Do you ever look at a pic of yourself with great disappointment?

Do you ever look at a pic of yourself with great disappointment?

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I'd marry you.

I can’t say I ever have. I love to look at my self. I find my self to be a great person. I never disappoint.

Im jealous

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You need higher standards user...

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Your face is cute and very kissable. Not sure what your problem is. Fishing for compliments?

would not be disappointed in that. hot

Maybe so

Its eh

*hugs you

You look fine, jeez. You're not a supermodel but you're not ugly or something. It's ok to be regular.

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You know the rules

I lost my tits in the war

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Post titties or get out. You know the rules.

Post ur tits anyway. You got nothing to lose and after you prove you're not a dude you'll get all the validation your little heart desires.

Assuming you're a biological female, not some trap Instagram filter and currently possess a vagina, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating lasagne

Why's it matter to you?

Honestly looks like a dude. There's only one way to find out otherwise.

but probably not your dick

I agree. If you look at the jawline and shoulder length they both are good indicators that op might not be a biological female.

You leave my shoulders out of this

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I'd smash

Post tits/pussy or you might as well be a man.

No, but that pic got my attention

i can already tell that we're not getting HRTits

I'm confused. Is this an female?

u r cute af

Probably not, but wishes it was.

OP may be confused as well.

Ok. Whatever it is I want to put my peen in it.


Just show up your feminine cock then and let's move on