uneducated asshole.

Because females never get pregnant as victims of incest or rape or anything. Yeah that totally never happens in reality. Or of the fetus is threatening the mothers life and will be stillborn anyway.
Kys you ignorant twats.

there is no overpopulation. wealth and goods are divided extremely unequally, this is a much bigger problem than the myth that there are "too many people".

There existed a game show where adopted kids needed to guess who were their real parents out of a lineup

Um, yes, unironically this. Who the fuck cares about rape, the child is not at fault you tard

Stop being so idealistic. People aren't perfect, never have been and never will be. And you know what else? Getting an abortion doesnt make a woman a whore. I know a couple that was married but still got an abortion because they couldn't afford to have more kids.

Fuck you got any links to it?

Yes not having sex will not lead to pregnancies, but hell I'm almost in my thirties & went to a high school in the middle of the country in the Midwest & even we were taught about contraceptives. So I don't buy that children aren't being taught about it. I know the education system isn't perfect but fuck they aren't brain dead.

Mate slavery is literally supported in the Bible. Subjugation of women as well.

So you think retards should reproduce then?

Nor is the woman, and a zygote is not a "child". I hope you carefully preserve your cum in a bucket every time you jack off because otherwise you are throwing a potential child away contrary to what our Holy Lord intended.

And? Enslaving inferior pagans is rightful.

Typical anger at women for having sex

Bro go check the new Alabama bill. Its literally a crime now to teach anything but abstinence only sex ed

I read about it a loooooong time ago. It was quite obscure and obviously got cancelled quickly, can't remember if any episodes even made it onto the air. Can't remember its name but some googling might help you

Yes they are divided unequally because some people are inferior.

hell even retards are taught to use condoms & birth control

>calling someone uneducated
>telling them to read fairy tales

I am pro choice, the more people kill things, the better!

Haha saying that from the comfort of your keyboard. Say that in front of an actual nigger and post the vid you weak scum

Surely this explains why Mark Zuckerberg, the ultimate blonde beast, is so high on the list.
10/10 economical insight

They smell and taste great, their assholes are tight and their nipples reactive and supple. Most of them even have jobs and a nice hobby

Is this really a child? Do you really believe that?

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Because anti choice tards are incapable of logical reasoning.

That looks like a shrimp lmao

sure bro link "e that shit

>What's his social security number?

>16yo pregnancy
>people detest this behavior
>"you can't abort"
>mfw child of early, unsafe sex prone adults spawns, and this behavior becomes more reinforced within by genetics
>compound ad infinitum during anti-abortion political landscape
>sex-crazed 12yo hotties crabwalking around naked for some quick hot street dickings

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the cocksucker, twink, fill in the blank left, went too far when they tried to legalize infanticide in NY and Va.

Now, the pendulum reaction will probably go too far right. Dunno.

Roe vs Wade should be overturned, but probably won't because decade of precedent.


If that were you, you would be dead now. Think about it.

How can you be opposed to the death pentalty and for abortion.......

Internet. What I did. I didn't have kids until I was ready. Not my fault if people don't take advantage of the information that is there. I'm not even neccesarily totally opposed to abortion. I just think that abstinence only education is a poor justification. I also firmly believe that actions have consequences, and people should fave them.

Are there laws against eating them at that stage? asking for a friend.

Sure. Chain the coon up and I'll kick the shit out of it too. I have self-preservation instincts you fool.

>It's impossible to talk to you pro choice fucks.

At what point is it a child?

Bible tards are fuckin terrible. Who literally gives a fuck if something that isn't even aware of it's own existence dies. Like killing a fuckin bug. It's literally a parasite until it's born.

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I never said I opposed the death penalty. I support it. And I don't care if my mom aborted me. I would just be somebody else then. I believe in reincarnation.

When it can breathe on its own and survive outside the womb

So by your logic it's our right to subjugate the inferior. But when u were asked to say this in front of a nigger you say you would only do so if he's chained up. Which only means that he can beat the fuck out of you if he wasnt, thereby implying you are the inferior one. So GTFO

>Who literally gives a fuck if something that isn't even aware of it's own existence dies
Tell me where you live. I'll kill you in your sleep then if you think like that.

If my cumshot were you, you would be dead. And that's not even a slippery slope argument. That thing is just as far from a human being as a drop of sperm.

Im just waiting until some american retard goes out and kidnaps one of the anti-abortion politicians' wife and rapes her until he can prove that she is pregnant and then just drops her off somewhere

It's probably not going to happen but could you imagine the media controversy

>If that were you, you would be dead now. Think about it.
If your father had jacked off instead of fucking your mom, you wouldn't be alive now. Think about it.

>I am conscious of my own existence
Did you not get that part stupid? You have to be SELF AWARE to COUNT. Who knows maybe you qualify for the ol vaccum even now.

Better to have never been born. Maybe you think life is a hallowed gift but many do not. I would rather have been pulled than forced to live this ridiculous existence. Humans are assholes.

>"whoring around"

Yeah, keep pushing puritanical bullshit. While we're at it lets get rid of comprehensive sex ed and access to contraceptives. That oughtta fix society right up.

U got em faggot, not gonna catch me with such a horrific piece of bait

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Daily reminder that the whole "it's a person" / "it's not a person" thing is just a distraction that doesn't matter. You could have a grown man writing Shakespeare up in there and the woman would still have the right to have an abortion.

Not my problem. Kill em for all I care

>While we're at it lets get rid of comprehensive sex ed and access to contraceptives.
The right thing to do tbh

ayy, because a bunch of teen moms is what we need right now


>deal with the repercussions of being an adult
Like having to get an abortion

its kinda fucked how the most fertile years are the time every one dose not want you to have kids you gotta wait until your fifty we should go back to cave man days

I should hope they would call the fire department or something to get him out of there before all that went down

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Nah fuck babies man and fuck the "right" thing to do

Thinking that this will reduce the number of people who fuck is like thinking that sensitivity training will will reduce the number of men who rape

Nice cherry picking you roastie, learn to take any amount of responsibility for the chain of unsleeved dicks that has been your adult life
Yeah gurl, fight for that right to have unprotected sex with as many strangers as you want. Whore.
Toddlers aren't even 'self aware' until they are in the year old range, I guess literally killing babies is your next fucking step then huh.

who gives a actual fuck about women on /b your soap boxing wont get you laid

Babies have the presence of mind to acknowledge other living humans. They have senses and form thoughts. Fetuses do not. Therefore are not valid human beings.

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Becuase you dont have any ground to stand on.

I think even if they are self-aware we should be able to off them like one comes out retarded just throw it on its head like super hard. It will feel nothing just a good sleep before nothing

Has it ever hit you that men want their partners to get abortions sometimes?

>Fetuses do not
Fetuses during the last months of pregnancy are as aware as newborns. Keep making excuses for killing babies.

Your meme doesn't even make sense. Your crazy abortion laws defy common sense and the scientific recommendations.

Shocking how powerfully uneducated America has become and how quickly it has imploded. If only your power went out when your country died so that we wouldn't have to hear from you dipshits anymore.

Here's to hoping Trump wins in 2020 and continues to destroy what's left of you.

I've been enjoying the death of you country and after it died my country celebrated :)

Now you are weak, stupid and poor. Your army is ineffective and cannot even defeat tiny nations in war games. You have no healthcare, education or proper oversight. You have no justice and no government.

Your people are programmed to cheer for the opposite of what benefits them and scream at anything good that comes along.

Amreica is a third-world nation and a shit hole country.

Don't need one fuck babies.

But it's impossible to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy. You obviously don't even know what an abortion is.

But .... But..... whats with the birthrates?

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>You obviously don't even know what an abortion is.
Killing babies.

You realise you can't tell if you're pregnant at 6 weeks, usually, right? No one here has done even basic biology in highschool?

Also, how is it a good idea to force women to have the children of their rapists? That is the actual law now in Alabama.

Watch as women start to flee the USA just like they did the middle east.

I guess you told us, huh? We're devastated I tell you, devastated.

> reincarnation

that's gay user.

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>Also, how is it a good idea to force women to have the children of their rapists?
Because the children deserve to live

Look up the statistics. Over 90% of abortions occur by or before 13 weeks.

LOL Where should they flee to?
In other countries Woman are threatened Much worse

No. An abortion is not killing babies. You should have stayed in school. Once the fetus has become a baby with a functioning brain and CNS it cannot be 'aborted' because you cannot abort a baby you can only abort a fetus. You obviously have no understanding of what an abortion is, and also have no understanding of the law. Killing a fetus that has developed into a baby is homicide and already illegal.

Commiting suicide isn't 'aborting' yourself, no matter how poorly your Americunt brain can grasp the English language or concepts of biology.

Do us a favor and try though... To abort yourself that is.

A first world country, unlike the USA.

>going into a nursery, picking up a baby, and slamming it against the wall until it's dead is an abortion
ayy lmao

You are though. You are devastated and you're so dumb that you celebrate your own defeat.

fuck off america

you act like bringing birth to a child ruins ones life. sure there are cases where this is true, but then there are also cases where abortion puts people into deep depression or is medically endangering the woman. also, it always kills nonetheless.

if you are pregnant because you think you are old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to al least give birth and then let someone else adopt that kid.

you do realize like half of women don't support abortion


First world countrys like japan arent giving a Single shit about immigrants,
And we in Europe hate abortions too, so fuck Off!

I think about this question everyday. Do I care enough about human life to want to save skank babies?

Abortion is killing babies, but killing babies, as your sick mind just described here, is not necessarily abortion. I'm willing to forgive your libtard brain for not grasping the simple concept of all poodles are dogs but not all dogs are poodles.

I hope the women in your family are raped, and forced to raise the children of the rapist. Children they didn't want and weren't prepared to support. Little versions of the rapists they have to look at every day and take care of or your government will punish them.

Could there be a worse country in the world?

Wait I haven't really read about it recently but did poland do the right thing?

Typical response from a list of allowed and tested replies.
Does shilling pay well? I bet not since you don't need any skills.

Shut up OP no one gives a fuck if someone gets an abortion.

>you act like bringing birth to a child ruins ones life. sure there are cases where this is true, but then there are also cases where abortion puts people into deep depression or is medically endangering the woman.
It's almost like there should be a choice being made or something.

if you are pregnant because you think you are old enough to have sex, then you are old enough to decide whether or not to have an abortion.

How about states rights. Californians shouldnt get a say about the laws in Alabama and vice-versa, exp hen abortion is not considered interstate commerce

You're delusional. Abortions are completely legal and acceptable in most of Europe. Also I said first world. Sounds like you're talking about sand-nigger shit holes.

All of us had that mindset around 14-17. You're not allowed to post here yet mister child.\

Abortion is not killing babies though, it's killing fetuses.

look at this dumbass

>i hope the women in your family are raped
so much for think of the womens

Every time you jack off you murder millions of lives. Jacking off should be sentenced with dead penalty.

Typical "open and free" libtard response. Suddenly not as accepting and freedom loving when people don't agree with you huh?

Much ado about nothing. The government knows that abortion is essential and the Supreme Court will uphold Roe vs Wade. The backlash from women's groups and the cost of keeping the unwanted bastards alive would destroy the GOP.

Your opinion doesnt matter.

I said it once, I'll say it a thousand times.

Abortions are dope as fuck. 500 bucks and an afternoon saves you from roastie servitude. You idiots are actively advocating out of your own interests. If someday you happen to have sex, and your autistic offspring are born, chances are that hoe is gonna bend you over a stump in child support because you're all fucking retarded.

The only dudes against abortion are virgins and religious cucks.

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Oh. We're just making shit up now?
Okay. You do realise, like, 100% of the world thinks you're a dumb cunt?

Alright big brain, what does that fetus turn into without any human interference?

What does a child turn into without any human interference?

Definitely underage and probably paid to post.
Shills leave.

Typical retard Americans. I'm not a 'libtard'. I'm not a liberal. I'm not an American. You shit the bed, we don't have those problems here.


Sex isnt just a fun physical thing I do with any stacey who wants her pussy filled? has CONSEQUENCES?!

Quick, I can't think of a response. Hnnngh! Call them children and shills! That will make me look smart!

the percentage of women opposed to abortion is almost the same as men opposed to it being at 40%

Spoken like a true incel.

Missing the point. You're nihilistic and hateful. When anonymous people show their true colors and you've just shown why nobody should want to interact with you in the real world.

Nice non argument. I'm sure all your bible thumpin' will never get old and everyone around you won't abandon you thanks to your fanaticism.

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Correct, and one of those consequences is having to get an abortion if you don't want a baby.

its not a straw man if you actually said it

>believing pushing scissors into your womb until your child is dead is the same as fapping
The absolute state of mental illness in the west.

It isn't though. There hasn't been a nation wide poll on 'do women support abortions' so you're talking out of your ass.

Again, only children care about what other people think of them and you're basing your insults off that.
If not underage, infidelity underdeveloped mentally.

Times are changing,
Maybe Islam will Save our race

Since crushing acorns is the same as cutting down oak trees.

You're making the mistake of thinking we're arguing. If you had any life experience you'd know you're being made fun of instead.

>Life has no value
From a purely economic/investment point of view, life has a really shit ROI rate. You're expected to take this life and completely fund its childhood (the more you spend, the better for it, no matter what economic system we try to use), while devoting 168hrs/wk to it for no less than 15 years (at which point they can tend to themselves for some periods of time)... Worse, you're completely on the hook legally for them until 18 (unless emancipation, but that's another discussion), and up to 25 in some cases...

Worse still, they are a 100% net loss on monetary investment until at least 15 again, when they can start working and possibly helping the family (either by pitching in, or just paying for themselves as much as possible)...

And honestly, your kids don't start paying back in until you're very old, or you get super-lucky and they're some super-rich person who buys you vacation houses for christmas for funsies...

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You're right. People like you should not want to interact with me in the real world. I would fucking murder you. I despise Americans.

You're trying very hard and still failing. You project your own insecurities as much as your cuckold president does.

Yes, imagine caring about whether or not women are allowed to murder children
So pathetic

Its murder shithead

Internet tough guy.
Try again, this time don't look at the list when you're trying to think of an insult. Use your imagination.

A dead fetus, because a fetus requires human intervention to survive.

Move out of hickville and get some life experience and maybe you'll have an exciting realization about other people. Maybe even develop a basic capability for empathy for real live people!

Fall on something sharp


So, life does indeed have a value, from conception or from delivery, whichever way you choose to count, it indeed has value. It is unfortunately an increasingly negative value for a good decade and change or more, but it indeed has value, as money is literally exchanged for it, consistently, over the entire span of it...

why the fuck are the black dots flashing when i look at different ones

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I'm pro choice and anti-abortion.
I hate most pro-choicers too. They do not stop screeching. My Facebook page is lit up.

Like bitch, if you gave half a real fuck about body rights, there'd be a lot more to debate on drug laws, gun laws, and police searches. But when you want to kill a baby, all of a damn sudden, no life may dare set or grow foot upon that sacred ground.

Rape? Not the baby's fault.
Incest? If it isn't rape, that's your fault. Also people are more retarded about what incest actually does than incest babies. Incest babies can be 100% fine.


Want sacred body? Legalize all drugs, guns, and ban field checks and TSA bullshit.

Other than that, I'm pro-choice. I think any woman who kills her own baby is fucking disgusting but ultimately I defer to the cunt over the state.

You just failed high school biology.

What happens if the mother doesn't eat?

we have too many humans on this planet
let the fetuses die

I'm content to just call you what you are, a retard, and laugh. If you're unsatisfied that's just icing on the cake.

Not my country. I couldn't give less of a shit what you dumb fucks do. I love watching this shit. Keep feeding me.

And the child, a seperate person, should suffer a shitty childhood as well? What you're saying is that she should suffer consequences, but you're also saying that the child, a SEPERATE INDIVIDUAL, completely not at fault and not at all part of original sin of being knocked up at 16, now has to suffer because YOU want the 16 year old to suffer, and don't care about the suffering of the child. The main thing here is that IF the unborn baby could choose, nobody would say "yeah man, I wanna be born to a poor, irresponible 16 year old mother" all of us would say "delete my ass for later, right now my life is gonna suck if I'm born into this", but again, because YOU want someone to be punished for being stupid, you ignore the fact that youre just punishing another person for being born.
Absolutely retarded

we should have one then i dont believe this all women want abortions claim

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>it's totally not in your responsibility to have sex
if you have no choice on sex however, of course you should have a choice after.

just on a side note - if a woman can always choose to bring up a baby or not, a man should always be able to choose about paying for it

Who ever claimed that all women want abortions?

It's a historical fact that any functional civilisation requires to moderate their population through birth-control other than contraceptives. America is trying to fight against logic, because they are a nation overcome by emotion and irrationality.

There is no path for America but failure.

I support mandatory abortion in all cases

That means nothing. Did they not teach you basic statistics in Murrka? You actually can't understand why you're wrong can you? You're not trolling. You genuinely think you're not an absolute retard and that's hilarious to me.

>it's totally not in your responsibility to have sex
Sure it is, but that's irrelevant. You choose whether or not to have sex and you choose whether not not to get an abortion if that sex results in pregnancy.
>a man should always be able to choose about paying for it

ok then how many women do you think support abortion

Smashing endangered species eggs is the same as killing endangered species.

Your question reveals just how little you understand. Your education system really has failed you.

How many women support abortion is not a relevant figure. If you can't understand why that is, you should turn your computer off and sit quietly and contemplate the situation more seriously.

I don't know. My guess would be between 40-60%. However, it does not actually matter. 99% of women could be against abortion and it wouldn't change whether or not abortion should be legal.

humans arnt endangered species u retard

Why are american men pro-life until their daughter gets knocked up by jamal?

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>seeing your kids as purely a financial investment
kek i hope you never have kids for their sake.

But life is life. Doesnt matter if its endangered or not. If pro choice people say life doesnt start till first breath, then eggs arnt life and I can smash them.

Or until their mistress gets pregnant

No one realised that if women can be forced into having children then men can too? You will also be legally required to care for that child.

Do you want your condom to break and now you have to pay child support for the rest of your life?

Life can start whereever it wants. Life isn't inherently valuable. Your steak was life and no one gives a shit. Well, no one who matters.

Life needs a qualifier to be valuable. In wildlife, that's rarity. In humans, it's personhood.

It does matter if it's endangered or not, though. You're an idiot.

If you smash those eggs and it is an endangered species you are doing massive damage to an ecosystem and will go to prison for a long time. If you smash those eggs and they are plain old chicken eggs, no one will give a fuck.

Life is life. Life is also death. You must be religious to be so ignorant. Let me tell you something. Your god doesn't exist.

So because there is a lot of us we should have the right to kill babies?

Isolated case.

Most republicans are not hypocrites.

>Most republicans are not hypocrites.

ok then opinions dont matter point taken

Okay. So what do you eat then? You aren't an autotroph, so you can't be eating non-organic things and converting them into energy. You are a human. You must be consuming living things.

The Pro-choice crowd is secretly gay. The men in charge want other men to stop fucking women.

No, babies are people, or at least we have to assume they are as we can't show otherwise. They have notable brain activity and whatnot. They're not very advanced people but people nonetheless.
Ideally we'd find the moment where brain activity in a fetus is notable enough to potentially constitute a person, and set the cutoff to that point.

Yes. Because there are too many of us we need to control birth rates. This has always been the case. Since neolithic times until now. It has and always will be the case. It will happen regardless of your fucked up laws.

Isnt that exactly how we control animal populations? Duh

Seems OP was correct. So much reeeeeeee

I eat aborted fetuses. These new laws will affect my food supply.


The true victim here is you, good sir.

The point is that something being a majority opinion doesn't make it correct.

I'm a bit divided on the matter, one hand killing children is awesome, another hand i don't want to give women a choice.

>The Right: Our race is being extinguished! We'll be replaced in a matter of decades! Let's deport Mexicans and kill the blacks! The day of the rope approaches!
>Also The Right: Abortion is baby murder! Providing affordable abortions to overbreeding, low-income minorities is immoral!

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As we have to assume there is a god since we cant prove otherwise.
Murricunt believer logics

Gf had an abortion when we were 16 because we made a mistake our first time, she’s just finishing her criminal justice degree and I’m working my way up in the company I work at.

>maybe she didn’t want to have it when we weren’t ready or force a child in a situation where the parents are struggling

hey you do you OP

Wrong, there's no evidence pointing to the existence of a god. There is evidence pointing to the baby being a person (you can measure strong brain activity).

This whole multistate push to ban abortion is a deliberate effort to draw attention and energy away from the President.

>obvious bait is obvious

um yeah.. thats what humans have always done? if there isn't enough food in a tribe, pregnant women will induce miscarriage (abortions) by eating the right plant

egypt, rome, scandi, everyone has medicines for this.. it is evil to bring a person into the world who can only be promised a terrible life

The brain activity in you is strong indeed

Bruh its honestly the simple argument of Body Sovereignty. You cannot stand for American values and be pro abortion.

Case in point. Body Sovereignty means the government cannot tell you what to do with your body. Lets say for a minute in never could happen land that the government said all men must get vasectomies, you'd be pissed how fucking dare the government tell you what the fuck to do with your body thats big government. Now lets say your favorite food was a steak and suddenly the government said well no more steak we don't like it we don't want it anymore for our people. How fucking dare they tell you what you can and can't eat. Its super simple either you are pro liberty and pro freedom or you are for shackling your own preconceived morals on others based on a common religious stance that is no way backed up in the religious text its being charaded behind.

>set the cutoff to that point
Why? If I crawled up a woman's pussy and set up shop in her womb, would she not have the right to have me removed?

You absolutely cannot measure strong brain activity in a fetus that is eligible for abortion. You are still confusing killing babies with abortions. No one is asking to kill babies. Killing babies IS homicide.

Ask your doctor FFS to explain the basic science to you since you obviously failed highschool.

If a fetus is a person so is every sperm cell you fap out off your microdick.

well that is true i just hear alot of people screeching think of the womens so i was makeing assumptions

I knocked some bish up she wouldnt abort.
I dipped.

This guy gets it.

>American values

The rest of the civilized world is laughing at you guys

We really are. Hard.

You can be removed without killing you. When you have conflicting rights, you can't go to any extreme you want to enforce one set. So, once the fetus is viable, sure, c-section time.
At least read the whole thread you're replying to you dumbfuck retard
Same for you, you fucking hyperimpulsive cunt muffin.

becuz they know then that their dollar will be raising jamal jr.

Love how this board is all for threads with 150 images of drawn child porn, animal gore, human gore with literal dead babies in it, etc, but when it comes to abortion suddenly the babies are valuable and taking them out of the womb before they even look like anything but a Ditto is murder. Boo hoo, abortion is bad but enjoying pictures of babies with their heads crushed by a truck is funny, lol

Can’t wait until we have a Democratic President and get revenge on the inbreds.

Babies can't survive outside the womb and so we get to kill people hooked up to breathing machines now?

>Same for you, you fucking hyperimpulsive cunt muffin.


U mad round 2:

I'm an atheist AND life begins at conception.

What I find to be the dumbest and ultimately strangest pro-abortion angle is trying to deny the life or humanity of a baby based on its developmental stage. Then that same asshole is going to laugh at idiots for doubting global warming science.

Biiiiitttch. Literally by any scientific measure, life begins at conception. As soon as 2 haplodic gametes combine to form a zygote, a unique DNA structure forms that is literally the beginning of natural unique progeny.

There is absolutely no other objective point in development that any rational person could declare a unique lifeform to be "alive" and not prior.

I've heard the most fucking absurd rationalizations. Most based on viability, independence, and development. But no argument overcomes the scientific biological fact that after this point, it is what every unique human is and develops from. And most of the arguments don't hold up to any logical scrutiny.
1. The "it might turn into a fish"argument. Based on a 14 year old's level of biological knowledge, the idea that 2 human's DNA could EVER form a fish is fucking retarded. Whatever they produce, by all biological and evolutionary definitions, it will be human.

2. The "can't survive on its own" argument. Neither can any baby or toddler. Want legalized aborting 2 year olds?

3. The viability argument. This is one that at least isolates the argument to facts. But it's utterly dependent on technology. It isn't an argument that a baby isn't alive, it's an argument only for who gets to decide and what options are available. An adult on life support is in a similar situation. They don't stop being human because they temporarily need assistance. A baby only temporarily needs life support too. Doesn't make it not alive.

In order to be HONEST and pro-choice, you have to admit abortion is literally killing a living unique human. You must justify going forward with that as fact.

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>once the fetus is viable
why would she wait that long, especially if she doesnt want it in the first place?
the damage to her body will already be done

Now that would really save overpopulation though

Get ready for the true red pill.

Abortion is murder. It's a living being, it has its own chromosomal makeup, it satisfies all the qualifications for being a human. You can split hairs and say because it's not independent that somehow makes it not a person, but I think deep down everyone knows that isn't true or else people wouldn't feel emotional after abortions, it'd be just like taking a shit.

But abortions should be legal. In fact, I think they should even be subsidized by the state. Any person sick enough to seriously decide to scrape their own young out of their body for convenience is a monster and would make a terrible parent. Single motherhood is the largest single predictor of criminality in their offspring, and with a mother this disgusting the odds just get worse. Do you have any idea how expensive dealing with criminals is? What if their fucked up little shit ends up killing my son or daughter for crack money? It's better to put them down young, their life isn't worth those odds for me. It's just a smart decision to let these abominations self select themselves out of the gene pool.

ProChoicers should be aborted.

doesnt matter if its a baby or a xenomorph, alive or dead.
if there's something in your body and you want it out you have the right to take it out

Pro-lifers are not doing the "murdered babies" any favors by forcing their mothers to bring them to term. They will have shitty lives, probably be poor and miserable. Just imagine if you were an unwanted child (maybe you are). Imagine coming into this world and not having your own mother want you.

The alternative, if you are aborted, is that your existence simply ceases. You are conferred back to whatever oblivion exists beyond the domain of life. Maybe your body thrashes around as the actual abortion happens, but you have no consciousness or experience at this point.

If I were a fetus and had the choice of being aborted or being born to a mother who didn't want me, I'd pick abortion every single time.


you can decide to have an abortion simply because you do not want a child at the time, doesn't mean you'll make a bad parent later on when you're ready.
besides that completely agree with you

>In order to be HONEST and pro-choice, you have to admit abortion is literally killing a living unique human.

This. I'm 100% pro choice and I believe this. I just don't think death is so horrible.

Also, there are so, so, so many situations in which conservatives are ok with killing people, even killing them indiscriminately. Just ask about the Middle East, most of them wouldn't care whether there was a genocide over there tomorrow. The pro-life position is sentimentality mixed with a 1st-grade view of biology.

Everyone will be impossible to talk to when we've overpopulated this planet to the point where it cannot support us and we're all dead.

A few unwanted babies won't make a difference tbh. I don't think pro choice is far enough. I think we should be forcing abortions on the people.

overpopulation is a myth, forced abortions are happening anyways though

The word “life” is loaded anyway—to think a human life is any more special than any other life is a narrow worldview that must be transcended

> If that were you, you would be dead now. Think about it.
When (you) jizz over your dog at CP or menstruate again, you can say that line again

Debating with our inferiors is pointless. That’s why we don’t bother anymore. We don’t need you acceptance or your approval, only your obedience. This issue in non negotiable and a red line for any and all means necessary to stop you.

I said Hoes mad and had to delete my social media.

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Sounds tough. We'll see how you feel when the democrats are in charge. They will be. Power always changes hands, if not 2020, then in 2024, 2028, or whenever. And if all you try to do in the meantime is try to antagonize your "enemies," payback will be a bitch.

Menstruation and sperm are different in they're each not a human. A human has 23 chromosomes and a complete genetic makeup. Sperm has half that. Same with ovum. On the same note, leaving either of them alone in your body would not produce anything.

Do you have think the source of this is first world nation's with declining populations that must be subsidized by immigration, or third world shit holes? You're delusional if you think abortions in the first world does anything but worsen the problems the world faces

I disagree. A large portion of parents are actually shitty parents and I believe being so selfish you'd scrape out a child is crossing a moral event horizon, so to speak. Someone like that may later successful raise.... Something, but they're certainly not a good parent nor a good person

Next funeral you go to walk up to the pulpit, demand the microphone from the eulogist, and tell them how special the fungus and bacteria are that will consume the body, and how they deserve life as much or more than the deceased

Should be a good scene

and even if it did and it was alive and conscious with a full name you have the right to kill and/or take it out of you if it is inside of your body

there's nothing to talk about dickweed.

I've seen pro-life losers change to pro-choice after getting their gf pregnant a lot of times since hs, see a 16 yo christian conservative guy getting his 16 yo christian conservative gf pregnant and you will be amazed at the speed they change from pro-life to pro-choice

Moral event horizon? Really?

Saying a thing does not make a thing true by default. I'm the user earlier who said I'm pro choice here.
You saying you can do something doesn't mean you should be able to legally morally.

Yeah, really. Killing a child is a pretty fair place to draw that line.

>so selfish you'd scrape out a child
it would be selfish to have a child you can't take care of because you feel bad. also it's not just some random child found on the street, it is her child that is inside of her and only affects her life, she can do with it as she pleases.
once she is confident in her life and if she wants to try again later on that would be a smart choice and the kid would have a much better chance at a good life rather than being forced on her

the question if when a human being becomes a human being and thus the bill of rights and constitutions apply to it and murdering it is illegal is a pretty sociological topic.

>pro choice
I think you mean pro murder.

Are you an idiot? I do not think this has actually ever happened as the cases are ridiculously rare but if a siamese twin killed their sibling you can bet your dumb ass any court would consider this murder.

>Saying a thing does not make a thing true by default.
i agree, I'm just stating facts.
if there's something in your body you want out, you can take it out.
doesn't matter what it is, it's in your body and you get to say what happens to it

>siamese twin
two people sharing one body is not the same as an baby living INSIDE another person.
if one of the twins lived completely inside another then yeah they should be able to remove them

That's not true though, neither literally nor legally, not anything. That's not a fact, not even an opinion, it's just incorrect. You cannot, legally or physically yourself, remove your heart for shits and giggles. A lot of parasites can't be removed from difficulty. Same with tumors. Children can't be removed by yourself, and doctors won't do it in large swaths of the earth. That's just wrong, idk who told you that the case.

No pro-lifers have any response to my argument. Makes sense; any time they have to think outside the box set for them by corporate media and cash-flushed NGOs, they freeze up. They'd rather rehash the same tired arguments over and over again.

It's not forced. Cases of forced impregnation are less than 2% of abortions. You're applying the logic that one person can own another and decide when they live or die by justifying it as "hers so its okay"
Is that the stance you're really taking, that you can own a person and killing someone you own as opposed to a stranger is better?

It used to be all the religious pro censorship nuts were on the right. That started turning the other direction in the early 2000s now all the fanatics seem to be on the left.

>what are human rights
read the thread moron

is this Yea Forums in to 2011? we've been through the fedora phase

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>It's not forced.
I meant forcing someone to give birth, not forceful impregnation.
>one person can own another and decide when they live or die by justifying it as "hers so its okay"
in the case of pregnancy yes, completely.
that baby affects nobody but the woman it is inside of. until it comes out it is completely owned by the woman simply because it is inside of her and alters her life, while affecting nobody elses'

a stranger would not be completely inside of you and if they were, YES you have the right to kill and/or take them out

Human rights are both the argument for and against abortion. You're the moron lmao

you think the pro choice people are bad,wait until you talk to a trump supporter

>le 2011
KYS newfag

Why is that a rule, when the circumstances that put the baby there are known to everyone and it's entirely the result of her actions? How does it being inside of her when that's an entirely preventable turn of events turn into justification for murder?

The easier and more accepted abortions become to poor people, the better for humanity.

>You cannot, legally or physically yourself, remove your heart for shits and giggles. A lot of parasites can't be removed from difficulty.
look at this idiot, stay on topic and don't play dumb

kill yourself fedora manchild

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Holy fuck can you just let me post

>Why is that a rule
since the baby affects only the mother and her life, she has the right to do with it as she pleases.
its a rule because in what world do people get to decide what you can and can't have in your body?
>entirely preventable
so are car crashes but we still use cars.
sex is great and luckily we live in an age where we can take care of accidents that can occur like STD's or pregnancies.
if I broke my leg in a car crash do you think the doctors will say "you should've known better than to drive your car"

Killing easterners is more like pest control. Wasn't really a soldier, more like varmint hunting.

I'm still waiting on child licenses

Racist hypocrite, like most of the right.