fuck this slut
Fuck this slut
I'm intrigued.
Holy shit, complete with shiner.
nice black eye there
cum face
Must be getting pimped look at that purple she’s got there. Not gonna lie though love fucking chubby whores like this.
She seems like a fun time. But probably really rough life. Poor lady.
Keep going
yeah she does seem fun, i think I'm in love
Girl , there's a big future in computer maintenance !
No thanks, I don't fuck jews. Let alone drunk sluts.
How you know her? I'd fuck her
What's her story?
You know i think it's funny that most of b would look this way on a bad night but everyone wants to rag on her.
Again I'm sure she's lots of fun at a party but man that shiner is rough.
a true whore
Oooh. She's just an internet lady you found.
Too bad. Was curious about her.
You should probably do google searches on each image in the future to make it seem like it's unique.
Post her ass and asshole
idk why anyone would
shes a dumb slut
Not only dumb but fucking gross
asshole pics?
So you used to fuck her but she wronged you?
I'd love to see that pussy creampied
What's the story OP?
How do you know her? Why is she a slut?
Heck, I'd like to know about the black eye...
Ive on Yea Forums too long, post that dirty ass with the Rollie pollie shits
she's just a super slut goes wherever the dick is
Fuck yes
why did someone photoshop the horse cock out of the picture?
Makes sense. She looks like a huge slut
Cmon OP get to the shits pic
Please keep going
Old pasta pics, Hey OP post the one where she's spreading her ass and there's like a lil black fuzz ball near her asshole. Legit her asshole looks like the inside of a cushion with all the crumbs. Would probably still smash though not gonna lie.
Post her asshole already god damn you
when did you first see this?
She needs to learn to wipe her ass
Someone get a wet whipe before I puke
Fucking years ago man. Like 2 or 2.5. That dirty asshole haunts my dreams
Nah im good she is dutty
Well, the tag on the plate expired in 2008, so these pics are at least 10 years old...
Also on the bumper of the car: Tikileff.com, some photographers website that has related content...
Wtf OP why does this bitch have a bellybutton on her FUPA pic related for emphasis
Got any of her getting fucked?
My fucking sides
Any update on this old broad or just a one hit wonder?
Fucking lost holy shit!
Laparoscopic surgery scar, a camera and/or surgical tool went in there...
Hmm.. Something serious to go in there...Maybe, an emergency hysterectomy. Damn. If so she nearly lost her life trying to have a kid.. Or she suffered a brutal assault and nearly bled out internally...
Would explain so much. Ugh. Suddenly these pics are more heartbreaking than anything.