Drawthread Mario Zone

Drawthread Mario Zone

Take or give requests
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)
sketchbook.com/ (Sketchbook, $30/year or free version, often used on mobile)

(IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

previous bread:

Attached: tumblr_pqt09fLYtB1qa6wvao1_500.gif (500x516, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn i havent played that game in forever

Whale zone was ass. You don't really want to play it again. no matter how cool Mario Zone and that low gravity space zone were.

Make room for a superior Gameboy title.

Attached: $(KGrHqJHJD!E8fYS9T9MBPNy14brtQ~~60_57.jpg (1280x960, 359K)

Requesting someone recreate this downblouse

Attached: 190753.jpg (1294x2014, 1.16M)

Can someone draw this panda girl getting her tits groped?

Attached: 20c0e77f75937b3b97f4bf4dfeab91d3.png (764x1178, 996K)


Can someone draw this panda whore getting iron maiden'd?

Attached: 20c0e77f75937b3b97f4bf4df(...).png (764x1178, 1.06M)

Requesting a comic of this girl getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad

Attached: wg3_hyousi1200.jpg (845x1200, 926K)

throwback 10 hours ago

Attached: for shani.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

dont repost like that you disgust me

Bump and requestin this

I agree, I actually care about the character, you're just reqing that out of spite

Oof thread died. Could i get this dressed in a japanese school girl uniform

Attached: 71C5wU0qluL._SX425_.jpg (425x516, 36K)

oh no my house is on fire
discord gg/vQECct


That stupid bear oozes obnoxious adolescent scene immaturity. Ffs, can someone draw this fucking bear getting set on fire?

Can somebody draw her getting titfucked, preferably right after this scene happens?

Attached: 6a43749eb8df9332a38ee24c443c8197.jpg (962x1280, 177K)

Attached: 1557442059145.jpg (800x1075, 376K)

You're so passionate about it... I wanna see this satisfied

Please let's see it

Yoooo she thicc

Stepping in to take the load off.
Bring me your dumbest /r/s

Attached: fuckkkkkk.png (574x859, 156K)

Go sunbathing.

we have an actual elite amongst us....
i'll get there one day.

Challenge: Make this look dumb
>too cool to mess

Attached: Cy8yPMnXEAAAqFp.jpg (1080x1080, 127K)

not giving you any kinds of platform to boost your virtual ego.

Draw bird!

fuck you

i didn't draw that just thought it was relevant

Do this!

Did you do the rhino one?
I wasnt sure how to Iron maiden it, but I just made the tits bigger

Attached: update.png (436x517, 113K)

I'm going to bed soon. But I have to take on the challenge of dumbest before I depart.

A bear that's also a clown throwing a pie at a samurai who's on a mission to kill a gangster ferret who kills by stuffing drunken ducks down people's throats.
This is all to be explained by a crow in a suit with a nice hat and bow tie that smokes a cigar.
He's also missing an eye. Had it replaced with the head of a barbie doll and modified it with borg tech.
It shoot lazers now.

Is this dumb enough? Or just pure madness.
Welcome to....
>The Twilight Zone.

Still great regardless

Thanks, love the tits drawanon :>

No worries, do you have more references/pictures you like? I can make basic alters(I just started to draw again)

Requesting Chun Li with huge tits

I have this an one other you might find useful. Feel free to share anything you draw, I can give a lot better feedback than 'nice tits'

Attached: e3d05e5f27ba3ee4dcfa2788965c56f1.png (494x857, 374K)

Dis the other :>

Attached: 4811cb67272c84cb665d36a7ad53939c.jpg (800x726, 116K)

Cool I'll try something, is there a name for this character? Im going to try a bikini one if I can

Luna, and I'm hyped!

>I wasnt sure how to Iron maiden it

Don't spread that evil upon us! Rid us of it with extreme prejudice!

Attached: iron maiden'd.jpg (1262x961, 194K)

I just humped my body pillow for 15 minutes and ejaculated on it.

Attached: 1408061437954.jpg (184x184, 6K)

golden coins in good and all...but mario land will always have a special place in my heart

Attached: rider.png (248x328, 25K)

fuck you

Attached: fuck you.png (1589x980, 389K)

Don't be afraid to get creative. Put bear in bull oven.

Attached: brazen-bullnew-og.jpg (800x422, 50K)

Darth Vader cumming on spaghetti

If your taking reqs, r/ babby you playing game boy multiplayer with another babby drawfag of your choice.

fucc u

Attached: bawe.png (682x687, 311K)

They look like they'll rip shit idk why this is dumber

please draw him holding an armful of flowers in the middle of a grass field with winds blow sideways

Attached: 16832121_1693278964302953_8839154259121985917_n.jpg (1372x1322, 425K)

Do you want to see a preview or wait till the end?
youre going to like my next work lol
I think ive seen that in a history book before

Attached: summertime.png (1305x883, 319K)

omg it's a ghost holy shit , they're real after all!!!!omg please h elp
discord gg/vQECct

no user, thats a girl, silly.

I was about to request that you draw a chad, but you already did. Thank you!

Attached: 6547FB98-F3D6-4BE9-B9ED-924B17E054F4.jpg (801x1024, 105K)

Attached: 2566818_0.jpg (630x630, 45K)

Preview sounds good unless you want to surprise me :)

things i need to see:
>sam rabbit lewds
>shitstains mousey getting brutally raped
>rider as a loli
>me not being able to believe its still not butter

Nice work. Thanks!

Oh, I didn't cum to anything you drew. I just came to regular ole porn. I just wanted to let you know that I just ejaculated.

Hey I'm streaming for a little bit if anyone wants to watch

Attached: doodle-worm-man.png (652x408, 94K)

we wait for

it's my oc, and she has a penis u dumdum

Attached: rider.png (390x310, 50K)

Attached: dumdum.png (240x239, 61K)

The part im having trouble is the eye positioning, im used to front facing rather than the side

Attached: preview.png (755x789, 222K)




Humm how do they look when you do them?
Glad to see you challenging yourself man :)

Drawname? Twitter?

Attached: dajzdn4-b683b698-0a4c-404e-9b41-cbce5416476a.png (1022x574, 666K)

Can you do this?

discord gg/vQECct

The eyes just dont look right, but ill complete the body and other details first i guess
I actually just started drawing again, but I can make a twitter
Oh heres the preview, sorry didnt link you

You're cool, liking the proportions so far... okay, so I am gonna say nice tits X) but the hair looks like its gonna be something

Requesting someone walking in on them

Attached: f8f826b180fe69d5c34969e33b70f65c.jpg (662x800, 112K)


sorri ill pass not feeling it
ur welcome
well u can scratch one from that list

Attached: rider.png (408x699, 74K)

what does this has to do with me not being able to believe its not butter?

lol no im kidding lad; good stuffs.

rider riding a rider
but with a BIG DICK

Requesting Charlie Brown as the most powerful being in all existence

Attached: Charlie_Brown.png (185x326, 46K)

Attached: omano_om88_clinical_compound_microscope.png (1000x1000, 736K)

Charlie Brown as the Avatar

wew my cartridge has seen better days...
Cute!! CUTE!!

Attached: 0DCD1BF6-12E8-4472-8D84-4DE276CB5D0F.jpg (299x299, 32K)


Requesting Jill Valentine needing to poop really badly.

Attached: Jill_valentine_render.png (640x1101, 349K)

Anyone wanna watch me draw a bit before going to bed

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 2.23.32 AM.png (320x484, 49K)


Attached: 99C59CE4-0AE5-4140-9ACB-295B76E1394A.jpg (640x1101, 72K)


le cuck

Attached: 1558221739031.gif (457x255, 1.29M)

u madman
it looks neat just need some alchohol and a cue tip...my mario land is beyond repair tho ;_;

Attached: rider.png (816x670, 298K)



princess zelda in pajamas

Attached: images (1).jpg (640x480, 14K)


I still can’t believe brapfragment poster is a cuck...
I’m.. im sorry for your loss

Attached: 14798175-6326-41F9-A512-70EF6944E456.jpg (298x299, 21K)

Oh hey are u still there? I'm like 5 mins to completion

Hey, Debil. How you doing ?

u made me do it
isnt there enough busty chun li?
one moment of silence for our fallen troops

Attached: rider.png (450x480, 128K)

decorate your horns

Hey, user. Besides finally buying something other than instant cup noodles in the form of bagels only to find the were blueberry bagels later on?? I’m doing just great for asking, hbu??
F. That looks sick!!

Attached: 48117CE1-F8E6-4714-9417-34FC627E3A7C.jpg (299x299, 22K)

Done! I dont have the skills for coloring, but this is my best so far

Attached: LunaComplete.png (750x796, 228K)


Attached: rider.png (289x496, 52K)

Requesting these two guys being fucked side by side like in the bottom middle ref

Attached: gay scalie.png (1200x936, 1.12M)

mamma mia those are some spicy snobals

Still taking req?

There is never enough. Though if you consider there is too much, I don't mind you pass the request.

Woke up an hour ago. Doing good so far, even though yesterday sucked. Also, how the fuck do you fuck that up so bad ? Did you not look at what you were buying ?

thanks, do you have any tips to make the lines more refined? i feel like if i improved on that it would look way better


Hewwo thread, taking some requests!~

How are your nights y'all?

Attached: Untitled1266.jpg (768x768, 147K)

this please, thank you.

Hey, Kuma. It's morning over here. How about you ?


Draw a naked yoga girl

Hi debil!
Quick question. Why wurm likes you so much? Is there some lore im missing?
Also rolling for cute clothes

Requesting Kei and Yuri dressed as Mario and Luigi

Attached: DirtyPair.png (1575x1226, 1.44M)

well my only best tip is to make your brush go smoother and erase the serrated part from the liner. I always do that with my typography skill.


sure ill be sure to do that thanks!. Do you have any requests?


ah yes, I would like to see you try your artstyle with him. He's my very first oc.

Sure coming right up

Attached: AS002034_08.gif (356x294, 98K)


Accepting requests.

Attached: 16.jpg (1000x1000, 183K)

I just know you'll love this request of mine. I hope it tickles your penis like it does mine!

Happy morning user!! I dunno I deviated from my usually route to get some bagels and was still in the store when students started getting out of school so it quickly started filling up, idk I was distracted all day yesterday lel...
Heyhey Kyut Kuma!!
No clue honestly I’ll be sure to ask next time I see them for you!!

Attached: AE89E665-56C9-4614-88A3-28E65B3C889E.jpg (298x299, 29K)

What fetishes can you do?


What was distracting you ? Also, thought you were a student. I must be mixing things up...

I assume you're in most of the draw threads? I might finish it by tmw

Could you draw a girl with her pet octopus ?


Morning qt! Hope your day goes well!! :3c
It's night fo meee
Hewwo qt debil hru?

Attached: Untitled1267-1.png (768x768, 212K)

Thanks ! Hope it does too.
Say, do you have a Discord that you'd be willing to share ? It's too early for people I know and you're cool to talk to.

omg i love ur style sm!
can you draw my oc ?
what tablet do u use?

Attached: 1558070047123m.jpg (768x1024, 49K)

gaymom #1442

Going to sleep now..
I'm at deviantart.com/gellatin

Attached: witch-and-mouse.png (1008x734, 163K)

ur oc it cute tho it reminds me of green goblin from earth 1610
i done dorri
ill pass maybe next time
hi kuma

Attached: rider.png (566x461, 128K)

Lemme work my way down! But yeah I'll draw this qt! I'm a sucker for bright colors!!

I use my phone, a generic rotodick stylus I got from walmart, and ibispaint!

Hewwo mumsy

Tier list?

Attached: Entity.png (800x400, 27K)

Doesn't work.

Try spacing it ?? I unno

Now, it works. Sent !

The bagels ain’t that bad it was just a surprise..
Well unfortunately that’s part of the problem, Idk or I don’t remember what it was... me a student?? No way I’m totes an adult that can browse this site!! Even IF I was a student I would be in collage to get even more smarter!!
I’m losing my memory atm apparently but other than that good!! I don’t really know if I’ve said it before and it would be stating the obvious but you have a really adorable style!!
There were some, mostly filled with drawers that don’t appear in threads anymore by people who remember the “good/better” times Mr. Marc* sir

Attached: BD190B6A-17F1-47B6-A4B4-603C00EBFB10.jpg (298x299, 35K)

but why is my peepee hard debil?
also i still have no idea who you are. you SEEM familiar but...it eludes me.

Oh, so you ARE college-aged. Sorry, that's what I meant when I asked if you were a student. Seems you're not. So, what do you do in your adult life ?

That's...not me. Also damn I would make a current one but barely anyone worth mentioning is even around.

Attached: Entity.png (800x400, 43K)

Well you should take it relatively easy. Don't want you losing your mind, right?


Glad you're well!!~
And thanks much, your artsu is super cute as well ówò)

Attached: Untitled1270.png (768x768, 307K)


Attached: checkem.png (546x568, 8K)

let me try again. that was ridiculous.

Attached: ddddfff-12.png (799x799, 95K)

shit. 1 more time.

Attached: ddddfff-1.png (799x799, 98K)

im a failure

Attached: reply or ur mum dies in her sleep.png (930x904, 27K)


Attached: 1544412708010.gif (377x405, 270K)

imagine the smell

Is it bad to chagrge a tablet mobile device between posts?? Does it damage the battery??
Because you’re imagining a bagel in need of a topping maybe. I’m debil!! I have been compared to some I’m just your avatar spamming fren!!
You can say that. Yeah yeah that could work... in my adult life you say?? Well you know, pay my taxes and uh, my car oh and my life insurance!!
Oh come on old Marc*Donald I’m sure you can find someone that means your standards maybe if you twist and bend them a lil!!
Luckily I have it stored safely in my head so I don’t have to worry about losing it, thanks!!
Nahh I fluctuate too much to really have a type but thanksthanks!!
It’s okay ttorrrr we can’t win every time because the rush of a victory royale and the sense of accomplishment would become non existent!!

Attached: F1F8A4B8-4E3C-423C-9AAA-7387E94E00A7.jpg (298x299, 18K)

funney sixx

stinky hehe

Attached: 1544984194947.png (183x183, 51K)

Attached: dubslogged.jpg (1857x1551, 254K)

you know what his favorite animal is?

prariedogs :)

Pay me

know what his favorite thing to do on a computer is?
logging off ;)

>You can say that. Yeah yeah that could work... in my adult life you say?? Well you know, pay my taxes and uh, my car oh and my life insurance!!
I meant, what's your job, you dum.

if andy was a hacker he'd specialize in....
keylogging ;)

Look pal. If I wanted to commission my vore request, I wouldn't be posting it here. And if I ever do decide to commission it, I'm gonna hit up an artist that specializes in vore, not some Yea Forumstard. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Hope you can understand that you won't milk any shekels from me.

Tell you what though, since I'm so kind. If I ever hit the lottery one day, I'll throw $10K at a random, Yea Forumstard drawfag to do my request. Maybe it'll be you!


Attached: 1513052819691.png (775x482, 285K)

>paying the idiot tax

I seldom play it. Only when the jackpot soars past $300 million. I know I'll never hit it, but it's fun to fantasize about instantly becoming rich, and all the things you'd do with the money. Besides, there are worse things that're more destructive and harmful that you can spend your money on every week: cigarettes, alcohol, coffees, etc.

>paying the idiot tax
>not spending your money on a material possession with positive utility

>Spending your money

Attached: 1304376955947.png (600x450, 457K)

>not spending your money

>coming back to threads after a couple of months
>thread is still full of vore requests
>and it's not a bot
I'm not pissed or mad for the spam, we always got that from a million different guys, but I'm starting to be genuinely worried about the mental state of this man

Attached: 1547082862754.jpg (536x660, 127K)

Alright, thank you so much, I'll be waiting. My nickname is Riscent, you can call me Ris for short.

Just do the request and everyone will be happy

Attached: Ha.png (266x232, 92K)

Thank you so much for the drawing!! I really love it!!

Attached: Photoshop_01.48.44_April-30{10}.png (527x484, 68K)


Let's have a look at some of these requests before i take my nap for the night

Attached: fun.png (1400x1400, 154K)

>paying for something you can get for free
Oh I’ve never had a jo- I mean I’m currently unemployed!!
>destructive and harmful
How bad is it?? I have 3 cups of black coffee a day minimum...

Attached: 3F9D754D-4EFB-4B7D-B5FF-ED07E465FDDA.jpg (298x299, 21K)

I trust this thread is coming along well?

Attached: 1558047922975.jpg (1280x1707, 393K)

>How bad is it?? I have 3 cups of black coffee a day minimum...
I'm talking more about the folks that buy those sugar bombs at Starbucks and whatnot.

If you think you're up for the challenge

Requesting elon musk on a lion

Attached: _102929525_elonmusk.jpg (660x371, 23K)

ya can i get a fuckin uhhhhhhhh
buff luigi flexin

Attached: A333D2F2-8D8E-4E27-9A1C-C88903E62DBE.jpg (461x430, 58K)

oi m8 lemme get a plump alien milf getting her tits sucked

>Oh I’ve never had a jo- I mean I’m currently unemployed!!
What do you do, then ? How do you get your mone ?

>Requesting a comic of a girl being eaten by a toad.
> 8 lines of greentext.
>Pretty sure that's a loli

I mean...I'd really like to...but i don't have any money. I don't have any fucking money.

Attached: hbetc.png (1400x1400, 326K)

Plumeria from pokemon sun and moon

It is a loli indeed.

>I don't have any fucking money.
I know that feel

Attached: 1394394499007.gif (384x288, 208K)

I wanna see anyone of you eating this blackhole like a donut.

Attached: Photoshop_00.33.49_April-11{10}.png (332x296, 86K)

Attached: emusk.png (1400x1400, 295K)

Dam i fell asleep rerollin 4 qt clothes

Attached: baragi.png (1400x1400, 387K)

mmmmmm yes

Attached: Hv00Mjc.png (371x440, 34K)

chubby lizard nomming a blackhole donut

Attached: tityalin.png (1400x1400, 356K)

not bad cunt, cheers

good mornin

Attached: fewewg.png (500x400, 60K)

Attached: flower.png (1400x1400, 383K)

Attached: R5FbIln.png (364x390, 35K)

omg i just realized they got succ'ed oh god oH fKCK

Attached: blkhole.png (1400x1400, 160K)

Attached: Untitled1272.png (768x1024, 791K)

Could someone draw me a floppy flaccid penis for me?

Salut back at ya bitch

Attached: salt.png (1400x1400, 210K)

Can you draw a naked yoga girl?

Attached: dong.gif (560x560, 27K)

>can you draw a naked yoda girl?

Attached: yoga.png (1400x1400, 315K)

Can you do this one please?

thats not yoda

Attached: yoda.png (1400x1400, 203K)

but this is.

jethuth cwithe
-mike tythin

Attached: jill.png (1400x1400, 372K)

Draw another girl playing with her puffy tits

You see what, you like?
MmMmMMMMmMM, funneeeeh juook

Attached: grops.png (1400x1400, 287K)


Requesting a cute girl refusing coffee while drinking tea

Attached: yoda 2.png (1400x1400, 239K)


Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: f2platqrkn

Attached: 800x650.png (800x650, 31K)

Attached: tea.png (1400x1400, 364K)

Thank you

Request accepted.

I just woke up to the messiest period I think I've ever had and I want to die. Rather, how have I not died of blood lost... Jesus Christ...

ive been there. Except it lasted like 5 months. Turned out my thyroid was to blame and I had to much estrogen makin me super bleedy.

shit sucked.

I usually skip months (which is a concern in itself). And they're rarely this heavy. I think I've only experienced one other time a period that STARTED this heavy... I've been suspicious of my thyroid for a while, but that's the American health system for you. Happy you still don't experience it on your end.

Post pics. I'm looking for something different to wank off to.

Attached: 1399028124207.jpg (678x519, 37K)


Attached: 156CDC72-EEE5-4F7A-A828-C93C4037D732.png (500x500, 76K)

Attached: 21.jpg (1000x1000, 239K)

Please tell us the tale of when you got lost in Decaf's hair

Asah dood

This is fucking cute, do youbjave anywhere I can follow ya?

planning to be lewd again?

You know you want to

Attached: _65912037_2.jpg (1158x1637, 172K)

There is no escape... why is god not hearing my prayers.....

Suh brah
How are you

Its not as fun without my boo

Unf yea im totally into getting eaten alive and getting digested to doodoo unffFFFFF

Attached: 5A58BC98-0B7D-4DFA-9743-A79357EDA6B0.png (500x500, 72K)

>Unf yea im totally into getting eaten alive and getting digested to doodoo unffFFFFF
You struck me as the vore type. I'm glad you see the light. Very based and VERY VOREPILLED!

Attached: DkAim9xVAAAN574.jpg (849x1200, 289K)


Hating life my guy, how’s the world making you hate sundays?

Iron Maidens are a historical fiction. Someone added spikes to a coffin to bring crowds.

Attached: 1527389234015.jpg (1080x793, 119K)

Attached: nofun.png (512x512, 361K)


>Its not as fun without my boo
oh my, we need someone to erp with you.



Day 86 of wandering in this hairy abiss... no one hears my screams... i cant feel my feet anymore... will i ever see the sunlight again..? Is god dead...?

You oki, my dude?
I take back everything i said about sundays. Its my only day off lately. I wish i could rest more

Good luck getting him and me being on thread at the same time ^-^

Attached: C64F00B7-6563-4711-9C64-C5BF2F15D2BD.png (500x500, 176K)

Rip US fem-non anti-cretin

Attached: 468bfb7186fb3da3f55c9856e0fb5b77.png (420x420, 48K)

>plot twist:
>Its his pubes

Guys.... We're never gonna see Bun again. Get your last words to her in now while you can.

>Good luck getting him and me being on thread at the same time ^-^

kek, i was thinking about some random drawfag you enjoy drawing with, and it seems you go straight for decaf.

Bon I'v had a great day.

86 Days? What have you been drinking, what have you been eating? Dandruff and sebum?

Of course she does. Who else would she have any interest in?
>not u

Guess who it is

Attached: Isabelle_Anal_girl.png (916x884, 462K)


Draw this Lucario getting its tongue chopped off

Attached: 1557649875.seviblaze_lucariotongue.jpg (911x1112, 310K)

Requesting an humanized version of Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas is in his 20's, has blue hair and eyes, human skin, a bit of facial hair on his chin, wears a blue button up, long sleeve shirt, a red undershirt, black jeans, and blue and red sneakers.

Attached: Thomas the Tank Engine Humanized Request.png (1666x1024, 1.82M)

Should I lewd debil?

Attached: jsmks.jpg (768x763, 71K)

Am I oki, hah! Yea I’m goochi


she actually drew lewds just like that, and also there are few drawfags she also enjoys drawing with, i don't want to make uncertain guesses so i won't say exact names, dunno why you try cause shit.

I was joking around amigo

>67% no
U out of luck user kekeke

Attached: dedg.jpg (768x1054, 109K)


Why is this even a question? You dissssssappoint me, wyrm.

Attached: dasfasfa.png (500x400, 49K)

She too pure user
Lewding her is a awful sin

Everything was on the user's choice
The strawpoll is proof anons dont want dem lewds
I live to serve the masses


Attached: SketchBoard2019-36-19_07_36_20.jpg (800x800, 102K)

>tfw I wake up
>tfw thread still active
>tfw my autism was drawn
It's a good f.

>now its 50 - 50
Ohhw lawd

Attached: uggg.jpg (768x813, 96K)


Why is loli on throne with loin cloth?
Is loli trying to be Conan the Barbarian?

Why don't you lewd decaf again?
Everyone's for lewd coffee drawings.


I would not mind ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

N-no... fat... chicks...

Like who?

>what have you been eating?
Pls dont ask...

You sure you feeling all prada? Are you telling me the truth homie?? Whats eating you

Attached: D5458DA0-7A22-4E1B-B65E-C7979DA687FA.png (500x500, 112K)

Honey Bunny.... sit down for a moment. Enjoy a coffee with user. Make... HIM.... jealous.

>Like who?
i'm not certain? Who do you enjoy drawing with? Summon them?

>I would not mind ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Questionably hot? Probably smells like old coffee tho.

Yes is winning so i guess it gon happen

Hope bunbun doesn't mind

Attached: wurm.jpg (768x898, 95K)

>He said he'd never do it again
>He does it again
I knew you couldn't resist forever!

>Yes is winning
Seems like i saw bad
No is Winning kek

I mean a req is a req after all

How about Decaf in a Bunny costume then?

Decaf lewds from you are THE best. Always satisfied. Never be afraid to do more.

Thanks. I don't use social media, I just like to stop by the drawthreads on weekends.

>Pls dont ask...

Giv taim im eatin breakfast

I think u feel laik that cuz im the only one doin decaf lewds

Actually... you'd be amazed how willing people are to draw decaf in lingerie....
I think maybe two out of the dozen or so people I've requested it to passed on it.
Everyone else did it without any hesitation....

I expect nothing else from a worm.
I am Smug.
I'll make you eat your words, scummy user.

Attached: fdfsgew.png (500x400, 36K)

There have been many Decaf lewds, like said. Decaf is just so.... lewd-able. I can't explain why, he just is. And it's so damn hot every time.

C-coffee with user? How scandalous.. but i have to decline this offer

Everyone here is nice. Everyone here is fun to be around with. But my heart only beats for one

Hey, are u gey? You sound p gay

user pls....

Ur on Yea Forums. What are else did you expect?

Attached: 19540985-FE40-41FE-8A06-234B0B99530E.png (500x500, 80K)

And btw Wurm, your Decaf lewds ARE great.
>Hey, are u gey? You sound p gay
No u

Hey Bun, what's your Twitter?

I also expected autism en masse!
I've yet to be disappointed

>declining my coffee offer
You've got another user you're seeing in the pubic lice forests of Caffonia..... DON'T YOU!?

Back for more requests.

Attached: 22.jpg (1000x1000, 331K)

Wait a second, what's going on with that bite mark?


Decaf is kinky

> user pls....

Humans are weird

*Sad wiggle noises*

I dont want to know anymore...

Sometimes i feel you are the one asking all dem decaf lewds...

Well glad u laik

Attached: wurm.jpg (768x1381, 132K)

>He drew it as a kinky outfit instead of a creepy one.
I'm not really surprised.... but this is not what I had in mind.....
I'm also saving this.... don't ask why.

Can confirm it's not just Bun asking. I live for Decaf lewds. He is the most lewd-able character in these threads. The rare gem. Diamond in the rough.

Gib me your panties

Trips demands it

you don't need to have a heart for them to go into bed with them.

Could i get pic related in a cute pose

Attached: msgirl26.jpg (1141x1600, 366K)


We talkin bout decaf lewds what did u expect user aaaaaaaaaaaaa

You might have a problem user....
I thought fem avatars were the most lewdable?

Attached: wurm.jpg (768x868, 94K)


Liking diks makes you gay user
Why dont you confess it user

Have none. Mildly considering making one.. i wanna get a computer someday so i can play games with ppl (*´︶`*) i will only add cool ppl to my steam (so prolly all of you)

>I also expected autism en masse!
Yea there u go
>You've got another user you're seeing
Im sorry to tell you this user but im seeing your mam



Nop and i am not very comfortable with this. But its the internet and no one cares what i have to say ٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶

Have non, sry

Attached: 1C687048-77B2-408B-BBB9-F0000A0B64C0.png (500x500, 95K)

New bread?

omg this is something so unexpected yet so awesome. thank you so much.

Me mum's tha best =)

Sure, on the basis of lewds, the fem avatars are the most lewded. However, Decaf? He makes SSS lewds. The cream of the crop. He radiates such high levels of lewd energy, it's lethal! Truly, the kinkiest and lewdest avatar is Decaf. Peak lewd potential.
>Liking diks makes you gay user
>Why dont you confess it user
ok i like diks but i also like puss. am i still gey?
>have none
I'll be waiting friend. You really should make one. Your art would be a hit for sure. Maybe I'll be able to play vidya with you someday!

You and Hero keep telling me that!
Prove it dammit!

Attached: Ta Suil 512.png (1080x1360, 325K)

>Im uncomfortable with this
Gomen I'll staph
>No one cares what I have to say
I do bunbun
Maeks me feel bad making other ppl feel bad so just say the word nibba

Attached: a.jpg (768x762, 79K)

>Nop and i am not very comfortable with this. But its the internet and no one cares what i have to say ٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶
I feel for you Bun. I feel little twangs of uncomfortable when it happens to me too. But it's the internet and r34 is a cruel, cruel mistress.
