Why u have no gf, Yea Forums?
Why u have no gf, Yea Forums?
I like my money and sanity.
I have to fix my mental retardation before I try another marriage.
>Easily Irritable
Among other things.
Women are only meant to breeding and to raise a family. The later is literally dying in the west, so it's useless to think about it.
I'm just trying to control my urges and ignore their existence.
I have one but i agree with this guy
I dont think its possible for anyone to love me, just pretend and hurt me more
Fuck buddies are better.
oh no my house is on fire
discord gg/vQECct
Girls I typically find most attractive (12-14) find me old and creepy, which I am :)
Too much of a pussy to ask anyone, anyone I want to is usually someone I’m friends with and I’m too afraid they’ll turn me down and ruin the friendship, and shit personality
The one I had for almost 5 years dumped me a week ago
I started taking seizure meds. I was a happy, peppy and fit kid. I've transformed into an anti-social reject and I've put on a FEW pounds. This shit messed up my brain. I used to have a gf, but after awhile of being on the meds, it ruined me and her..
I live in a small apartment with 5 other people and I'm scared of women
Got out of a long relationship, got into a short but super terrible relationship. Focusing on being a better person. Also I work a lot and don't socialize so eh, probably not gonna meet a cutie for a bit.
Fear, and im 27 and cant communicate with females outside of a work related thing.
Because I redpilled years ago and went MGTOW. I have some friends with benefits, but nothing serious, no co-habitation and certainly no marriage. I'm happy
>Why u have no gf, Yea Forums?
wife said no
absolutely no interest in having one, really
I think I should be alone. All of my relationships have ended in some relation to my jealousy, and insecurity. I've emotionally abused, and manipulated every woman I've been with except for the first girl I dated but that was middle school. Basically If I think she's going to leave me I threaten to hurt myself or I ignore her, and she'll stay. It's shit thing, I know. I think about it all the time. I've sort of decided that I no longer want a relationship until I'm confident that I can overcome my own problems. So I sit alone. Playing video games, reading, writing, and I'm learning guitar at the moment. I don't need a girlfriend, but I also don't want one. Maybe I don't deserve one. Is it normal to be filled with so much regret before I'm even allowed to drink legally?
Because I'm shy and every last one I had ended up leaving me, quickly. Sex is fun, love is better, though.