White people be like

White people be like.

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Soylent Grin.

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White chicks be like

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You leave my boy Jesse Cox alone.

He’s a huge fan of Soylent.

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Muh Soylent iz bad!!! Stop!!!! Gah!!!!

I will actively not associate with anyone who has a beard and does the open mouth smile thing in photos

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Sounds like you're pretty suggestible. How else have you let the internet influence your life?

Soylent green is ppl

Sounds like you're a soy lover.

Good, we were wasting a lot of good nutrients by destroying the bodies before burying them and/or cremating them.

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My ex, she’s a lib activist

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If her sjw circle only knew the things I had her say and do

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makes sense

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Wow are you AI? Are you programmed retarded? Are you going to call me a cuck hipster too? Amazing.

I forgot what the youtube video is called, what song was he making fun of?

Happy fathers day dad!

She used to have purple hair too. I’m fucking done

OP should be like.

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Not even a little bit. I don't associate with nu-males. If someone clean shaven does it it doesn't bother me so much because they aren't trying to go for a fake manly man look.

guy is a kike, not a "White" guy

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> ex
> I’m fucking done

Sounds like you're having a hard time remembering that you got off that train. Move on dude.

“Fuck feminism”
“My butthole is your toy”
“Bigger than a n*****”

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Doesn’t have a dad, poor thing

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you need to get that shit out of your head

I’m focusing on skateboarding and my photography

My sides.

That Jack Stauber song, Peppermint, right?

The fuck's a soylent even made from other than some bean jizz

It's weird how this was a thing, died off, then got "rediscovered". But it's way past the actual twinks who were drinking the stuff

Wait, when did soy die off for a while? I thought it had been getting more and more popular?

Right after it was a diet fad and you would only see the super thin people taking hrt and opening bottles with the limp wrist assist device

It died then came back as some beta related thing.

Around what year was that? I remember soy started getting more popular since the 1990s, although it was a rather slow progression until suddenly, the 2010s.

The Fear Grimace.

>"Take the soy pill, user"

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A moustache soyboy? That’s new to me.

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