Morguefag here. This body just arrived. Trips decides what happens to it

Morguefag here. This body just arrived. Trips decides what happens to it.

Attached: Ngffyh.jpg (1080x408, 50K)

Well Dexter, get a blood sample slide to put in your AC

oh no my house is on fire
discord gg/vQECct

p-put your dick in it

suck it off

Nice copypasta, faghit

Attached: 1558199800684.jpg (720x589, 41K)

suck that nigga toes

Attached: 1557966719955.jpg (562x470, 59K)

fuck it

webm of you smacking him in the face to prove its real

Attached: 34e9b98985e9931eab39e16e4428ace1.jpg (680x339, 35K)

You get on with your job like a professional and we never speak of this again

pick his nose and make him eat it, like a bad 90's movie


either that guy is alive still or he literally just died within probably minutes of that photo being taken.

pic w/timestamp or GTFO. Also sage.

this pasta so old, the real morgue employee is already dead

Even so, every other thread is porn, so at least this is mildly more interesting

last time I saw a thread with this image OP asked how much people would fuck it for

If I recall this was a prisoner who had just been executed.

this is what you faggots look like asking for alt images for this old ass pic

Attached: pedo-938jnss.jpg (600x541, 76K)

Is there a consensus here about when he died?

due to a lack of lividity, which occurs within just a few hours, i'd say confined to within half an hour or so.

Suck his cold litter pecker

Time stamp faggot

piss in his dick hole, then suck him dry

eat his asshole

shit on his chest
trips get

Cut off his pinky and stuff it up your ass, take picture with timestamp