Does anyone have a screenshot of the 800000000 GET? I missed it

Does anyone have a screenshot of the 800000000 GET? I missed it.

Attached: Untitled.png (1236x402, 7K)


nope, all major achievements were deleted

come on bro a post 80,000 posts old would never not be deleted

Attached: 800000000.png (752x585, 264K)

absolutely fucking wasted, thanks tho

rollerino. well, shit.

Almost feel sorry for him. Getting that rare magic roll, but never being able to admit that you're responsible for rollerino without also admitting you're the biggest faggot.


Wasted, what a shame

And nobody checked him either. All the new /btards don’t fucken check anyone’s gets anymore.
Sad day for Yea Forums

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PS checked motherfuckers

Thread 404d seconds after. Look at the times on those replies. Who is the newfag now, my friend?

The thread was over bump limit already and with millions people bumping anything for the get, it 404ed in less than 15 seconds after being posted.

omg it's a ghost holy shit , they're real after all!!!!omg please h elp
discord gg/vQECct

Fuck ya

Attached: I WITNESS HISTORY.jpg (423x73, 7K)



